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Corporate Services Grants Programme 2015-2017

Apply for two-year funding to support your voluntary or community organization in the Royal Borough. Funding available for running costs and project costs. Deadline for applications is September 26, 2014.

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Corporate Services Grants Programme 2015-2017

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  1. Corporate Services Grants Programme 2015 – 2017 Stephen Morgan Head of Community Engagement stephen.morgan@rbkc.gov.uk

  2. Corporate Services Grants Programme Background • Long established Council grants fund at single borough level • Funding is available to support the borough’s voluntary and community sector to assist with running costs and project costs • This year we’re inviting applications for two year funding and electronic submissions • There is no innovative projects funding strand this year • Grants are subject to decision making in December 2014 and December 2015 and available from April 2015

  3. Corporate Grants criteria Organisation and governance • Must be based in the Royal Borough • 60% of service users should live in the borough • Evidence of governance arrangements and a business plan • Sound financial management over a minimum period of two years

  4. Information and advice to residents – specialist advice services (75% of the organisations work must be advice to all ages and a range of user groups) • Community engagement – community centres, community based activities and community cohesion • Infrastructure and capacity building – governance, community accountancy, volunteer brokerage

  5. Application process Complete application form by noon on Friday 26 September 2014 Documents you should include with your application form include audited accounts, Constitution and Business Plan. What we look for: • the organisation is well managed – people have the right skills • services meet the grant criteria and that there is user consultation • there is realism about what the organisation can deliver with the funds • there are clear achievable outcomes • the costs are realistic – not too high and not too low

  6. Assessment process • Officer panel will assess and score applications received • Organisations should not assume any previous knowledge of the organisation and its work • The Community Engagement Team will prepare proposed recommendations on grant allocations and consult other officers • Cllr Hargreaves, Cabinet Member for Voluntary Organisations and Resident Engagement, will consult Cabinet and Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee prior to making a proposed decision on the allocation of grants • A key decision report on the award of grants will be published at the beginning of December and shared with applicants

  7. Corporate Services Grants Programme Points to note: • This is not a tri-borough fund and will solely fund work which takes place and benefits Royal Borough residents • Refer to the guidance notes and criteria - Answer all the relevant questions – keep answers to the point • All funded groups must be signed up to the local compact: sign up today! • If your application is successful a Funding Agreement will be put in place outlining outputs, outcomes and monitoring arrangements • Joint and consortium bids are welcome. Each organisation involved should complete the first section of the form and only one section two about the project is required

  8. We’re here to help... RBKC Community Engagement For questions about the funding and application process please contact the team on 020 7598 4633 or email communityengagement@rbkc.gov.uk Kensington and Chelsea Social Council If you need help with completing your application contact Siobhan Sollis (siobhan@kcsc.org.uk) or Brenda Nambooze (brenda@kcsc.org.uk) on 020 7243 9807

  9. More information www.rbkc.gov.uk/ communityfunding Other opportunities also exist: • City Living, Local Life ward budgets • Small Grants Fund • External funding opportunities

  10. Questions?

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