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線性穩壓器 (2) Linear Regulators (2)

線性穩壓器 (2) Linear Regulators (2). Instructor: Po-Yu Kuo ( 郭柏佑 ) 國立雲林科技大學 電子工程系. Structure of LDO. A typical series regulator which consists of four main building blocks:. Structure of LDO.

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線性穩壓器 (2) Linear Regulators (2)

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  1. 線性穩壓器 (2) Linear Regulators (2) Instructor: Po-Yu Kuo (郭柏佑) 國立雲林科技大學 電子工程系

  2. Structure of LDO • A typical series regulator which consists of four main building blocks:

  3. Structure of LDO • Voltage Reference (Vref): a very stable voltage with respect to temperature change and input voltage variations, usually of the bandgap type. • Error Amplifier (A(s)): a very high (dc) gain opamp to achieve a close to zero error signal Verr=V+ - V-. • Feedback Network: R1 and R2 define the feedback factor and generate Vfb to be compared with Vref to get the designed output voltage Vo. • Series Pass/Power Transistor (Q1): power transistor configuration to pass high current from the source to output. As it handles large current, the size of pass transistor dominates the area of the whole series regulator.

  4. Structure of LDO • Dropout Voltage (Vdo) is the minimum voltage difference between the input and output under which the regulator still able to maintain the output within the specification. • With a Li-Ion battery as Vin, Vin varies from 2.7V to 4.2V. Vdo,max =4.2-Vov,ML

  5. Structure of LDO

  6. Specifications of LDO • Two Categories: • Regulating (accuracy) performance Line regulation, load regulation, temperature dependence, transient overshoot, transient recovery time, stability • Power Characteristics Io, Quiescent current Iq, Vin & Vo ( )

  7. Efficiency • Current Efficiency : where Iq is the quiescent current of LDO • In LDO design for portable applications, Io is usually much larger than Iq with > 99% efficiency • When Io is 0, Iq should be minimized (I3 should be small by large values of R1 and R2)

  8. Efficiency • Smaller dropout voltage causes a higher power conversion efficiency especially Io >> Iq • In light-load condition (small Io), the efficiency is poorer as I1, I2, and I3 are close to Io

  9. Dropout Voltage and Power-Transistor Sizing • VSDmust be always larger than Vov at different conditions • Design at the worst case: largest Vov at Io(max)and μp(min)at the maximum temperature • By using minimum L (the smallest transistor and hence parasitic capacitance), keep increasing W until meeting the dropout specification • IR at the routing metals increase VDO • Design margin by experience-generally the chosen W is 1.1-1.2 times of the theoretical W

  10. Load Regulation • Load Regulation (R): closed-loop output resistance of LDO • Ro is the open-loop output resistance of the pass transistor as Rf1, Rf2 >> Ro • Better load regulation is achieved by smaller Ro (using minimum channel length of the pass transistor) and larger loop-gain magnitude • As Ro 1/Io, high Io range gives better load regulation

  11. Line Regulation • gmpis the transconductance of power PMOS transistor • Line regulation is independent of the gain of the power transistor • Line regulation can be improved by a high-gain error amplifier • Other error sources on line regulation are voltage reference and offset voltage of the error amplifier

  12. Review on Voltage Gain • Gmand Ro can be found individually • Input-Output voltage gain can be found by the product of Gm and Ro

  13. Line Regulation Including Other Errors • Voltage gain of the error amplifier is not the only parameter to improve line regulation • Good designs on supply independence of Vref and reducing systematic offset of error amplifier are very important

  14. Temperature Coefficient • Variation of Vo at different temperature depends on both voltage reference and error amplifier design • Rf1 and Rf2 must be made by the same material and closely placed

  15. Load Transient Response

  16. Load Transient Response • Better load transient response by tresp ↓, Co ↑, Re ↓and Lc ↓ .

  17. AC Design (1): Loop-Gain Analysis

  18. AC Design (2): Loop-Gain Analysis

  19. AC Design (3): Loop-Gain Analysis

  20. AC Design (4): Loop-Gain Analysis • zeshould cancel p2 within one decade of frequency for stability • Parasitic pole(s), ppar, must be far away from the unity-gain frequency (UGF) • Different UGFs are resulted from different Re values such as ze locating before or after p2 • p2 locates at very low frequency as Cpa and ra are large • Required large Co and Re • Large Co is unfavorable in the cost consideration • Low-frequency pole-zero cancellation is unfavorable to load transient recovery time

  21. LDO with Voltage Buffer • Smaller required Re can be achieved by inserting a low output-resistance (1/gmb) voltage buffer • One more pole (p3) is created but is located at high frequency due to small output resistance of the voltage buffer • p2 (with voltage buffer) locates at a higher frequency than the one without voltage buffer (Cb << Cg)

  22. Effect of Load Currents on Stability • Loop gain is larger when Io is smaller due to gmpro 1/ √Io • p1 is lower when Io is smaller due to larger ro of the power transistor (ro 1/Io) • Worst-case stability at maximum Io • Compensation at max. Io

  23. Effect of Loop-Gain Magnitude on Stability • Larger loop gain by increasing raof the error amplifier • p2 → p2’ • A larger Re is needed to create a zero at lower frequency (ze →ze’) • Larger loop gain →more unstable as p3 may be below the UGF of loop gain • A larger Co is generally needed

  24. Loop Gain Simulation

  25. Summary of LDO Specifications

  26. Circuit Implementations • Circuit of LDO consists of • R1 and R2 • Cin and Co • Vref • Error Amplifier • Voltage Buffer • Power Transistor • Vin,min= Vov,Me1 + Vgs,Mb2 + Vgs,MpLow-voltage operation impossible!

  27. Circuit Implementations • BJT has a small VBE drop (~0.7V) • The circuit can operate at lower input supply compared to the previous case • Smaller input capacitance for small VBE • Base current introduces larger offset voltage and hence degrades accuracy of the output voltage

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