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An overview of the latest results from the STAR experiment, including data on different collision systems, chemical freeze-out, and particle flow. The paper discusses the size and temperature at chemical freeze-out, the effects of rescattering and regeneration, and the relationship between elliptic flow and early thermalization. It also explores the scaling of flow with collision energy, the flavor dependence of scaling, and the correlation between particle production and entropy. Lastly, it covers the suppression of high pT hadrons and the behavior of photons in nuclear collisions.
What have we learnt this past year? An overview of recent STAR results
The data Run Year Species √s[GeV ] Ldt 01 2000 Au+Au 130 1 b-1 02 2001/2 Au+Au 200 24 b-1 p+p 200 0.15 pb-1 03 2002/3 d+Au 200 2.74 nb-1 p+p 200 0.35 pb-1 04 2003/4 Au+Au 200 241 b-1 Au+Au 62 9 b-1 05 2004/5 Cu+Cu 200 3 nb-1 Cu+Cu 62 0.19 nb-1 Cu+Cu 22.5 2.7 b-1 p+p 200 3.8 pb-1
Chemical freeze-out Tch short lived resonances STAR white paper Nucl Phys A757 (05) 102 gs • Tch ≈ TC ≈ 165 ± 10 MeVChemical freezeout ≈ hadronization. • s ~ u, d Strangeness is chemically equilibrated.
Lifetime and size resonance decays and regeneration: measure kinetic freezeout – life time. HBT: measures freeze-out source sizes (marked by collective flow). Npart HBT size (low kT): x2 expansion initial final in Au+Au. What is the size at chemical freeze-out? may be assessed via p-X correlations. Re-scattering and regeneration needed! Finite time span from Tch to Tfo
Radial Flow 0.13 Most Central Collisions • Temperature Tkinetic is higher for baryons with higher strange quark content for Blast-wave fits. • Spectral shapes are different. T=100 MeV T=132 MeV • p,K, p <T> 200 GeV > 62 GeV Tkin 200 GeV = 62 GeV • X, W<T> 200 GeV = 62 GeV Tkin 200 GeV > 62 GeV Tkinetic from a Blast-Wave is not same as the Temperature from a Hydro Model.
Baryon/Meson ratios Au+Au 0-10% p+p Baryon stopping has strong effect Shape driven by flow?
Elliptic flow Almond shape overlap region in coordinate space Interactions/ Rescattering Anisotropy in momentum space t2 t3 t1 t4 Elliptic flow observable sensitive to early evolution of system Mechanism is self-quenching Large v2 is an indication of early thermalization dN/df ~ 1+2 v2(pT)cos(2f) + …. f = atan(py/px) v2= cos2f v2: 2nd harmonic Fourier coefficient in dN/d with respect to the reaction plane Au+Au at b=7 fm P. Kolb, J. Sollfrank, and U. Heinz Equal energy density lines
Elliptic flow v2 PRC 72 (05) 014904 200 GeV Au+Au min-bias Hydro by Huovinen et al. hydro tuned to fit central spectra data. large v2 (even f, X, W): strong interactions at early stage large v2 of f, X, W(low hadronic x-sections): partonic collectivity at RHIC. First time hydro works: suggests early thermalization - t = 0.6 fm/c e = 20 GeV/fm3 Soft (QGP) EOS favored: sub-hadronic DOF.
Significantly smaller v2 in Cu-Cu than in Au-Au for given centrality Scales with v2(Npart) Large non-flow effects at high pT v2 – Cu-Cu vs Au-Au Greater non-flow effects in Cu-Cu.
Constituent quark scaling solid: STAR open: PHENIX PRL91(03) STAR Preliminary Au+Au √sNN=62 GeV The complicated observed flow pattern in v2(pT) for hadrons is predicted to be simple at the quark level underpT → pT /n v2 → v2 / n , n = (2, 3) for (meson, baryon) Works for p, (p), K0s, , , W v2s ~ v2u,d ~ 7% Constituent quark DOF – deconfinement?
Collision energy dependencies STAR Preliminary Pb+Pb Au+Au STAR Preliminary • s-Baryon production is ~constant at mid-rapidity. • s-Baryon rises smoothly at mid-rapidity. What determines the overall yields?
Strangeness enhancement K. Redlich – private communication Solid – STAR Open – NA57 Correlation volume: V= AaNN·V0 ANN = Npart/2 V0 = 4/3p·R03 R0 = 1.1 fm proton radius/ strong interactions T= 170-177 MeV a= 1 STAR Preliminary Particle ratios indicate T= 165 MeV STAR Preliminary a = 1/3 fits best, very sensitive to T
Flavor dependence of scalings PHENIX D’s Participant scaling for light quark hadrons Binary scaling for heavy flavor quark hadrons Hadrons with strange quarks an add-mixture of Npart and Nbin?
Motivation from h- PHOBOS: Phys. Rev. C70, 021902(R) (2004) There’s a correlation between dNch/dh and Npart/2 small dotted lines are: dNch/dh = npp(1-x)Npart/2 + xNbin npp= Yield in pp = 2.29 ( 1.27) x = 0.13 N.B.: SPS energy only 17 GeV If know npp can predict yield at any Npart
Strangeness and dNch/dh Look at yields relative to pp SPS and RHIC data follows same curves as a func. of dNch/dη HBT radii show similar scaling with dNch/dη dNch/dη- strongly correlated to the entropy of the system! Entropy alone seems to drive much of the soft physics
High pT suppression Binary coll. scaling p+p reference J. Adams et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 072304 • Central Au+Au collisions: factor ~4-5 suppression. • pT >5 GeV/c: suppression ~ independent of pT. • pQCD describes data only when energy loss included. RAA << 1; RdAu > 1 Confirms final state effectspresent
Confirming the probe Photons - unsuppressed Hadrons - suppressed Direct g Survival Probability p0, h We have an understood and calibrated probe
Geometrical dependence of RAA • RAA scales smoothly from Au+Au Cu+Cu p+p Scaling prefers Npart1/3, though Npart2/3 not strongly excluded
Nuclear modification factors - RCP √sNN=62 GeV 0-5% 40-60% 0-5% 40-60% √sNN=17.3 GeV NA57, PLB in print, nucl-ex/0507012 √sNN=200 GeV First time differences between L and L B absorption? Recombination or different “Cronin” for L and K at SPS?
Nuclear modification factors - RAA HIJING/BBar + KT ~ 1 GeV Strong Colour Field qualitatively describes RAA. SCF - long range coherent fields SCF behaviour mimicked by doubling the effective string tension SCF controlsqq and qqqq production rates and gs Topor Pop et al. hep-ph/0505210 SCF only produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions RAA≠ RCP Effects dominate out to high pT
Coupling of heavy quarks to the medium reduced due to mass Dead cone effect Djordjevic et al, nucl-th/0507019 See also Armesto et al, Phys. Rev. D71 (2005) 054027 Expectation: Little suppression for single e- from heavy flavor
In central Au+Au collisions, non-photonic electrons are very strongly suppressed at high pT Non-photonic e- RAA • Data agree with c e predictions if the density is quite high • Butb e should be there, too • Is our understanding of c and b production correct? • Is our understanding of partonic energy loss correct? • How strong are the in-medium interactions? • How dense is the medium? • Re-scattering significant?
Alternative scenario: collisional contribution Moore & Teaney, hep-ph/0412346 AMPT: (C.M. Ko) ← σ=10 mb ← σ=3 mb ← pQCD Large collisional interactions also produce suppression but also v2 v2 signal in e-
Jet quenching Jet correlations in proton-proton reactions. Strong back-to-back peaks. Jet correlations in central Gold-Gold. Away side jet disappears for particles pT > 2 GeV Jet correlations in central Gold-Gold. Away side jet reappears for particles pT>200 MeV Azimuthal Angular Correlations
conical flow? 3-particle correlation pTtrig=3-4, pTassoc=1-2 GeV/c 2-particle corr, bg, v2 subtracted near near d+Au min-bias Df2 p Dφ2=φ2-φtrig Medium Medium away away 0 0 p mach cone Df1 Au+Au 10% Df2 Dφ2=φ2-φtrig p dN2/dΔφ1dΔφ2/Ntrig 0 deflected jets 0 p Df1 Dφ1=φ1-φtrig Three regions on away side: center = (p, p) ±0.4 corner = (p+1,p+1) ±0.4 x2 cone = (p+1,p-1) ±0.4 x2 difference in Au+Au average signal per radian2: center – corner = 0.3 ± 0.3 (stat) ± 0.4 (syst) center – cone = 2.6 ± 0.3 (stat) ± 0.8 (syst) d+Au and Au+Au elongated along diagonal: kT effect, and deflected jets? Distinctive features of conical flow are not seen in present data.
Emergence of dijets 8 < pT(trig) < 15 GeV/c pT(assoc)>6 GeV STAR Preliminary No background subtraction! For the first time: clear jet-like peaks seen on near and away side in central Au-Au collisions
Centrality dependence of yields ≈ 5-7 GeV2/fm in central Au+Au @ RHIC Fit scaledby x2 8 < pT(trig) < 15 GeV/c • Near-side yields consistent within errors • Away-side yields decrease monotically with increasing NPart • Suppression pattern similar for two pT(assoc) ranges! IAA = Yield (AA)/ Yield(dAu) IAA ≈RAA ≈ 0.20-0.25
mT scaling STAR Preliminary p+p 200 GeV No complete mT scaling Au-Au Radial flow prevents scaling at low mT Seems to scale at higher mT p-p Appears to be scaling at low mT Baryon/meson splitting at higher mT – Gluon jets?
Gluon vs quark jets in p-p No absolute mT scaling – “data” scaled to match at mT~1 GeV/c Quark jets events display mass splitting Gluon jets events display baryon/meson splitting Way to explore quark vs gluon dominance
Changing the probe: towards g-jet STAR Preliminary • Correlations triggered on g: clear near and away-side peaks • Strong contamination remains from p0 decay daughters • Work in progress to separate out direct g • g does not couple to medium or fragment into jets • remove trigger surface bias and fragmentation uncertainty in Q2
Conclusions • We have successfully created • the Quark Gluon Plasma! • Now we have many exciting • properties that we are just • beginning to explore…. • low viscosity • rapid equilibration • novel hadron formation mechanisms • jet quenching and medium reaction • temperature determination • degrees of freedom
The STAR Collaboration STAR U.S. Labs: Argonne, Lawrence Berkeley, and Brookhaven National Labs U.S. Universities: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, Creighton, Indiana, Kent State, MIT, MSU, CCNY, Ohio State, Penn State, Purdue, Rice, Texas A&M, UT Austin, Washington, Wayne State, Valparaiso, Yale Brazil: Universidade de Sao Paolo China: IHEP - Beijing, IPP - Wuhan, USTC, Tsinghua, SINAP, IMP Lanzhou Croatia: Zagreb University Czech Republic: Nuclear Physics Institute England: University of Birmingham France: Institut de Recherches Subatomiques Strasbourg, SUBATECH - Nantes Germany: Max Planck Institute – Munich University of Frankfurt India: Bhubaneswar, Jammu, IIT-Mumbai, Panjab, Rajasthan, VECC Netherlands: NIKHEF/Utrecht Poland: Warsaw University of Technology Russia: MEPHI – Moscow, LPP/LHE JINR – Dubna, IHEP – Protvino South Korea: Pusan National University Switzerland: University of Bern