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High focus on curbing water and air pollution is expected to boost the demand for filters, which<br>in turn drives the filtration & separation market growth. However, higher purchasing and running<br>The gas and liquid segment<br>is the highest share holder<br>of filtration and separation<br>market.
Filtration And Separation Market: The Dynamic Landscape of Oil Gas Industry to Reach $141.2 bn by 2030 Filtration and Separation Market Expected to Reach $152.05 Billion by 2031 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, UNITED STATES, April 23, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- According to the report, the global filtration and separation industry generated $93.2 billion in 2020, and is anticipated to generate $141.2 billion by 2030, witnessing a CAGR of 4.1% from 2021 to 2030. ᵀᵂᵂᵂᵁ ᵁᵁᵂᵁᵂᵂᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂᵂ ᵂᵁ ᵂᵂᵂᵃᵂᵂ: High focus on curbing water and air pollution is expected to boost the demand for filters, which in turn drives the filtration & separation market growth. However, higher purchasing and running cost of the filtration system is restraining the market growth. Nevertheless, the growing adoption of nanotechnology is expected to offer lucrative opportunities for the market. The gas and liquid segment is the highest share holder of filtration and separation market.” alliedmarketresearch ᵀᵂᵃᵂᵂᵂᵁᵁ ᵁᵁᵂᵂᵂᵁ ᵀᵀᵀ (ᵽᵽᵼ ᵀᵁᵂᵁᵂ ᵃᵂᵂᵂ ᵀᵂᵂᵁ ᵀᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂ): ᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂ://ᵃᵃᵃ.ᵁᵂᵂᵂᵁᵁᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂᵁᵁᵂᵁᵂ.ᵁᵂᵂ/ᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂ- ᵂᵁᵂᵂᵂᵁ/ᵽᵽᵽᵼ ᵁᵂᵁ ᵂᵁᵂ & ᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵁ ᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂ ᵂᵂ ᵂᵁᵂᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂ ᵂᵂᵂ ᵂᵁᵁᵁᵁᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂ ᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂᵂ ᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂ ᵂᵂᵁ ᵁᵂᵂᵁᵁᵁᵂᵂ ᵂᵁᵂᵂᵂᵁ - Based on type, the gas & liquid segment held the highest market share in 2020, accounting for 94% of the global filtration and separation market, and is estimated to maintain its leadership
status throughout the forecast period, owing to large scale application of filtration & separation of liquids and gases in industrial and municipal sector. Moreover, the air segment is projected to manifest the highest CAGR of 4.5% from 2021 to 2030, owing to increase in awareness about health for breathing pure air. ᵁᵂᵁ ᵃᵁᵂᵁᵂ & ᵃᵁᵂᵂᵁᵃᵁᵂᵁᵂ ᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂ ᵂᵂ ᵂᵁᵂᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂ ᵂᵂᵂ ᵂᵁᵁᵁ ᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂ ᵁᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂ ᵂᵂᵁ ᵁᵂᵂᵁᵁᵁᵂᵂ ᵂᵁᵂᵂᵂᵁ - Based on end user, the water & wastewater segment accounted for the largest share in 2020, contributing to more than one-third of the global filtration and separation market, and is projected to maintain its lead position during the forecast period. This is owing to use of filtration & separation of industrial and sewage application. However, the life sciences segment is expected to portray the largest CAGR of 5.0% from 2021 to 2030, owing to rapid rise in healthcare facilities and awareness for living a healthy life style. ᵁᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂ ᵁᵂᵂ ᵀᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵃᵁᵂᵂᵂᵂ @ ᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂ://ᵃᵃᵃ.ᵁᵂᵂᵂᵁᵁᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂᵁᵁᵂᵁᵂ.ᵁᵂᵂ/ᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂ-ᵁᵂᵂ- ᵁᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵃᵁᵂᵂᵂᵂ/ᵽᵽᵽᵼ ᵀᵂᵂᵂᵂ ᵀᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵁ ᵂᵂ ᵂᵁᵂᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂ ᵂᵂᵂ ᵁᵂᵂᵂᵂᵁᵂᵁᵁ ᵁᵃ ᵽᵼᵽᵼ Based on region, North America held the highest market share in terms of revenue 2020, accounting for more than two-fifths of the global filtration and separation market, owing to large scale application of filtration & separation plants in the region for municipal, industrial and life science end users. Moreover, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the fastest CAGR of 5.0% during the forecast period, owing to rapid development of countries such as China and India. ᵀᵁᵁᵁᵂᵂᵂ ᵀᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂ ᵀᵂᵁᵃᵁᵂᵂ - Porvair Plc Ahlstrom-Munksjö Alfa Laval Danaher (Pall Corporation) Donaldson Company, Inc. Eaton Corporation Freudenberg Filtration Technologies SE & Co. KG Lydall, Inc. MANN+HUMMEL PARKER HANNIFIN CORP ᵀᵂᵂᵁᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵁ ᵂᵂ ᵀᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁ ᵀᵁᵂᵁ? ᵁᵂᵂᵂᵂ: ᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂ://ᵃᵃᵃ.ᵁᵂᵂᵂᵁᵁᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂᵂᵁᵂᵁᵁᵂᵁᵂ.ᵁᵂᵂ/ᵂᵂᵂᵁᵂᵁᵂᵁ- ᵁᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂᵃ/ᵽᵽᵽᵼ ᵁᵁᵁᵁ ᵀᵂᵂᵁ ᵁᵁᵂᵁᵂᵁᵁ ᵁᵁᵂᵂᵂᵂᵂ:
Water And Wastewater Valve Market - https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/water-and- wastewater-valve-market-A31338 Waste Management Market - https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/waste-management- market David Correa Allied Market Research + +1 5038946022 email us here Visit us on social media: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn This press release can be viewed online at: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/705929603 EIN Presswire's priority is source transparency. We do not allow opaque clients, and our editors try to be careful about weeding out false and misleading content. As a user, if you see something we have missed, please do bring it to our attention. Your help is welcome. EIN Presswire, Everyone's Internet News Presswire™, tries to define some of the boundaries that are reasonable in today's world. Please see our Editorial Guidelines for more information. © 1995-2024 Newsmatics Inc. All Right Reserved.