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CRYSTAL-FACE & MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Retrievals of cloud thermodynamic phase, optical thickness, and particle size. S. Platnick 1 , M. D. King 1 , J. Riedi 2 , S. Ackerman 3 , G. T. Arnold 1,4 , J. Dinsick 1,4 , M. Gray 1,4 , E. Moody 1,4 , G. Wind 1,4 , M. Fitzgerald 5 , J. Myers 5
CRYSTAL-FACE & MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Retrievals of cloud thermodynamic phase, optical thickness, and particle size S. Platnick1, M. D. King1, J. Riedi2, S. Ackerman3, G. T. Arnold1,4, J. Dinsick1,4, M. Gray1,4, E. Moody1,4, G. Wind1,4, M. Fitzgerald5, J. Myers5 1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2 Laboratoire d’Optique Atmospherique, U. Lille, 3U. Wisconsin, Madison,4 EER Systems, 5NASA Ames Research Center MODIS Atmosphere Team Retreat St. Michaels MD 18 March 2003 adapted from C-F STM, Salt Lake City UT, 26 Feb. 2003 et al.
New X Outline • Overview of CRYSTAL-FACE • The MODIS Airborne Simulator • overview • calibration • Data • web site and quicklook imagery, L1B • Case study examples • Future efforts S. Platnick, St. Michaels MD, 18 March 2003
ER-2: remote sensing of cirrus, aerosols, gases, radiative flux 200 ms-1, 70 kft, 8 hrs Platnick, Newman, King Proteus: remote sensing of cirrus, aerosols, gases 175 ms-1, 58 kft, 6 hrs Bill Smith, Allen Larar (LaRC) WB-57: in situ sampling above/upper anvil (crystals, aerosols, tracers, water vapor, radiative flux) 185 ms-1, 62 kft, 6.5 hrs Randy Friedl (JPL), Marty Ross UND Citation: in situ sampling below/lower anvil (crystals,ice nuclei, water vapor) 120-170 ms-1, 43 kft, 3.5 hrs Mike Poellet (UND) CIRPAS Twin Otter: in situ boundary layer, radiative flux Rick Flagan (CalTech) 80 ms-1, 19 kft, 5 hrs NRL P-3: Eldora doppler radar Hans Verlinde (PSU) C-F Aircraft Platforms S. Platnick, St. Michaels MD, 18 March 2003
CRYSTAL-FACE ER-2 Instrument Payload Conical Scanning Sub-mm wave Imaging Radiometer (CoSSIR) Wang (GSFC), Evans (CU) Meteorological Meas. System (MMS) Bui (Ames) Radiation Meas. System (RAMS) Valero (Scripps) ER-2 Doppler Radar (EDOP) Microwave Temp. Profiler (MTP)Mahoney (JPL) same proposal nose cone Solar Spectral Flux Radiometers (SSFR) Pilewskie (Ames) Cloud Radar System (CRS) Heymsfield (GSFC), Mace (Utah) S-20 rt. eng. cheek Q-bay, E-bay superpod superpod, (unpressurized aft) JPL Laser Hygrometer (JLH) Herman (JPL) centerline pod Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL) McGill (GSFC) MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) King (GSFC), Platnick (UMBC) Vaisala Dropsonde Halverson (UMBC), Starr (GSFC) S. Platnick, St. Michaels MD, 18 March 2003
ER-2/Proteus platform synergy ER-2, Proteus payload is an “A-train” simulator: Aqua (MAS, SSFR, RAMS, NAST-I/M), CloudSat (CRS), Calipso (CPL), Parasol (POLDER, RSP), … Satellites intercomparisons of interest: Aqua (18 April 2002, 1330 local): MODIS, CERES, AIRS, AMSR-E Terra (1030 local): MODIS, CERES, MISR, ASTER Envisat (March 2002, 1000 local): interest from SCIAMACHY team (also flies AATSR, MERIS) S. Platnick, St. Michaels MD, 18 March 2003
Key West Naval Air Station S. Platnick, St. Michaels MD, 18 March 2003
Ground Sites: remote sensing (radar, lidar, radiometers, etc.) Western site: PARSL (PNNL Atmospheric Remote Sensing Laboratory) - Everglades City 94, 35 GHz, lidar, radiosondes, radiometers, met, etc NPOL (NASA polarimetric radar) - Big Cypress National Preserve Eastern Site: Tamiami airport Miami 94 GHz radar, ceilometer, IR, met data; Tsay SMART
NNE (~34°) MAS 1.88 µm band23 July 2002(from MAS web site) Lake Okeechobee Good case to study cloud evolution!
CRS nadir radar reflectivity (Heymsfield, Li) MAS optical thickness MAS effective radius (µm)
MAS26 July, Fl07southern sortie(coordination w/WB-57) ~ 72 km In situ WB-57 particle distributions available(A. Heymsfield) Good case to supplement w/IR retrievals (Shaima)!
MAS - future activities • Optical/microphysical retrieval issues – thin cirrus limitations: sun glint, surface reflectance – ice scattering radiative transfer libraries – comparison with other instruments/techniques, including: Remote: IR techniques (MAS/MODIS/AIRS); Radar/lidar (CRS, EDOP, CPL): water path, particle size, extinction; AirPOLDER, RSP: phase, directional properties In situ: CIN, size distributions, et al. • Science - why do these retrievals matter? • Scaling up to satellite retrievals • Applications in a broad range of small scale cloud microphysical issues (water path, size, etc.), CR modeling • Linkage w/radiative flux is gl, v0,l which is NOT DERIVABLE FROM re ALONE (unlike water (Mie) droplets) S. Platnick, St. Michaels MD, 18 March 2003
shallow waters w. gnd. site vis reflectance for tc=0.5 ~ 0.03 Southern FL spectral surface albedo from MODIS(derived from product MOD43, ~1.7 km resolution,diffuse sky, 8/2001, E. Moody) 0.65 µm MODIS band 0.86 µm 2.13 µm
MAS - future activities • Optical/microphysical retrieval issues – thin cirrus limitations: sun glint, surface reflectance – ice scattering radiative transfer libraries – comparison with other instruments/techniques, including: Remote: IR techniques (MAS/MODIS/AIRS); Radar/lidar (CRS, EDOP, CPL): water path, particle size, extinction; AirPOLDER, RSP: phase, directional properties In situ: CIN, size distributions, et al. • Science - why do these retrievals matter? • Scaling up to satellite retrievals • Applications in a broad range of small scale cloud microphysical issues (water path, size, etc.), CR modeling • Linkage w/radiative flux is gl, v0,l which is NOT DERIVABLE FROM re ALONE (unlike water (Mie) droplets) S. Platnick, St. Michaels MD, 18 March 2003
MAS instrument overview • Scanning, grating spectrometer with 4 optical ports • Operated by NASA Ames Airborne Sensor Facility(J. Myers, M. Fitzgerald) • 50 spectral bands (v. 36 MODIS bands) including: 0.65, 0.86, 0.94, 1.61, 1.64, 1.88, 2.1, 3.7, 11 µm bold=MAS only • 50 m spatial resolution (at ground, nominal ER-2 altitude), ± 43° scan • Calibration • Ames Calibration lab(P. Hajek) • Radiometric Thermal bands: on-board blackbody Solar reflective bands: pre/post-deployment laboratory calibration, field ground-based measurements for trend monitoring • Spectral Pre/post-deployment laboratory calibration S. Platnick, St. Michaels MD, 18 March 2003
MAS instrument cloud algorithms MODIS heritage algorithms • Cloud mask: U. Wisconsin (S. Ackerman, et al.) • Cloud optical & microphysical properties (optical thickness, effective particle size (~ <V>/<Acs>), water path, thermodynamic phase): NASA GSFC (King, Platnick, et al.) • Primary particle size retrieval from 2.1 µm band • Optical thickness information from 0.65 µm (land), 0.86 µm (ocean) • Thermodynamic phase derived from combination of cloud mask tests, IR bispectral (B. Baum), and SWIR bands (J. Riedi) • Ice cloud radiative transfer libraries: 12 distributions, combination of 4 habits as a function of size - (P. Yang, A. Heymsfield, et al.) • Surface albedo derived from MODIS albedo & ecosystem products (Boston U., Strahler, Schaff, et al.) S. Platnick, St. Michaels MD, 18 March 2003
MAS information, data • Web site: • MAS quicklook, ER-2 mission summaries, flight tracks, etc. http://mas.arc.nasa.gov/data/deploy_html/crystalfacehome.html • Data • L1B data (calibrated, geolocated) archived in HDF(4), by ER-2 straight line flight track: http://daac.gsfc.nasa.gov/fieldexp/MAS/ • L2 products (cloud mask, thermodynamic phase, optical thickness/particle size retrievals) available on request • Requested case studies processed to date, selected flight tracks: 23, 29 July (L. Li, G. Heymsfield, McGill, Starr) - developing convection over peninsula 26 July (A. Heymsfield) - southern sortie 13 July (Jensen) - thin cirrus 16, 23 July (Mace) - western gnd. site observations 9, 11, 29 July (Di Girolamo) - Terra/MISR S. Platnick, St. Michaels MD, 18 March 2003
MAS & ER-2 SSFR (Pilewskie): 9 July 2002 1835 UTC 350 nm 1700 nm radiance -> flux cloud/atmo properties -> energetics 1901 UTC Albedo