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Important Dates *Thursday, January 30 th - 100 th day of school *Wednesday , February 12 th - Field trip to Kirkland to see Pinocchio * Thursday, February 13 th - Valentine’s Day Party at 2:00 *Friday, February 14 th - No School
Important Dates • *Thursday, January 30th- 100th day of school • *Wednesday, February 12th- Field trip to Kirkland to see Pinocchio • *Thursday, February 13th- Valentine’s Day Party at 2:00 • *Friday, February 14th- No School • *Tuesday, February 25th- McTeacher Night at Forsyth McDonald’s from 4:30-7:30- come support Frankin! Mrs. Robertson’s Classroom News 1-24-14 The Start of Unit 4 We will kick off Unit 4 in Reading with “Pelican Was Hungry.” We will be practicing making inferences through this story. The spelling list will focus on words with long o. Our new sight words for the week are: opened, every, saw, any, soon. Honor Assembly Congrats to all who received an award at the Honor Roll Assembly. It was wonderful to see so many family and friends in the audience to cheer the kids on. Thank you for your continued support…we can’t do it without you! Field Trip On Wednesday, February 12th, we will be taking a field trip to Kirkland Fine Arts Center at Millikin University to see the play Pinocchio. The cost of admission is $4 and if you would be willing to send an extra $1-2 dollars for bus cost (making the total cost $5 or $6) . We unfortunately don’t have funding for busses this year for field trips so in order to still go, we need a little help from you and teachers are covering the additional cost. Students who have a bus suspension or office referral between Monday, January 27th- and Wednesday, February 12th will be unable to attend. Please talk with your child about making good choices so he/she can attend. I will begin collecting permission slips and money on Monday, January 27th. Writing This week we did some catching up with our writing since it is a review week. We wrote about our families and things we like to do with them. Students also wrote about school including their favorite subject and why, as well as something they still hope to learn this year. Last week, we did contraction surgery where we transformed the classroom into a hospital and became doctors to make contractions! Tens and Ones In math, we started topic 8 last week by counting groups of 10 and leftovers. This week we continued with making numbers with tens, counting tens and ones using base ten blocks, and began expanded form (24= 20 + 4). We have been doing a mix of paper fact tests and responder fact tests daily along with continuing to graph results so they can see their growth. I am VERY proud of the progress made on facts- both addition and subtraction! 100th Day of School On Thursday, January 30th, we will be celebrating our 100th day of school! We will do activities throughout the day related to the 100th day! Life Long Ago/Matter In Social Studies, we learned about pilgrims this week. Next week, we will have our social studies test over Unit 3. For Science, We finished studying matter learning about solids, liquids,and gasses. Star of the Week for January 27h- January 31st will be Marante! We are looking forward to learning more about him.