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How to register on a learning platform : Chamilo , find a course , register as a course student and upload a document. Follow instructions with PRECISION. Step 0. In order to finally upload a document in Chamilo :
Howtoregisteron a learningplatform: Chamilo, find a course, register as a coursestudent and upload a document. Followinstructions withPRECISION
Step 0 • In ordertofinallyupload a document in Chamilo: • Youmust be a registereduser of theChamilolearningplatform. • Afterthat, youmustregisteror subscribe to a particular course • PLEASE giveyourdocumenttheexactnameformatthattheteacherrequests.
Requirements • Yourscreenshould look liketheexamplebelow. • Thiswillhelpyou do itquickly and easily. • Therefore • Open TWOwindows: onewiththis PPT presentation, and • Anotherwithan online searchengine (Google, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Fox, etc.)
Here are thefourmainstepsyoumustfollow, in order. Thefont colorwillchangeforeachstep. • Register as a user in Chamilo. • Findthecourse. • Subscribe orregister in thecourse. • Uploadyourdocument.
THEREFORE….. • Thispresentationisdividedintofourpartsor STEPS. Don´tgetlost. Followthecolors. • STEP 1: Thefont color isblue. • STEP 2: Thefont color is red. • STEP 3: Thefont color isgreen. • STEP 4: The font color is orange.
PART 1 Register as a User in Chamilo. Remember to write down your User Name and PASSWORD somewhere else. Remember which email you will use. They can be easily forgotten.
PART 1: Register as a user • Findwww.campus.chamilo.org • Changeto ENGLISH and clickRegister. • A formthatneedscompletingwillappear. • Makesurethatyourusername looks likethis (including capital letters and no spaces): Username: RomeroDiana Be careful! Chamilo is sensitive to capital and small letters.
Howshould I handletherest of theblanks? • Theblankswith a red asteriskrequirecompletion. • Foryour e-mail, you can use oneyounever open oraskanadult in yourfamilytolendyoutheirs, just in case. • IGNORE: Code, Phone, RSS and theNotifyblanks • Language: English • Your STATUS or PERFIL is: Follow training or Estudiante • Country: Peru • You do notneedtofill in yourbirthdayoranyotherinformation. • ClickonRegisteror Confirmar mi registro
PART 1: Register as a user Youwillnowseethismessage, and youmustclickonNext: Registration Dear YourName,Your personal settings have been registered. An email has been sent to help you remember your login and password. You can now select, in the list, the course you want access to. Next
You may stop here and resume later by entering Chamilo Campus as a USER. Or you may continue with the next step.
STEP 2: Find a course Bynow, youhaveanaccount: Myaccount And youshould be looking at thefollowingheading: MY COURSES / COURSES CATALOGUE In any case…continuereading.
STEP 2: Find a course Look fortheSearch box: Search Type inside with capital letters: VM4ENGLIT2014 Be patient and wait for a while until the platform responds. Maybe 3 minutes… You can do something else meanwhile. There are over 31,000 courses.
You must expand the window in order to visualize the following link or dialogue box:
If you have found it, congratulations!Go to the end of this step, STEP 2, and begin STEP 3, registering for the course.If you haven’t, try the following alternative routes.
THE FOLLOWING IS ANOTHER ROUTE. • You will need to reduce the screen zoom to have a panoramic view of all the courses in the categories.
STEP 2: Finding a course STOP! • BeforeyoucontinueworkingwithInternet, here´s a tip. • Reduce the Zoom to 50% • Thisway, whenyou look forthecourse (there are over 2000 in somecategories), itwill be easier.
STEP 2: Finding a course Youneedtoseethislist: Ifyoucan´tseeit, look for,find and clickontheCoursescataloglinkand youwillseethislist.Now, clickonDisplayall, Other, Withoutcategories, etc. executingyourownsearchuntilyoufindthecourse VM4ENGLIT2014.Use Random pick togo Back. COURSES CATEGORIES Random pick • Display all (31537) • Language skills (1144) • PC Skills (335) • Projects (805) • Business Management (6001) • Accounting (227) • Administration (613) • Economy (230) • Marketing (243) • Business (183) • Information Technology (2456) • Software Engineering (329) • Networking and Connectivity (134) • Database (157) • Management Information Technology (377) • Engineering (743) • Electronic (220) • Mechanical (105) • Chemical (226) • Other (1509) • Medicine (475) • Sciences and Humanities(2226) • Without Category (1316) • None (15000)
STEP 2: Finding a course BE PATIENT! WAIT ABOUT 1 MINUTE. • There are manycourses in eachcategory. Ittakes time todownload. Be patient. • Thelistis in alphabeticalorder. • BUT… You are goingto use theSearch box tofind: VM4EngLit2014 Makesureyourwindowiscompletelyexpanded so youdon’t miss anything.
Type VM4ENGLIT2014 in theSearch box. • CLICK onSearchthecourses. • Thecoursewillappearafter a while. Be patient.
PART 3: Registerfor a course • Whenyou are in thecourse box for VM4EngLit2014, clickon: • Waitpatiently. Therewill be a blinkand youwill be takentothe top of the page. • At the top of the page, thismessagewillappear in a green box: • Findthe top TAB thatsaysMyCourses and CLICK onit. Subscribe Youhavebeenregistered in thecourse.
Like this… Clic! Clic! Or like this…
Step 4: Upload a document • Clickonyourcourse: VM4ENGLIT2014. • Some of theseiconswillappear: Theymaycorrespondtothese links: Coursedescription Agenda Documents Learningpath Links Tests Announcements Forums Dropbox Users Groups Chat Assignments Surveys Wiki Assessments Glossary Notebook
STEP 4: UPLOAD DOCUMENT • ClickontheAssignmentsicon:
Step 4: Upload a document • A list of assignmentswillappear. Searchforyourassignmentand CLICK onit.
Step 4: Upload a document • Youwillnowsee a new set of icons: • ClickontheUPLOAD ICON (theonewiththearrowpointingup):
Step 4: Upload a document • Now, simplyfollowthethreesteps of thissection of Chamilo: • Submit, • Examinaror Explore and • Uploadpaper. • Yourdocumentisnowuploaded in yourlearningplatformcourse. • Practicelogging in and loggingout of thesite. (It´s a free learningplatform, in case you´dliketoknow.) • Makesureyoukeepthe email wheretheysentyouyourpassword. Continue, please.
Congratulations! Youdidit! Younowhave experience in submittingwork through alearningplatform.