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EU e-Government projects at Technical University of Ko š ice. Karol Furd ík. Introduction, background info. Involved: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Dep. of Cyb. & AI Faculty of Economics Research fields (applied to e-Gov): semantic technologies, ontologies
EU e-Government projectsat Technical Universityof Košice Karol Furdík
Introduction, background info Involved: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Dep. of Cyb. & AI Faculty of Economics Research fields (applied to e-Gov): semantic technologies, ontologies knowledge management & representation text mining, information extraction, NLP SOA, workflow management, BP modelling Web 2.0, social networks Key persons: prof. Tomáš Sabol Marián Mach, Ján Paralič, Peter Bednár, Ján Hreňo, ... April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 2
Overview of EU e-Gov projects at TUKE FP5 Webocracy : IST STREP, 2000 - 2003 ontology-based CMS FP6 Access-eGov : IST STREP, 2006 - 2009 semantic annotation of services, front-office application FP6 DEMO-net : NoE, 2006 - 2010 research in e-Participation field FP6 SAKE : IST STREP, 2006 - 2008 semantic technologies in e-Government, back-office application FP7 SPIKE : ICT STREP, 2008 - 2010 not really e-Gov; SOA + semantics + workflow / BP modelling FP7 OCOPOMO : ICT STREP, 2010 - 2013 policy modelling, scenario-driven collaboration, long-term planning April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 3
Webocracy Full title: Web Technologies Supporting Direct Participation in Democratic Processes Project No: FP5 IST-1999-20364 Duration: October 1, 2000 - December 31, 2003 Web:http://www.webocrat.sk Objectives: 1. organisational objectives: new type and new quality of web services provided for citizens; 2. scientific objectives: design of a generic modular architecture of a web-based system (referred as the Webocrat system); development of modules of the Webocrat system and their implementation in an integrated fashion. April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 4
Project partners Co-ordinator: Technical University of Košice Developer partners: University of Wolverhampton, UK University of Regensburg, GER JUVIER s.r.o., SK Citec Information Oy Ab, FIN User partners: Local Authority Košice - City ward Ťahanovce, SK Local Authority Kosice - City ward Dargovských hrdinov, SK Wolverhampton City Council, UK April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 5
Approach Technology: Java, JSP, mySql DB own ontology format & reasoning security, authentication,role-based access control Modules: Category Browsing HTML documents Multimedia files Discussion forums Electronic polling Web links Tenders April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 6
Solution April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 7
Reference application April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 8
Pilot applications (1) Wolforum - Wolverhampton City Council April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 9
Pilot applications (2) LA Košice - Ťahanovce, http://mutah.tahanovce.sk April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 10
Pilot applications (3) LA Košice - Dargovských hrdinov, http://www.kosice-dh.sk April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 11
Outcomes Webocrat system http://www.webocrat.sk current provider: InterSoft, a.s., www.intersoft.sk Several applications; Webocrat used as web-based CMS CSAP - Java-based OS security component University of Regensburg Manuals and documentation on ontology development Challenges: standardised ontology format integration with inner eGov processes / services April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 12
Interoperability - EU initiatives 2002-05: eEurope 2005: An information society for all. 2003: Linking up Europe: The Importance of Interoperability for eGovernment Services. 2003-06: FP6 IST: Networked businesses and governments 2004: EIF for Pan-European eGovernment services. ver. 1. 2005: i2010 - A European Information Society for growth and employment. 2005: IDABC established (http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/) 2006-08: EIF for Pan-European eGovernment services. ver. 2. 2008: SEMIC.EU launched (http://www.semic.eu) 2007-10: FP7 ICT: Challenge 1 - Pervasive and Trustworthy Network and Service Infrastructures Access-eGov SAKE April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 13
Access-eGov Full title: Access to e-Government Services Employing Semantic Technologies Project No: FP6 IST 027020 Duration: January 1, 2006 - April 30, 2009 Web:http://www.accessegov.org Main goal: To develop and validate a platform for composition of governmental services into complex process definitions (life events) enabling semantic interoperability of particular eGov services. April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 14
Project partners Co-ordinator: Technical University of Košice, SK Developer partners: University of Regensburg, GER German University in Cairo, EGY InterSoft a.s., SK Sygnity S.A., PL e-ISOTIS, GR User partners: Municipality of Michalovce, SK Kosice Self-Governing Region, SK City Hall of Gliwice, PL Cities on Internet Association, PL State Government of Schleswig-Holstein, GER April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 15
Approach Semantic platform: WSMO framework,http:// www.wsmo.org The WSMO framework includes: WSMO ontology creation & maintenance WSML ontology language SA-WSDL annotation mechanism WSMX execution environment wsmo4j API, WSML2Reasoner, ORDI repository WSMO Studio designer, http://www.wsmostudio.org Methodology for systematic creation of ontologies, based on user requirements: Requirement-driven approach Semantic matching of user goals / life events with particular services April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 16
Architecture & control flow A) - F):Initialization1. - 4.:Run time April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 17
Pilot applications (1) Slovakia: Land-use planning and processing a request for a building permit. Poland: Establishing an enterprise - the process of company registration. Germany: An upgrade and field test based on the existing good practice “Zustaendigkeitsfinder” ("Responsibility Finder"), by introducing a semantic layer (securing semantic interoperability between national and local governments). Use-case: Getting married. Egypt (German University in Cairo): Usability testing from outside EU. April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 18
Pilot applications (2) April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 19
Achievements Platform for semantic integration of services of all types: on-line, electronic & web services traditional face-to-face services Goal-oriented user interface: Life-events approach Enhanced WSMO-based process model Web grabbing functionality Methodology, user manuals, documentation More info at http://www.accessegov.org Access-eGov system is OS - code is available upon request (the web site is built on Webocrat CMS) April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 20
SAKE Full title: Semantic-enabled Agile Knowledge-based eGovernment Project No: FP6 IST 027128 Duration: March 1, 2006 - February 28, 2009 Web:http://www. sake-project.org Main goal: To develop a system enabling proactive, context-dependent delivery of information that is important for the decision making process. To create a semantic knowledge base supporting back-office interoperability and integration of eGov services. April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 21
Consortium, approach Coordinator: Planet S.A., GR Developer partners: University of Karlsruhe, GER ICCS, National Technical University of Athens, GR Technical University of Košice, SK Corvinus University of Budapest, HUN University of Piraeus Research Center, GR User partners: City Hall of Czestochowa, PL Cities on Internet Association, PL Local Authority Košice - City ward Ťahanovce, SK Ministry of Education and Culture, HUN Content management system Portal information repositories Process management usage Log user-to-user interactions Preference management Groupware system Structure of SAKE system April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 22
Semantic structures Semantic platform: • OWL framework, • Protégé ontology editor,http://protege.stanford.edu Knowledge base: • domain ontologies for SK, PL, HUN pilots • Public Administration ontology • Decision Making Quality ontology • Business Process ontology April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 23
Outcomes SAKE system - a platform for semantic-enabled agile knowledge-based eGovernment: download available athttp://www.sake-project.org Consists of: SAKE system core SAKE tools: user interface and administration toolkit metadata structures OWL ontologies, SAKE knowledge base supplement: data repository Documentation, user manuals, project leaflets, ... April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 24
DEMO-net DEMO-net: The eParticipation Network Project No: FP6 IST-2004-27219, Network of Excellence Duration: January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2010 Web:http://www.demo-net.org Goal, main objective: to strengthen scientific, technological and social research excellence in eParticipation integrating the research capacities of individuals and organisations spread across Europe. High level objectives: To achieve a lasting integration of currently fragmented research in eParticipation To stimulate joint research in DEMO-net's agreed research areas To disseminate DEMO-net research amongst eParticipation stakeholders To provide a barometer of research effectiveness for eParticipation in Europe by establishing a corpus of lessons-learnt resource of eParticipation projects. April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 25
Paticipants, working areas Partners: about 20 European universities Affiliated institutions: about 35 research centres, universities, business and governmental organisations Working areas: Campaigning Community building Consultation Deliberation, discourse Information provision Mediation Electioneering Polling / voting Spatial planning April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 26
Outcomes Technologies: collaborative environment, social networking, Web 2.0 content management, devices, mobile technologies ontology, knowledge management, semantic web, SWS data mining, text mining, NLP, ... Tools: email alerts, RSS feeds blogs, wikis, discussion forums, newsletters tools for eVoting, ePetition, quick polls GIS-tools (maps & plans), ... other resources: 48 research projects in the network methods of studying and constructing eParticipation solutions Conferences and workshops, eParticipation journals, ... April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 27
FP7 Challenges 7th Framework Programme for Research (2007-2013) Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trustworthy Network and Service Infrastructures Challenge 2: Cognitive Systems, Interaction, Robotics Challenge 3: Components, systems, engineering Challenge 4: Digital Libraries and Content Challenge 5: Towards sustainable and personalised healthcare Challenge 6: ICT for Mobility, Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Challenge 7: ICT for Independent Living, Inclusion and Governance Objective 7.3: ICT for Governance & Policy Modelling April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 28
SPIKE Full title: Secure Process-oriented Integrative Service Infrastructure for Networked Enterprises Project No: FP7 ICT 2007-217098 FP7-ICT-Call 1, Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures, Objective 3: ICT in support of the networked enterprise Duration: January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2010 Web:http://www.spike-project.eu Main goal: Development of a software service platform for an easy, secure, and fast start-up and maintenance of short-term and project-based virtual business alliances. April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 29
Project partners Co-ordinator: University of Regensburg, GER Developer partners: IT Inkubator Ostbayern GmbH, GER University of Malaga, SP Technical University of Košice, SK InterSoft a.s., SK User partners: addIT Dienstleistungen GmbH & Co KG, A Infineon Technologies IT-Services GmbH, A Citec Information Oy Ab, FIN April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 30
Vision April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 31
Approach Semantic service bus -registering, discovering and contracting services, service message routing; Semantic BPM engine - handling customized processes, workflows and distributed processes; Security infrastructure - attribute management, authentication, workflow and service access control, auditing; Repositories - storage of process models and ontologies; Portal server extension - semantic context capturing and communication; Portal-based interfaces - user-friendly administration of alliances, ad-hoc workflow modeling and process handling. April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 32
Technology Open Source, Java-based Ontologies and semantic annotation: WSMO framework, http://www.wsmo.org WSMO Studio, http://www.wsmostudio.org BP modelling: based on BPMN/BPEL BPMO Modeller (of WSMO Studio), sBPEL ontology. Enterprise Service Bus: Java Business Integration (JBI) compliant ESB (Apache ServiceMIX, OpenESB) Portal integration layer: Intalio Tempo Security: Single Sign On service & Authentication: Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), PERMIS infrastructure for authorisation April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 33
Pilot applications 1. Information hotel: Documentation management process. Use cases: uploading, sending, receiving docs from supplier, verifying uploaded docs, verifying received docs near deadline, sending reminder messages to suppliers, ... 2. Legacy applications: Location of partners’ services, integration into workflows. Use cases: maintenance of service providers, service information and configuration, tracking services, contracting and ordering services,... 3. Identity federation: Accessing the inner infrastructure of alliance partners to support effective collaboration. Use cases: collaboration setup and maintenance, role and resource management April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 34
Achievements Work done so far: User requirements specified for all the pilot applications Guidelines and toolchain for semantic modelling provided Ontologies and BP models developed Platform architecture designed, functional components specified 1st prototype of the system implemented (on the level of components) 1st trial of the pilot applications is nearly finished 2nd project review (March 2010) successfully accomplished. Future work: Evaluate results of 1st trial testing Implement the integrated SPIKE platform (incl. requirements coming from 1st trial) - should be ready in September 2010; 2nd trial of the pilot applications (October - November 2010) final release of the integrated system (December 2010) April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 35
OCOPOMO Full title: Open Collaboration for Policy Modelling Project No: FP7 ICT 248128 Call: ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling, FP7-ICT-2009-4 Duration: January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2012 Web:http://www. ocopomo.org Main goal: To demonstrate a new approach to long-term policy formation, which is based on an integration of: policy modelling, narrative scenarios, and eParticipation tools. April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 36
Project partners Co-ordinator: University of Koblenz-Landau, GER Developer partners: Suor Orsola Benincasa University, IT Technical University of Košice, SK InterSoft a.s., SK Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Scott Moss Associates, UK Volterra Consulting, UK University of Warsaw, PL User partners: Regione Campania, IT Kosice Self-Governing Region, SK April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 37
Approach Long-term strategic planning Bottom-up approach: Scenarios provided by policy analysts / operators Experts - General model of macroeconomic relations Agent-based models of individual policy cases Models are visualised, options can be simulated Interest groups participate and provide inputs in each phase • Pilot applications: • SK: sustainable strategy for exploitation of renewable energy resources in KSR • IT: optimal allocation of EU structural funds in Campania region (Naples) April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 38
Toolkit, high-level architecture ICT toolbox: eParticipation platform: Web 2.0 collaborative environment social networks Policy modelling tools: agent-based models macroeconomic model Narrative scenarios: semantic CMS personalised / customised scenarios Knowledge base ontology-based mediation of published information support for semantic search User management April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 39
Process of decision making OCOPOMO enhancement / support The process “as is” - current state April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 40
Achievements Project is still in its very early stage Work done so far: User requirements specification is ongoing Suitable technology solutions are investigating Future work: Architecture design - summer 2010 Implementation of components, testing - December 2010 Integration, 1st prototype - summer 2011 April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 41
Summary, challenges Service interoperability: important feature of the ITC solutions nowadays, it becomes an imperative in future. eParticipation to support long-term planning / decision-making Semantics: not necessarily in the form known today (ontologies, etc.); leads to standardisation Pan-European interoperability Identity management - for one-stop Government Knowledge enhanced Government - “Smart Government” eGovernment + Business Intelligence eGovernment + BPM: ITIL, ISO 20000 April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 42
Questions? More info: • Webocracy: http://www.webocrat.sk • Access-eGov: http://www.accessegov.org • SAKE: http://www. sake-project.org • DEMO-net: http://www.demo-net.org • SPIKE: http://www.spike-project.eu • OCOPOMO: http://www. ocopomo.org April 8, 2010 ECESIS meeting, Košice, Slovakia 43