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MANAGEMENT OF THE GEF OPERATIONAL FOCAL POINT FOR COTE D’IVOIRE DAKAR - 21, 22 & 23 MAY 2007. Ms. Alimata KONE BAKAYOKO GEF OFP for RCI. I- Institutional Framework It is important to note that the GEF Operational Focal Point was instituted by way of Decree
I- Institutional Framework It is important to note that the GEF Operational Focal Point was instituted by way of Decree No. 2001-702 of 7 November 2001, signed by the President of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. Since 1 January 2007, it is housed under the new Department of Sustainable Development created at BNI. 2
I-1- OPERATIONS OF THE GEF OPERATIONAL FOCAL POINT OFFICE The operational costs of the GEF Operational Focal Point Office are funded in part on resources from the National Environment Fund (FNDE) obtained through taxes and fees paid by corporations and industries conducting business in the country and by the National Investment Bank (BNI). . 3
I-2-COMPOSITION OF THE GEF OPERATIONAL FOCAL POINT OFFICE The Operational Focal Point is supported in the performance of his/her duties by: - an environmental assistant, - a bilingual secretary, and - a messenger/driver. 4
I-3- TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT The Office of the Operational Focal Point is provided support by a small committee called Technical Secretariat consisting of the following three representatives: • The Representative of the Technical Ministry in charge of Environment, • The Representative of a development institution in the country called the National Office of Technical and Development Studies (BNETD), • The National Coordinator of the GEF Operational Focal Point.
I-3-1- ROLE OF THE TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT • Its role is to review the project based on the criteria for GEF-funded projects and the national environmental policy. • It reports to the Monitoring Committee by submitting revised project proposals to its chairman, who is the representative of the Political Focal Point (the Minister in Charge of Environment).
I-4-MONITORING COMMITTEE This Committee and representatives of all ministries concerned with the GEF meet on a monthly basis. However, it does intervene whenever there is a new project or an important GEF-related event.
I-4-1-MONITORING COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The institutions involved in the Monitoring Committee include : • The Ministry in charge of Environment which elaborates the country’s environmental policy, the GEF Political Focal Point, • The Representative of the National Office of Technical and Development Studies (BNETD), • The Ministry in charge of Economy and Finance, represented by the National Investment Bank, the GEF Administrator in Côte d’Ivoire,
I-4-1-MONITORING COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP (cont’d) • The Ministry in charge of Foreign Affairs, • The Coordinator of the GEF Operational Focal Point, • The Representative of the coordinators for projects being currently funded by the GEF, • The Coordinator of the GEF Small Grants Unit.
II-STAKEHOLDERS Within the National Coordination structure, the stakeholders include : The Project proponent; The GEF Implementing Agency for the project; The Coordinator of the GEF Operational Focal Point; The Political Focal Point; Other representatives of parties concerned by the project; Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs); Grassroots Community-Based Organizations (CBOs). 10
III- STAGES OF PROJECT DEVELOPMENT (PROJECT CYCLE) The process begins with the project concept. Submission to the Implementing Agency by the project proponent. Preparation of the project document by the project proponent and the Implementing Agency selected. Submission to the GEF Operational Focal Point for review. Preparation of the letter of endorsement by the Operational Focal Point in agreement with the Political Focal Point. 11
IV- ACTIVITIES OF THE OPERATIONAL FOCAL POINT • Review of project documents; • Drafting of the support or endorsement letter by the GEF Operational Focal Point Coordinator in collaboration with the Political Focal Point and the GEF Administrator in Côte d’Ivoire (BNI CEO) • Transmittal of the support letter together with the project document to the Executive Coordinator of the GEF Implementing Agency selected, • Copies to: - The Minister in charge of Environment - GEF Secretariat - CEO of the National Investment Bank • Organization of an information workshop on GEF • Visits to project sites; monitoring and evaluation of GEF-funded projects
v- OTHERS GEF PARTNERS IN COTE D’IVOIRE • Convention Focal Points, • NGOs, • Other civil society representatives • Women, Youth, and • Representatives of other government ministries involved in project design, development, implementation and monitoring of environmental projects.
VI- COORDINATION FOR VARIOUS CONVENTIONS CONVENTION FOCAL POINTS Each of the UN Environmental Conventions -- i.e. Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on Climate Change, Convention to Combat Land Degradation and the Stockholm Convention on POPs, International Waters, and Protection of the Ozone Layer -- has its own Focal Point, who is generally the National Coordinator of a GEF project being implemented.
VI-1- RELATIONS BETWEEN GEF FOCAL POINTS AND CONVENTION FOCAL POINTS • Relations between the GEF Operational Focal Point Coordinator and Convention Focal Points are very limited, as contact is established mainly via letters of support or endorsement of the projects. • The GEF Operational Focal Point Coordinator is frequently invited to attend workshops or seminars organized by Convention Focal Points as well as the meetings of the projects’ National Steering Committees. • Contacts also occur within the framework of project Monitoring and Evaluation during project site visits
VI-2- RELATIONS WITH THE NCSA PROJECT At the request of Côte d’Ivoire, this project was developed around all of the Convention Focal Point, other GEF thematic areas, the National Project Director, the National GEF Operational Focal Point Coordinator (office housing the project) and all other institutions involved in sustainable development.
VII-SUGGESTIONS • It is necessary and desirable to establish and maintain close relationships between Convention Focal Points and the GEF Operational Focal Point Coordinator. • The GEF should allow its Operational Focal Point Coordinator to participate in important convention meetings so as to enable him to become familiar with the conventions.
VIII- NATIONAL COORDINATION FOR ISSUES PERTAINING TO THE GEF COUNCIL In Côte d'Ivoire, the main GEF actors include: • Representatives of the Ministry in charge of Economy and Finance, • The Ministry in charge of Environment, • The Ministry in charge of Foreign Affairs.
VIII-1- Representation of Côte d’Ivoire on the GEF Council • Representation used to be ensured by the Ministry in charge Economy and Finance, as Côte d'Ivoire is one of GEF donor countries. • The representative of the Ministry in charge of Environment used to participate in Council meeting in his/her capacity as Council Member. • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs helped create the two constituencies currently representing all West African countries.
VIII-2-ROLE OF THE OPERATIONAL FOCAL POINT WITHIN THE GEF COUNCIL • The GEF Operational Focal Point Coordinator, at the time when Côte d'Ivoire was a Council Member (Administrator), used to prepare Council documents. • The Operational Focal Point still acts as a Council Member pour financial and environmental issues. • Technical issues in the environmental area used to be entrusted to the representative of the Ministry in charge of Environment. • The GEF Operational Focal Point Coordinator used to be responsible for drafting the minutes of the meetings. • The GEF Operational Focal Point Coordinator used to translate some Council documents for members of his/her constituency. Note: All minutes of the meetings were communicated to other countries in the constituency via DHL
IX- SUGGESTIONS As regards the Council, emphasis should be placed on the translation of documents for French-speaking countries. Assistance for Internet connection would be welcome, in order to allow ready access to GEF documents prior to various GEF meetings.
THANK YOU Presentation by Ms. Alimata KONE-BAKAYOKO GEF Operational Focal Point COTE D’IVOIRE