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Health Jeopardy

Health Jeopardy. Categories. After the age of 30, women lose approximately what percentage of bone mass per decade?. 30. Give an example of a hinge joint. Knee/Elbow. A thickened connective tissue that envelops a muscle or a group of muscles is called:. Muscle Fascia.

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Health Jeopardy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HealthJeopardy

  2. Categories

  3. After the age of 30, women lose approximately what percentage of bone mass per decade? 30

  4. Give an example of a hinge joint Knee/Elbow

  5. A thickened connective tissue that envelops a muscle or a group of muscles is called: Muscle Fascia

  6. What connects muscle to bone? Tendons

  7. What muscle is a primary hip flexor? Psoas Major

  8. What muscle type maintains the highest concentration of mitochondria? Cardiac Muscle

  9. Exercise related fatigue may occur in _________ compromising performance. Central Nervous System/Peripheral Nervous System/Muscle Fiber

  10. What type of muscle contraction is commonly used for stabilization and is characterized by no change in the joint angle? Isometric Contraction

  11. What is a kinesthetic receptor situated near the junction of muscle fibers and a tendon which serve as muscle-tension regulators? Golgi Tendon Organs

  12. Which muscle fiber type would be the most predominant contributor to performance for an endurance athlete? Type 1 Fibers

  13. What type of acid is associated with a burning sensation in active tissue during high intensity exercise? Lactic Acid

  14. High intensity exercise may be limited by contractibility inhibition due to the presence of _________ Hydrogen Ions

  15. Even with sufficient levels of oxygen and lipids to meet the intensity demands of work, significant fatigue will ensue when ________ becomes depleted. Carbohydrates

  16. Improved glucose-sparing associated with endurance training enhances the ability of the muscle to use what fuel source? Lipids

  17. For optimal performance, what is the minimal rest interval between tests for vertical jump based on proper ATP? 90 Seconds

  18. The hardening of the arteries associated with the cascade of events that lead to vessel blockage is called: Arteriosclerosis

  19. What cardiovascular aspect increases in response to a greater cardiac output associated with exercise? Systolic Blood Pressure

  20. _________ are tiny vessels where oxygen and nutrients diffuse into the cells. Capillaries

  21. Approximately what percentage of the blood is located in venous circulation? 65%

  22. What artery is palpated when taking a pulse at the neck? Carotid Artery

  23. What reacts with free radicals to prevent cellular damage? Antioxidants

  24. What mineral functions to support the integrity of bone and facilitates muscle contractions? Calcium

  25. In general, a sedentary person in normal environmental conditions should consume approximately how many liters of water each day? 2.0-2.5

  26. Give an example of a water soluble antioxidant. Vitamin C

  27. What is the most common mineral deficiency worldwide? Iron

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