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DNA Repair

DNA Repair. The Ultimate Antiaging Tool. By: LifeSpan International, Inc. www.lifespaninternational.com. DNA IN THE “NEWS”. On The Pill: Inner and Outer Beauty Products; NY Post – March 6, 2005

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DNA Repair

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  1. DNA Repair The Ultimate Antiaging Tool By: LifeSpan International, Inc. www.lifespaninternational.com

  2. DNA IN THE “NEWS” • On The Pill: Inner and Outer Beauty Products; NY Post – March 6, 2005 • The Science of Staying Young, Why We Age; Scientific American, Vol.14 # 3 • CSI TV Program Making DNA Info Relevant • Diet & Genes, The New Science of Nutrition and Aging; Newsweek – February 7, 2005

  3. DNA IN THE “NEWS” • Clean Living…Dietary Supplements... the Future of Health Care: Forbes - November 29, 2004 • How To Live To Be 100 (And Not Regret It); Time – August 30, 2004 • A Four Year Study Measured Significant DNA Damage in Human and Animal Cells from Mobile Phone use; EU 2004 • The Today Show, NBC National; “Stress Study” December 1, 2004 ( Dr. Sheldon Cohen /Elissa Epel) - University of California at San Francisco

  4. NIH: DNA Damage Causes Aging Mutations Replication errors Persistent DNA damage Genomicinstability National Institutes of Health

  5. Human Genome Project • Molecular Medicine • Antiaging Medicine

  6. What is Aging? “. . . the accumulation of random damage to the building blocks of life - especially to DNA, certain proteins, carbohydrates and lipids (fats) – that begins early in life and eventually exceeds the body’s self repair capabilities” Leonard Hayflick, PhD., UCSF S. Jay Olshanky, PhD., UIC Bruce Carnes, PhD., UIC Scientific American, June 2002; 286(6):92-95

  7. Why Do We Age? Oxidative Stress Damage to DNA (nucleus & mitochondria) Poor DNA Repair Aging and Aging Conditions

  8. DNA Damage – Health Consequences DNA DAMAGE Two possible health consequences Mutagenic Diseases e.g. cancer Toxic Disease e.g. Inflammation The major cause of human disease has been identified as DNA damage by reactive oxygen species. This has been reviewed as a contributing factor for the origin and progression of a number of conditions including aging, autoimmunity, HIV infection and cancer.

  9. Cellular Control of DNA Repair DNA repair of damage Complete Incomplete Gene Deficiency Biochemical Inhibition No disease Mutagenic and toxic disease Review of the cellular control of DNA damage

  10. Results of Poor DNA Repair DNA damage caused by toxins, diet, environment, radiation GOOD No disease GOOD repair DNA (gene) chemistry Double stranded helical polymer BAD repair BAD Repair enzymes / Protein Processes PARP, endonuclease, exonuclease, polymerase, ligase BAD REPAIR CASUES ALTERED GENE EXPRESSION, LEADS TO CHRONIC DISEASES Cancer, autoimmune, aging cardiovascular, inflammatory


  12. 7 STEPS IN AGING Hobbled Proteins (Glycation) YOUR ENVIRONMENT (Poor diet, stress, pollution, smoking, exercise, sun exposure generate free radicals) OXIDATIVE STRESS GOOD GENE REPAIR equals Antiaging Wrong soup mix (Mitochonria function) GENE DAMAGE equals Aging Misfiring genetic switches (Methylation and acetylation) ALTERED GENE EXPRESSION Immune glitches (Inflammation) Faulty cell communication (Hormone imbalance)

  13. Mitochondrial DNA A single ATP molecule must be recycled within a mitochondrion approximately 1,000 times per day for the body to maintain its energy supply

  14. Quenching Reactive Oxygen Species in the Mitochondrion • About 10% of the air we breathe is converted into free radicals in the mitochondria of our cells to produce the energy of life (ATP). • Hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, superoxide, lipid peroxide and singlet oxygen are metabolic mistakes of ATP production. • Mitochondria -Primary source of free radical production in cells.

  15. AC-11® • Water soluble extract of Uncaria tomentosa; 8% CAE’s*, less than 0.05% oxindole alkaloids *Carboxy alkyl esters

  16. AC-11® primary bioactive ingredient has been identifiedFound in Shayman natural extractions of UncariaQuinic acid/Quinic acid lactones are significantly more bioactive when purified from AC-11®

  17. Oxidative stress Aging Effects of Oxidative Stress Tumor toxicity Decreases cell survivalal Increases cell survival Enhances immune cells Increases differentiation/function Increases apoptosis Reduces apoptosis Inhibition AC-11™ NF-kB Activation Anti-oxidation Increases DNA repair Decreases TNFalpha Increases TNFalpha Anti-inflammation Decreases DNA damage Enhances immune cells Inflammation anti-infection Pro-oxidant Increases DNA damage Inhibits immune cells

  18. #4 #2 #3 Enhance DNA Repair STEP 1.. DNA damage detected. Enzymes uncoil and unzip DNA. (NFk-B inhibition works here also by stopping free radicals that damage DNA) STEP 2.. Uncoiled structure gives access to repair enzymes. STEP 3.. Damaged or misplaced nucleotides are cut out by enzymes. (Active genes are repaired first, then less active genes) STEP 4. New segments are moved into place and the seams are sealed by other enzymes. #1 # #2

  19. NF-kB / DNA repair-- control DNA damage and your health • Second primary source of free radicals is inflammation • NF-kB inhibition reduces this source • Regardless the source, DNA repair removes DNA damage • These processes are controlled by dietary factors

  20. About AC-11® • Patented extract from the bark of Uncaria tomentosa vine • Patented extraction method that isolates the potent Carboxy Alkyl Esters which comprise the active ingredients in the bark • No high molecular weight alkaloids associated with adverse reactions • Sustainable Growth Project which is controlled by the Brazilian Environmental Institute (IBAMA) • Work projects are conducted under the Floravida Institutes guidance

  21. Patented for DNA Repair and Immune Enhancement Patented Aqueous Extraction Process Inner Bark Uncaria tomentosa Water Soluble Carboxy Alkyl Esters Alkaloid Free Ethical Harvesting Produced under Pharma GMP’s Proven Safety / Efficacy Hydroalcoholic Tinctures, Decoctions and Solvent Extracts Bark, Leaves &/or Root Uncaria guianensis Water Insoluble Tetracyclic Oxindole Alkaloids Petracyclic Oxindole Alkaloids Environmentally Threatening Questionable Safety Unique FormulationAC-11®OTHER UT FORMULATIONS

  22. Stability and Safety • Stability data > 5 years • LD50 > 8000 mg/kg • Our current recommended oral dosage is 350mg per day • Topical study doses range from 0.5% to 5.0% in solution • No known toxicity • Stability in activity & color as an ingredient in cosmetics • Passes cosmetic micro-efficacy studies under USP challenge test method • DSHEA registered • Prop 65 Compliant

  23. AC-11® – DSHEA Allowed Claims • AC-11® helps enhance natural immunity • AC-11® helps enhance natural DNA repair process

  24. AC-11® research validates it’s use to treat DNA damage via NF-kB inhibition and DNA repair enhancement • Induction of apoptosis and tumor inhibition; Anticancer Res., 18:1998 • Enhanced DNA repair, immune function; J. Ethnopharm., 69:2000 • Enhanced antibody response to vaccination;Phytomed., 8:2001 • Human DNA repair enhancement; Phytomed., 8:2001 • DNA repair enhanced by combination with niacin, carotenoids and zinc; Can. Detect Prev., 22:1998

  25. AC-11® Research, cont’d. • Serum thiols to estimate DNA repair; J.Antiaging Med., 3:2000 • WBC elevation with no pathology or loss of immune function – proof of concept in mouse; Phytomed. , 2002 • DNA repair as a primary molecular target for antiaging therapies; Antiaging Med., 2002 • Anti-aging nutritional supplement with and without AC-11; Anti-aging Med., 2002 • Uncaria extract (AC-11) prolongs leukocyte survival; PhytMed., 2003 • Uncaria Extract (AC-11) inhibits cell division and NF-kB activity; Interntl. Immunopharmacology, 2003

  26. Strong IP Protection • AC-11® provides DNA repair from sun damage, lightens and blends skin tones • Patent issued for the extraction process of the rain forest botanical Uncaria tomentosa • This process results in a proprietary, standardized extract. • Patent filed for a compound and method of use for AC-11®

  27. Strong IP Protection, continued • Patent issued for Thiol blood test to measure repair status of DNA • Patent issued for compound and method of use for Nicoplex™, a formulation with AC-11®, niacinamide and zinc. This synergistic combination has been proven to significantly improve DNA Repair. • AC-11® has demonstrated it’s positive benefits in both “Inner and Outer Beauty” products.

  28. Synergistic To Nutrients AC-11® • Niacin (niacinamide): a substrate for DNA repair enzymes • Zinc: attaches to DNA repair enzymes, activating them • Carotenoids: scavenge oxy-radicals and enhance immune response • Edible mushroom extracts

  29. Combination Products w/ AC-11® i.e. Nicomed & Nicoplex • Synergistic Blends that Combine AC-11® with Nutrients / Antioxidants • Patented Products -------------------------------------------------------- • Age Manager – Multi-Vitamin Type with AC-11® • AGE Erasers

  30. Scientific Validation Clinical Study using orally administered AC-11® * UP 12% DOWN51% DOWN40% FREE RADICAL DAMAGE1 DNA DAMAGE2 DNA REPAIR ENZYMES3

  31. Summary 5 Categories of AC-11® Activity • DNA Repair • Anti-inflammatory • Tumor Inhibition • Immune Enhancement • Antioxidant

  32. OPPORTUNITIES • Food • Beverage / Water • Dietary Supplements • Cosmetics / Topical Skin Care • Sports Nutrition • Age Management / DNA Health Care --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Home Based Business • Network Sales • Affiliate Partnerships

  33. DNA Repair The Ultimate Antiaging Tool by: LifeSpan International, Inc. www.lifespaninternational.com

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