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Emerging Approaches to the Integration of Autonomous Heterogeneous Air Quality Information Systems. Rudolf B. Husar Washington University, St. Louis. Richard Scheffe US Environmental Protection Agency. Invited Paper IN13E-01 American Geophysical Union, San Francisco December 11, 2006.
Emerging Approaches to the Integration of Autonomous Heterogeneous Air Quality Information Systems Rudolf B. Husar Washington University, St. Louis Richard Scheffe US Environmental Protection Agency Invited Paper IN13E-01 American Geophysical Union, San Francisco December 11, 2006
GEOSS PM research NAS, CAAAC CASAC, OMB NOAA EPA PHASE Eco-informatics NASA CDC Programs Risk/exposure assessments Organizations Private Sector AQ forecasting NPS States/Tribes RPO’s/Interstate NAAQS setting Accountability/ indicators USDA SIPs, nat.rules designations NARSTO DOE Enviros Academia NADP Satellite data IMPROVE, NCore PM monit, PAMS Intensive studies PM centers Data sources Supersites CASTNET Health/mort. records Other networks: SEARCH, IADN.. Lidar systems CMAQ GEOS-CHEM Emissions Meteorology Entities participating in AQ information exchannge Unfortunately, the inner working of the IS that links these entities is not yet understood. The challenge posed by R. Scheffe: Please explain this Informatics Mess
1. Can we integrate air quality information through partnerships? 2. Is data sharing a viable approach to achieve the convergence & optimization? Client Data Overlaps Common data Monitoring Modeling Satellite Specific AQ Informatics Questions:
Infromatics Challenges Science: Understand and explain how IS work Dependencies, driving forces (co-opetition) and processes of IS Engineering: Design of Info Systems Information Flow, SAO, System of Systems Technology: Harnessing and harvesting IT & the web. Web Services, Workflow, Social Software, Google *.* Web2.0, RSS
Satellite Satellite NASA IDEA Emission Emission Emission Emission FS FireInv EPA NEISGEI Model NASA IDEA Emission Emission Emission Emission Ambient Ambient EPA AIRNow FS FireInv Ambient EPANEISGEI NOAA Forecast EPA-AQS DataMart NASAGloModel Model NASA DAACs Ambient Ambient Ambient Satellite Satellite EPAAIRNow Emission EPA AQModel EPA-AQSAIRS SurfaceObs NOAA WeaMod EPA NEI NASADAACs Model Model Ambient Ambient Ambient RPO VIEWS Emission Emission Emission Emission Internet NOAAForecast NOAA GASP EPAAQModel Content | Agency | Form NOAA ASOS Ambient Ambient Ambient Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite NASA Missions Emission EPA NASA Mission EPA NEI RPOVIEWS Ambient NOAA State/Local Emission Emission Emission Emission Emission Remote Sensing Satellite NOAAASOS NASA NOAA GASP NOAAWeaMod Model Other State/LocalEmission • Data are distributed geographically by autonomous providers SciForecast Model • Data includes emissions, ambient data, Content | Agency | Form Content | Agency | Form Content | Agency | Form Content | Agency | Form Content | Agency | Form Content | Agency | Form • Data are providedby multiple agencies: EPA, NOAA, NASA and others • Furthermore, data are provided in varied formats and access protocols Emission Emission Emission Emission Emission Emission EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient NOAA NOAA NOAA NOAA NOAA NOAA • Data includes emissions • Data includes emissions, ambient data, satellite data and model output • Data includes emissions, ambient data, satellite data Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA Model Model Model Model Model Model Other Other Other Other Other Other • Data on Internet are geography-independent and can be ‘linearized’ Information Providers: Geography, Content, Agency, Form
Public Scientist Manager Manager Scientist Manager Manager Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy Public Public Scientist Manager Scientist Manager Scientist Manager Public Public Scientist Public Public Manager Scientist Internet Public Public Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy Public Public Scientist Policy Scientist Stakeholder | Agency | Form Stakeholder | Agency | Form Stakeholder | Agency | Form Stakeholder | Agency | Form Stakeholder | Agency | Form Stakeholder | Agency | Form Manager Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy Stakeholder | Agency | Form Stakeholder | Agency | Form NOAA NOAA NOAA NOAA NOAA NOAA Policy Public Public Public Public Public Public Scientist Policy Policy EPA EPA NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager NOAA NOAA • Users includes policy makers, the public Public Public Other Other Other Other Other Other other • Users includes policy makers • Users includes policy makers, the public, AQmanagers Scientist Scientist Scientist Scientist Scientist Scientist and scientist NASA NASA Manager Manager • Users are affiliated with multiple agencies: EPA, NOAA, NASA, as well as others Other Other Scientist Scientist • Furthermore, users need various types of information provided in multiple formats • Users are distributed geographically • Since the users are also on the Internet, their geographic location is irrelevant Users:ByTypes, Agency, Info Needs
Users Provider Public EPA AIRNow NASA DAACs EPA Model Manager Scientist others other Information System ChallengeRefining and delivering information Data Knowledge
Users Provider Public EPA AIRNow NASA DAACs EPA Model Manager Scientist others other Agile Information System: Data Access, Processing and Products Data Value Adding Processes Organizing DocumentStructure/FormatInterfacing
Uniform Access Users Provider Public EPA AIRNow NASA DAACs EPA Model Manager Scientist others other Agile Information System: Data Access, Processing and Products Data Homogenizing Format profile Standard accessData as Service Value Adding Processes Organizing DocumentStructure/FormatInterfacing
Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain Users Provider SciFlo Public EPA AIRNow NASA DAACs DataFed EPA Model Manager Scientist Custom Processing others other Agile Information System: Data Access, Processing and Products Data Homogenizing Format profile Standard accessData as Service Value Adding Processes Organizing DocumentStructure/FormatInterfacing Characterizing Display/BrowseCompare/Fuse Characterize
Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain ProductsReports Users Provider SciFlo Public EPA AIRNow Forecast NASA DAACs DataFed EPA Model Compli. Manager Science Scientist Custom Processing others Other other Agile Information System: Data Access, Processing and Products Data Homogenizing Format profile Standard accessData as Service Analyzing Filter/IntegrateAggregate/FuseCustom Analysis Value Adding Processes Organizing DocumentStructure/FormatInterfacing Characterizing Display/BrowseCompare/Fuse Characterize
Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain ProductsReports Users Provider SciFlo Public EPA AIRNow Forecast NASA DAACs DataFed EPA Model Compli. Manager Science Scientist Custom Processing others Other other Value-Adding Processes Data Homogenizing Format profile Standard accessData as Service Analyzing Filter/IntegrateAggregate/FuseCustom Analysis Value Adding Processes Organizing DocumentStructure/FormatInterfacing Characterizing Display/BrowseCompare/Fuse Characterize Reporting Inclusiveness Iterative/Agile Dynamic Report
Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain ProductsReports Users Provider SciFlo Public EPA AIRNow Forecast NASA DAACs DataFed EPA Model Compli. Manager Science Scientist Custom Processing others Other other Agile Information System: Data Access, Processing and Products Control Data Control Seeking Information Negotiating & Market Space Data Providing Information
Infromatics Challenges Science: Understand and explain how IS work Dependencies, driving forces (co-opetition), information processes Engineering: Design of Info Systems Information Flow, SAO, System of Systems Technology: Harnessing and harvesting IT & the web. Web Services, Workflow, Social Software, Google *.* Web2.0, RSS
Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain ProductsReports Users Provider Control SciFlo Public EPA AIRNow Forecast NASA DAACs DataFed EPA Model Compli. Manager Data Acquisition Data Science Scientist Custom Processing others Other other Loosely Coupled Data Access through Standard Protocols Server GetCapabilities Client Std. Interface Std. Interface Capabilities, ‘Profile’ Back End Where? When? What? Which Format? Front End GetData Data Standard Data Query Language: Where? When? What? (Space-time query by OGC WMS, WCS) T1 T2
Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain ProductsReports Users Provider Control SciFlo Public EPA AIRNow Forecast NASA DAACs DataFed EPA Model Compli. Manager Data Acquisition Data Web Service Interaction Science Service Chaining & Workflow Scientist Custom Processing Service Broker others Other other Find Publish Bind Service User Service Provider Web Services and Workflow for Loose Coupling Software Mashups Web Services Triad:Publish – Find – Bind Workflow Software:Dynamic Linking Software Mashup:Coarse-grain Linking
Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain ProductsReports Users Provider Control SciFlo Public EPA AIRNow Forecast NASA DAACs DataFed EPA Model Compli. Manager Data Acquisition Co Writing - Wiki Data ScreenCast Science Scientist Custom Processing others Other other Collaborative Reporting and Dynamic Delivery Collaborative Analysis and Writing Wiki, Blogs, Group Annotations Dynamic Content Delivery: GoogleEarth, Screencasting…
Summary • There IS an ‘alignment of stars’ for integrating AQ data systems • Third-party mediation can homogenize the distributed data • Agile SOA-based IS can deliver info products to diverse users • Since 2005, one such IS, DataFed is used by EPA and in research
App App App App WCS/WMS Some major AQ Information System Challenges(Same as the DoD, ES Challenges?) Connecting Humans! Are WCS/WMS Convergence Protocols? Right Level of Networking?
DataFed assumes autonomous data providers Non-intrusively wraps data into web services Provides processing and analysis tools
NPS Protect ecosystems, AQ WQ USDA Protect/optimize Ag and forest resources CDC To promote health and quality of life …. Apparent divergences? Organizations have different missions NASA Explore fundamental Earth System Properties EPA (Protect human health & envi. Improve air, water, ecosystem NOAA To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and …
Collaboration (culture) empire building? Observation technologies {e.g., satellites} Computational power Science, talent {embodied in AQ models and young geniuses} Accountability,↓ regulatory assessments {e.g., NAS, CASAC} Information technologies {e.g., data sharing protocols} Alignment Budgets, agency collaboration resource/program accountability Stars aligned?