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Chapter 33 Terms

Chapter 33 Terms. Angina pectoris. Pain that indicates a heart attack Caused by a blockage in the coronary artery. Antibody. Y shaped proteins Created by the immune system Clump foreign substances together in the blood. Antigen.

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Chapter 33 Terms

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  1. Chapter 33 Terms

  2. Angina pectoris • Pain that indicates a heart attack • Caused by a blockage in the coronary artery

  3. Antibody • Y shaped proteins • Created by the immune system • Clump foreign substances together in the blood

  4. Antigen • A foreign substance in the body that triggers an immune response.

  5. Aorta • The largest artery in the body • Exits the heart

  6. Arteriole • Smallest branching of an artery • Lead directly to capillaries

  7. Artery • Blood vessel that moves blood AWAY from the heart • Very thick walls

  8. Atrioventricular valve • Valves found between the ATRIA and VENTRICLES • Prevents backflow of blood

  9. Atrium • “TOP” chambers of the heart • Move blood into ventricles • “Measure” blood for the ventricles to pump

  10. blood • Connective tissue • Medium that carries requirements to cells • Medium that carries wastes away from cells

  11. blood pressure • Pressure exerting on the INSIDE of blood vessels • Created by the force of the pumping heart

  12. capillary • Smallest blood vessels in body • Materials can enter and exit the blood through capillaries

  13. cardiac cycle • One complete cycle of the heart beat

  14. circulatory (cardiovascular system) • System of transport in organisms • Moves materials to and from tissues

  15. closed circulatory system • Circulatory system where blood does NOT leave the conducting vessels

  16. diastole • Relaxation period of the heart cycle

  17. ECG • ElectroCardioGram • Graph of the electrical activity of the heart during the cardiac cycle

  18. Heart attack • Situation where blood flow is blocked from the heart tissues • Muscle cells cannot contract

  19. Hemoglobin • Molecule that gives blood its red color • Carries oxygen in the blood

  20. lymph • Tissue fluid that is actively being transported back to the bloodstream via lymph vessels

  21. Open circulatory system • Circulatory system where blood exits the vessels and bathes tissues directly (more primative)

  22. plasma • Liquid part of the blood (55%) • Mostly made up of water

  23. Portal system • A pathway of blood that begins and ends in capillary flow • i.e blood flows from the intestine to the liver and then back to the main bloodstream

  24. Pulmonary circuit • Circuit of blood flow from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart

  25. Pulse • “Bubble” of blood that passes through arteries after the heart beats

  26. Red blood cell • Type of cell that contains the hemoglobin • Carries oxygen

  27. Semilunar valve (aortic valve and pulmonary valve) • Valves that prevent backflow of blood

  28. Septum

  29. Stroke

  30. Systemic circuit • Circulation of blood from the heart to the body tissues and then back to the heart again.

  31. Systole • Period of contraction during a heartbeat

  32. Tissue fluid • Fluids surrounding cells • Contain materials that must be diffused into the cells • Contain waste materials (from cells) that must be removed

  33. Vein

  34. Vena cava

  35. Ventricle

  36. Venule • Smallest branching of a vein. • Blood enters these from the capillaries

  37. White blood cell

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