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Analytics-Job-Market-Statistics 2019 by Jigsaw Academy

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Analytics-Job-Market-Statistics 2019 by Jigsaw Academy

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  1. Analytics JobMarket Statistics2019 A Definitive Handbook for Aspirants

  2. AnalyticsReport Introduction As analytics experts, we are clear that the phase where there were tons of misconceptions and misunderstandings around data science is over. We are now at thatpointintimewhereprofessionalsfromdiversebackgrounds–fromfinanceand marketing to even mechanical engineering – are aware about the industry and job rolesandareswitchingtodatascienceforbettercareeropportunities,salaries,and work-lifebalance. For those of you who didn’t know, there are over 97,000 vacancies in the analytics industryinIndiaalonerightnow.Also,youwouldn’tbelieveifwementionedthatthe demand-supply gap in the job market has increased by 45% from last year. This clearly indicates that businesses, both startups and organizations, are increasingly looking to recruit skilled data scientists and are investing on establishing analytics wings in theirbusinesses. This has been a trend across India and if you are someone looking to makea career out of this lucrative industry, we have developed a very special report just for you. Called The Analytics Job Market Statistics 2019, this book is a definitivehandbook every aspirant needs right now to make that one life-changing decision to switch careerpaths. Wearesurethatthisreportwouldanswersomeofthemostcrucialquestionsyou’ll haveintermsofcareeropportunities,salaries,citieswithmostvacanciesandmore. Check itout. ©2019JigsawAcademyEducationPvtLtd.

  3. Recruitment Trends byCity According to our most recent research, Bangalore is the top city recruiting data sciencespecialists.Itaccountsfor36%ofthetotalrecruitmentsintheanalyticsjob market.ThisisfollowedbyDelhiNCRandMumbai,thatshareacombined 42%ofthe opportunitiesinanalytics.Puneisthenewentrantinthelistat8% . (Percentageofthetotalrecruitments) 14% Others 14% Mumbai 36% Bangalore 28% DelhiNCR 8% Pune Citiesrecruitinganalyticsspecialists Disclaimer: The report is the result of a research conducted through several data points. These include interactions with over 60,000 people via websites, social media, job platforms and othersources. ©2019JigsawAcademyEducationPvtLtd.

  4. Top Skills inDemand This year, startups and bigger tech companies alike are increasingly looking forpeople who know Machine Learning and Big Data. Professionals who know Python and R are also in top demand. This trend is similar across companies of diverse sizes and establishments. SAS8% Big Data20% Machine Learning28% Others 30% R32% Python41% Note:Somejob rolesmayrequiremultipleskillsets,hencethepercentagementionedmaynot addupto100. Disclaimer: The report is the result of a research conducted through several data points. These include interactions with over 60,000 people via websites, social media, job platforms and othersources. ©2019JigsawAcademyEducationPvtLtd.

  5. Salary Spread byExperience Thebiggestjumpinsalariesisseenafterthe5-yearmark,whereanalystscanexpectup toa80%raisewithanaveragepayof13.9lakhsp.a.Adecadeofexperiencecanboostthis figuretomorethan30lakhsp.a. 10+ years >30L 7-10 years 21.2L 80% Jump 5-7 years 13.9L 3-5 years 7.8L (Salaryinlakhsp.a.) 0-3 years 6.4L Disclaimer: The report is the result of a research conducted through several data points. These include interactions with over 60,000 people via websites, social media, job platforms and othersources. ©2019JigsawAcademyEducationPvtLtd.

  6. SuccessStories “What I really liked about Jigsaw Academy was that they taughtusrightfrombasicsanddidn’tdirectlydumpuswith analytics concepts, which wouldn’t have been great for a newbietoanalyticslikeme.” - SiddhantMohapatra DataSpecialistatServionGlobalSolutions KnowmoreatWhatNextAfteranMBA? “Ihadtoworkonalargedatasetandtherewasalotofdata exploration that needed to be done. The capstone project helpedmeunderstandtheapplicationsideofmylearning.” - HarshGujrathi Consultant atBristleCone KnowmoreatHowcanaNon-techProfessionalmoveinto Analytics? “SinceJigsawAcademyfocusedtheirtrainingonbeingable todeliveronthejobandonknowledgeasitsneededinthe industry,makingthejumpwasabreezeforme.” - JalpeshBorad DataEngineeratUninstall.io KnowmoreatHowProfessionalsfromnon-technical backgroundcanswitchtoAnalytics “EvenwhenIstartedlookingatmovingintoanalytics,IknewI wanted to stay true to my HR experience, which is why I enrolledintheHRAnalyticsprogramatJigsaw.Irealizedthe importance of our decisions and how they impact people aroundus.“ - RoopaKumari GroupHeadofHRatWorldwideLogistics KnowmoreatTakingtheLeapintoHRAnalytics ©2019JigsawAcademyEducationPvtLtd.


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