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Advent of Precision Cosmology: Results of the WMAP Experiment. Review 1: 86 Year Old Modern Cosmology. LSS. CMBR. 1917Einstein’s static model. 1922External galaxies. 22-24Friedmann’s models. 29Expansion of space. 50s Gravitational Instability(GI) Theory. 29Big Bang model.
Advent of Precision Cosmology: Results of the WMAP Experiment
Review 1: 86 Year Old Modern Cosmology LSS CMBR 1917Einstein’s static model 1922External galaxies 22-24Friedmann’s models 29Expansion of space 50s Gravitational Instability(GI) Theory 29Big Bang model 65 Discovery of CMBR 70s BB+(photon, baryon)+GI
LSS CMBR 70s BB+(photon, baryon)+GI Dark matter 82Inflation 80s CMBR dT/T < 10-4 Late70s Discovery of LSS mid80 SCDM Model BB+Inflation+(photon, baryon, CDM)+GI 92 COBE dT/T~10-5 92 LSS P(k) 표준모 형폐기 00-03 WMAP Cℓ 98 Accelerating expansion 2003 Concordance LCDM Model BB+Inflation+(photon, baryon, CDM, Dark E)+GI SDSS JWST Planck ?
Time 1.37x1010y ∼1x108y 3.8x105y 2x104y 3m 1s 10-11s 10-34s 10-43s Review 2: History of Universe: Present universe Formation of stars & galaxies Decoupling of light Matter domination Nuclear synthesis Neutrino decoupling Inflation Planck epoch Epoch of Decoupling Inflationary Epoch Expansion of space
Review 3: Inflation Condition for Inflation : w=P/ρ < -1/3. > 0 Simplest Inflationary scenario : Single scalar field with slowly varying 1. Scale-invariant spectrum Metric perturbation h∼H/mPl frozen until it comes back within horizen Nearly constant H, during the slow-roll expansion 2. Gaussian fluctuation If small self-coupling of . Random phase Gaussian fluctuation 3. Adiabatic fluctuation Quantum fluctuation of inflaton field -> metric(curvature) fluctuation
Review 4: Physics of Decoupling rH(zdec) ≈320Mpc BigBang Singularity rH(0) ≈15000Mpc Superhorizen scale pert. SW Effect ΔT/T=ΔΦ/3 Decoupling surface zdec ≈1089 ~1° Recombination z≈20 Here&Now
Decoupling surface Acoustic oscillation Small scale 1/√N reduction & Photon diffusion Width Δz=195 Δr=44Mpc Baryonic λJb 2200Mpc ≫ Horizen rHdec 320Mpc > Sound horizen λs 270Mpc > Width Δr 44Mpc > Photon Diffusion λD 14Mpc
[1] WMAP Experiment WMAP Observatory Launched on 30 June 2001 to L2 of Sun-Earth system 1.4m*1.6m primary + 10 feed horns in each 2 focal plane
W 94GHz 0.21° Observed ΔT Maps V 61GHz 0.33° Q 41GHz 0.49° K 23GHz 0.82° Ka 33GHz 0.62° Galactic emission + CMBR + others
Map Comparison mw sky QVW
[2] 1st Year Results of WMAP Exp. Observed map Angular power spectrum 1. Amplitude of ΔT/T
Decomposition of signal into Stokes parameters 2. Polarization &
3. Cosmological Parameters & Reionization Parameter fit of LCDM model to and both(!) (Baryon+CDM+Λ; adiabatic, Gaussian fluctuations) (i) WMAP data only& power-law index (ii) WMAP+CBI+ACBAR+2dF +Lyα & running spectral index
Parameter fit of Models beyond LCDM Dark energy: w=P/ρ Neutrino: Ωνh2=Σmi/93.5eV Tensor: gravity wave 95% at k=0.002 Mpc-1
3. Gaussianity of ΔT/T Minkowski functionals G(ν)=(Nhot-Ncold)/2πA Gaussian: No frequency, scale dependence !
[3] Major Findings of WMAP Experiment 1. Precision Cosmology Spacetime( , ); Matter( , ); Fluctuation( , , ) Most cosmological parameters within ∼ % 2. Simple Inflationary Scenario Scale-invariant(n ≈1), Gaussian, Adiabatic fluctuations 3. CMB Polarization & Reionization Epoch Found First Star & Galaxy Formation at t ≈180Myr (z ≈20)
End Of Cosmology? No! 1. Really consistent with simple inflation? (a) Non-Gaussian fluctuation? (b) n ≪1? 2. Most inflation model survives. Inflaton field 3. Dark energy – Vacuum e. or Dynamical field? 4. Dark Matter, the nature & amount( ) of 5. Parameter