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Temporal information extraction: Reasoning with events based on their descriptions. Leon Derczynski University of Sheffield. Introduction. Background Anchoring events Reasoning about events Representing temporal data Evaluating annotations. Background. Why bother?
Temporal information extraction:Reasoning with events based on their descriptions Leon Derczynski University of Sheffield
Introduction • Background • Anchoring events • Reasoning about events • Representing temporal data • Evaluating annotations
Background • Why bother? • Temporal information affects everything described by language. • The world is in a state that changes with time. • Not all assertions made in written text are true together. • Temporal information shows which sets of data can concurrently be true.
Tense and temporal models • Zeno Vendler (1957) “Verbs and Times” • Hans Reichenbach (1947) “The tenses of verbs” • James Allen (1983) “Maintaining knowledge about temporal intervals”
Vendler • Vendler verb classification: • Verb instances fall into one of four groups: • Stative: a persistent state (“John sits”) • Activity: lasts for a finite period (“Bob ran for an hour”) • Accomplishment: takes a finite period, and culminates (“Kate climbed the hill in five minutes”) • Achievement: Instantaneous finishing events (“Lucy reached the top of Everest”) • Tests are provided to see which group a verb sense fits in.
Reichenbach • Reichenbach model of verb tenses: • Speech time: when the words were uttered. • Event time: when the described event occurred. • Reference time: like a viewpoint. “The cat will break the door” – ST=RT, ET in the future “The cat will have broken the door” – ST = present, ET in the future, RT looks back onto ET • Allows simplistic description of any phrase. • Tracking reference time is sometimes very helpful: “When John comes home, I will have gone” In this case, when describes a reference time for the whole sentence.
Allen • Interval logic: • All events are described as intervals, with start and end points. • Interval relation types are defined (before, includes, starts…). • A table for inferring about interval relations is given. • E.g.: AbeforeB, AincludesD: • Before stipulates that A’s endpoint is before B’s start. • We can infer DbeforeB.
Anchoring events • Introduction to event anchoring • Dealing with named weekdays • TEA – an implemented anchoring system • Problems
Anchoring events • Fixing information from text to a timeline. • Calendrical time is a common reference, given a calendar. • Expressions describing a time are sometimes referred to as TIMEXs. • Once identified, a TIMEX may be normalised to a fully specified date or interval. • Named entity recognition, finite state grammars and machine learning have all been used to identify these expressions. • Appropriate granularity should be chosen.
Weekday references • The English week has seven day names. • A single day name is often deemed sufficient reference for a human: • “I’ll see you next Tuesday” • “Monday, and the markets are buzzing” • To anchor a weekday, given ST and a day name, we need to choose direction from ST, and optionally distance. • Baldwin: an inclusive 7-day sliding window, centred on today. • Mani & Wilson: find controlling verb’s tense and use this to determine direction. • Tense estimation: check PoS of sentence tokens for VBD; if found, assume backwards. • Dependency-based: use Stanford parser to find controlling verb. Mazur & Dale - “What’s the Date?” (2008)
Generic vs. specific • Some expressions, that look like TIMEXs, should not be normalised. • “Today” can mean: • the 24-hour period containing ST and bounded by midnights. • Modern times, or a change of frame of reference: • “In Victorian times, ladies wore long dresses. Today, modern fashions do not dictate a single length.” • This second idea is not restricted to the period from 00:00 to 23:59 GMT on Thursday 7th May 2009! • As 90% of uses in some texts are specific 1, some systems choose to accept a 10% error rate. • Features based on local words can help distinguish generic from specific, but below this baseline accuracy. 2 1: Han, Gates & Levin – “From Language to Time: A Temporal Expression Anchorer” (2006)2: Mani & Wilson – “Robust Temporal Processing of News” (2000)
TEA • Temporal Expression Anchorer: Han, Gates & Levin at CMU. • Calendar used as time ontology, dealing with various levels of granularity. • Processes TCNL (Time Calculus for Natural Language). • Identifies temporal expressions in input, and associates TIMEXs with their textually nearest verb. • Absolute and relative expressions are evaluated using TCNL: • “Friday last week” is split, into “Friday” and “last week” • {fri} + {now - |1week|} = {fri,{now - |1week|}} = {now - |1fri|} • Constraint satisfaction based on a calendar model narrows the possible set of absolute dates.
Determining event durations • Given some normalised expressions, knowing event durations can greatly increase our reasoning ability. • Data can be taken from human annotators. • Determining a typical event duration is difficult: • “The dog ran up the hill” • “Linda had finished her cleaning” • This results in low inter-annotator agreement. • A simplified approach would allocate durations into two classes: shorter or longer than a day. • Possible to classify events this simply with 76% accuracy, using hypernym and local word PoS features. Pan, Mulkar & Hobbs – “Learning Event Durations from Event Descriptions” (2006)
Reasoning about events • Introduction • Temporal closure • Minimal notations and temporal inference • Help from linguistic models
Reasoning about events • Annotations often only describe a subset of a document’s temporal information, perhaps as a number of labelled events and times. • An annotation may also include some links between pieces of temporal information. • It is possible to infer data about relations between points, given a set of rules or logic, and some existing relations. • It is also possible to add detail and boundaries to an annotation based on linguistic features of the source text. • This ability to reason about events saves human annotators work, and allows us to maximise the available descriptions from their efforts.
Temporal closure • A temporal closure can be thought of as a graph: • Times and events are node; relations are edges. • Every time and event is connected to every other. • E.g. • t1 is Tuesday 5th May 2009 • e1 is hearing this talk • We can say: t1beforee1, thus giving a type to this relation. • A temporal closure includes relations between every node in the graph. • This can lead to very large amounts of data for only a moderate-sized document.
Minimal annotations • It is rare for every relation (graph edge) to be annotated. We can infer some relations: • (t1beforee1) ^ (e1beforee2) => (t1beforee2) • Inference can be used to complete a closure without specifying every relation’s type. • When this applies, and no more relations can be removed, we have a minimal annotation. • For example: • Three nodes: e4, e5, e6 • Closure has 3 possible relations • A minimal graph may just say: • (e4aftere5) • (e5simultaneouse6) • To infer the closure, we simply need to add: • (e4aftere6), or (e6beforee4)
Relation inference • Allen’s interval logic describes 13 relationships, and provides a transitivity table for inferring a relation given two related ones. • Some inconsistent labellings are possible. • Backtracking over the initial graph should detect these cases. • A set of ten inference rules can be used: • Allen’s 13 relations are reduced to just 3, including some reversal of parameters. • Only before, simultaneous and includes are used • e9aftere10 => e10beforee9 • These rules can be iteratively added to an agenda and used to reason with a database of approved relations. • For small graphs (< 2000 edges) we can assign types to around 10% of relations, given a human annotation.
Applying Reichenbach • Reference time can provide a boundary on an event. • “John had eaten all the pies” • Event 1 = eating • ET – RT – ST • “John had eaten all the pies when Annika arrived” • Event 2 = arriving • Reference time is the same across the sentence. • ET – RT = ET2 – ST • Because we know that RT is after ET and equal to ET2, we can specify three temporal relations: • e1beforee2 • e1beforeST • e2beforeST • Having a model for tenses allows us to confidently add relations to a temporal graph of a discourse.
Representing temporal data • Introduction • TIMEX and TimeML • TCNL • T-BOX
Representing temporal data • Once we can identify temporal information, we need to store this information. • Temporal information is rich, and favours a format that can capture it well. • Aspect, polarity, tense, part of speech • Event class, event frequency • Hints about reference, speech and event time • Notation languages are available both for storing and working with this data. • These languages are new (under a decade old), and possibly not yet mature.
TIMEX • Standard for describing a time-specific expression. • Evolved through the MUC conferences and TERN, through TIMEX, TIMEX2 and TIMEX3. • TIMEX3 is currently used as the means of describing absolute times in TimeML. <TIMEX3 tid="t43" type="DATE" value="1989-10-30" temporalFunction="false" functionInDocument="CREATION_TIME"> 10/30/89 </TIMEX3>
TimeML • SGML-based language for temporal annotation. • Allows identification of events and times. • Thorough provision of links between events and times: • TLINK: temporal, possibly including a SIGNAL tag to a linking word • SLINK: subordinate • ALINK: aspectual • ISO standard.
TimeML - TimeBank • Corpus of 181 newswire texts. • Temporal information annotated in TimeML: • 6383 TLINKs, • 7940 EVENTs, • 3004kB in size. • Tiny compared to some other types of corpus. • Involved a large human annotator effort and a few different versions. • Biggest temporally annotated corpus.
TCNL • Developed at CMU with L. Levin. • Useful for reasoning between events. • Captures intensional meanings of expressions. • “Yesterday” becomes {now-|1day|} instead of something like 20090506 • A set of operators are used to reason between operands: • +/- for forward/reverse shifting • @ for in; • {|2sun| @ {may}} is “the second Sunday in May” • & for distribution; • {15hour} & [{wed}:{fri}]} is “3pm from Wednesday to Friday”
T-BOX • Reading solid SGML is inconvenient for humans; a visual representation of events may be preferable. • Presenting events on a timeline may lead to unintentional over-specification. • Suggests a distance. • Many intervals are left with one end open • Plotting parts of a sentence in temporal order will destroy word order, making it hard to read • Annotating documents can be done more easily when events are grouped locally and visually connected. • T-BOX1 from Brandeis specifies a set of rules for rendering events and their relations. 1: Verhagen – “Drawing TimeML relations with T-BOX” (2007)
T-BOX • Relations only exist between nodes that are directly connected or contained. This suggests: - X contains Y - Y is before Z • Drawing a temporal closure could provide a very cluttered and messy graph. • A set of guidelines are provided for reducing graphs to something more visually appealing. • Equivalence classes for some events. • Break cycles in graphs. • Remove derivable relations.
Evaluating annotations • Typical annotation evaluation. • Graph-based evaluation.
Evaluating annotations • Annotations can be compared in different ways. • When evaluating automated TIMEX or relation identification against a gold standard, we can measure precision and recall. • TimeBank is often used as a gold standard for training and evaluation or systems working in TimeML. • Evaluating TIMEX normalisation needs a different measure, as there are varying degrees of correctness available.
Graph based evaluation • Based on the use of minimal temporal graphs. • Graphs between events (intervals) are converted into graphs between points: • Smaller set of relations, needing only = and < • Simpler algebra • Simultaneous points are grouped into nodes. • Graphs over the same set of points can then be compared, based on the number of node splits and merges needed to reach one from the other.
Summary • Background and models useful for temporal information extraction. • Technical approaches to temporal IE. • How to reason about events. • Temporal closure & minimal annotations. • Notations for temporal information. • Evaluating temporal graphs & annotations.