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Pär Weihed Centre for Advanced Mining & Metallurgy Luleå University of Technology

Education along the metals and minerals value chain in the Barents region – a call for joint actions from universities in the Barents region . Pär Weihed Centre for Advanced Mining & Metallurgy Luleå University of Technology. Sustainable supply in the EU ( Bullets 32- 46)

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Pär Weihed Centre for Advanced Mining & Metallurgy Luleå University of Technology

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  1. Education along the metals and minerals value chain in the Barents region – a call for joint actions from universities in the Barents region Pär Weihed Centre for Advanced Mining & Metallurgy Luleå University of Technology

  2. Sustainable supply in the EU (Bullets 32-46) • 37: …recalls Parliament's resolution of 20 January 2011 on a sustainable EU policy for the High North and calls, in this regard, on the Commission, in accordance with the precautionary principle, to assess the possibilities of environmentally sustainable exploitation of sensitive areas that might be valuable suppliers of essential RM, such as the Arctic, the Barents Region and Greenland and, if possible, extend existing partnership agreements with the countries in these regionsText adopted P7_TA(2011)0024. • 39: …Notes that the northern European countries and the Barents Region have substantial deposits of ores and minerals, and forests; believes that the northern European region can make a substantial contribution to the RM supply needs of other European companies and thereby reduce European import dependence; believes that there is a clear need to increase awareness of the potential of northern Europe in the ongoing discussion over RM.

  3. Why? Trade policy perspective Raw materials industry one of the Barents region major net export providers The Barents region a leading European metal and minerals supplier The Barents region is the most expansive area in Europe concerning investments in exploration and mining The Barents region will in the longer perspective have an increased geopolitical role for global trade Europe-Asia Raw materials currently have a strong focus within EU (cf. RMI, critical metals report, EU2020-EIP etc.)

  4. Why? Business policy perspective The Barents region a leading European metal and minerals supplier Raw materials currently have a strong focus within EU (cf. RMI, critical metals report, EU2020-EIP etc. The Barents region provides the best geological potential in Europe for new discoveries Mining industry is a driver for economic and regional growth in the Barents region (SME-establishment in downstream industry) Mining and exploration industry create employment opportunities in regions where the resources exists (i.e. “outsourcing” not possible) Finding skilled labour is a major challenge for mining and exploration industry

  5. Why? Research and education policy perspective Finding skilled labour is a major challenge for mining and exploration industry Nordic RDI within mining and minerals world leading Barents cluster could be strongest in Europe within the sector Most universities in the Nordic countries (and western Russia) with focus towards exploration and mining and metals are based within or close to the Barents region A strong need for focussing and create critical mass in RDI to maintain competitive education and research Established cooperation is already in place between universities (cf. Nordic Mining School)

  6. Sustainable development Labour org. EU Indigenous groups org. Communities Regional administration Environmental protection agencies Universities, R&D Institutes Industry NGO’s Geological surveys National governments, conflicting interests ???

  7. Universities & Research institutes related to metals and minerals Ongoing disc.; NTNU. LTU, Oulu Uni., Sintef, Tromsö Uni. Other RDI providers in the region

  8. Norwegian research council – MINFORSK Vinnova – Mining research program TEKES – Green mining National Programs Nordic/Barents Programs Nordic-Barents ? BEAC, BRC, NCM EU Programs ERANET FP7-8

  9. Nordic Mining School for advanced extractive technology and natural resource management A joint initiativebetween Luleå University ofTechnology and Oulu University

  10. Nordic Mining School Funded for 2008–2012 by INTERREG IVA Nord Aims: • To bring the students at masters level in bothuniversitiestogether – criticalmass • Build the best graduateschool in mining relatededucation in Europe • Strengthen the research cooperation in mining, exploration and environmentalengineering, mineral processing, metallurgy, process engineering

  11. Students enrollin a relevant masters program at either of the universities and spend at least 6 months of their studies at the other university and qualify for a double degree from the Nordic Mining School • Opportunity for an internship where European mining is active and write a masters thesis co-supervised by mining, mineral, metallurgical or exploration industry

  12. The Call! A Nordic/Barents networkfor a deepened RDI in minerals and metals Link between universities and research institutes along the value chain can form the basis for a North European centre of excellence in metals and minerals Utilize existing structures, national, Nordic, Barents region(cf. Nordic Mining School, CAMM) Find Nordic/Barents funding structures for networking and long term financing (i.e. NOT PROJECTIFIED) Investment in long term supply of skilled labour at all levels needs long term commitment in a triple helix context

  13. Stresses the importance of skills and training and the role played by geologists, engineers, miners and other personnel; calls on the Commission and the Member States to engage in a close dialogue with the social partners, academia and industry in this context; calls on the Commission to identify the need for, and availability of, trained personnel in the field of RM R&D, extraction, refining, processing and recycling by 2012 and to share the findings with the European Parliament; calls on the Commission and Member States, in collaboration with industry and academia, to support education on RM via the establishment of special university programmes and scholarships; further supports,in this context,exchange programmesin this field such as the Erasmus Mundus Minerals and Environmental Programme; • Thank you!

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