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Regional Workshop to disseminate Water Supply and Sanitation Standards of Quality of Service, adapted to LDCs Preparation to the ISO TC 224 Draft Standards test in Africa. WBI/InWEnt/AFWA/NWSC WORKSHOP KAMPALA (UGANDA), JULY 24-27, 2007.

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  1. Regional Workshop to disseminate Water Supply and Sanitation Standards of Quality of Service, adapted to LDCsPreparation to the ISO TC 224 Draft Standards test in Africa. WBI/InWEnt/AFWA/NWSC WORKSHOPKAMPALA (UGANDA), JULY 24-27, 2007


  3. What is an ISO International Standard ? • Document established by consensus among stakeholders that provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results • Applicable on a voluntary basis WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  4. Who ISO is ? • Network of the National standards institutes of 154 countries • 104 member bodies (16 African countries : Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Morocco, South Africa, Tanzania …) • 41 correspondent members (14 African countries : Benin, Cameroon, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia …) • 9 subscriber members (2 African countries) WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  5. WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  6. ISO/TC 224 • Service activities relating to drinking water supply systems and wastewater systems- Quality criteria of the service and performance indicators • Chairman: Jean-Luc REDAUD – FranceSecretariat : Laurence THOMAS - AFNOR WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  7. ISO/TC 224 A new type of ISO Standards • Guidelines oriented towards performance objectives • involving many “new” stakeholders and • not supporting direct certification • Complementary to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 (Quality management system and environmental management system) WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  8. ISO/TC 224 standards will be useful for improving governance and quality of services • Improve the dialogue among stakeholders • develop a mutual understanding of responsibilities and tasks • Establish objectives locally adapted, complying with mandatory requirements laid down by the relevant authorities • Assess the quality of the services provided • Monitor the performances of the water utilities for both the interest of users and the protection of the environment WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  9. Who participates to ISO/TC 224 ? • 49 countries involved: 33 participating countries (P – members) and 16 observing countries (O – members) • African P members : Algeria, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Tunisia, Zimbabwe • African O member: Zambia • International organizations(AfWA, AIDIS, Consumers International, EUREAU, IWA, NORMAPME, WHO, World Bank) WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  10. How ISO/TC 224 is organized? • WG 1 Terminology (AFNOR – France) • WG 2 Service to the user (AENOR – Spain) • WG 3 Drinking water (SCC – Canada et DSM – Malaysia) • WG 4 Wastewater (ON – Austria and KATS – Republic of Korea) • Ad hoc group Developing countries (Morocco) WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  11. Three ISO standards in preparation • ISO 24510 Guidelines for the assessment and for the improvement of the service to users (service oriented standard) • ISO 24511 Guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services (management oriented) • ISO 24512 Guidelines for the management of drinking water utilities and for the assessment of drinking water services (management oriented) WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  12. ISO/TC 224 actions to involve developing countries • Twinning arrangements • Regional Water Fora • Ad hoc group “Developing countries” • Financial support from ISO DEVT • Liaisons • Mexico World Water Forum WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  13. Regional water fora • Three regional water fora in 2004 • Asiatic Forum – Daejeon, Korea, April 2004 • Latin-America and Caribbean forum – Porto Rico, August 2004 • African Forum – Marrakech, September 2004 • Objectives : to inform and to strengthen the participation of developing countries to ISO and also to collect comments and proposals on the draft standards. WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  14. Ad hoc group Developing Countries • Set up in September 2004 by the 4th ISO/TC 224 meeting in Rabat (Morocco) • Convenor : Mr Zouggari (Morocco) • Objectives : • to ensure that ISO/TC 224 draft standards are applicable to developing countries and to propose amendments, if needed • to test the draft standards in developing countries WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  15. Adaptation to local and regional contexts • Berlin, October 2005 : ISO/TC 224 decision to prepare a guide for the application of ISO 24510, ISO 24511 and ISO 24512 in developing and emerging countries  • Launching of an experimentation/tests in African cities under the leadership of the World Bank Institute and many others partners WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  16. ISO/TC 224 steps over • September 2002 –- ISO/TC 224 1st meeting, Paris (France) • September 2003 – ISO/TC 224 2nd meeting, Ottawa (Canada) • April 2004 – ISO/TC 224 3rd meeting, Daejeon (Korea) • September 2004 – ISO/TC 224 4th meeting, Rabat (Morocco) • October 2005 – ISO/TC 224 5th meeting, Berlin (Germany) • April 2006 to September 2006 – Draft International Standard enquiries (DIS) – open to all ISO member bodies (about 100) • 96 % approval by P-members • November/ December 2006 - ISO/TC 224 6th meeting in Punta del Este (Uruguay) WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  17. Schedule 2007 • August/October 2007: Final Draft International Standard Vote (FDIS) • November 2007 – ISO/TC 224 meeting in Japan (with a specific workshop for developing countries) • Beginning of 2008 - Publication of the ISO standards in English, French, and Spanish versions WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  18. ISO/TC 224 Future work (1) • From the end of 2007 to end of 2010, to maintain an overview of events/activities • Actions of communication/promotion of standards • Information regarding the draft guide for the application to developing countries • collection of any information/request regarding use and application of ISO Standards • Collection of any initiative regarding regional or local work based on the ISO Standards WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  19. ISO/TC 224 Future work (2) • End of 2010 – Review of ISO 24510, ISO 24511 and ISO 24512  Confirmation or revision or withdrawn of the standards WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  20. To test the standards in Africa : a double interest • To contribute to the revision of the ISO standards and to their applicability worldwide and mainly in Africa • To prepare local application documents, if needed  in order to improve governance and quality of water and wastewater services for the African continent WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

  21. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Contact : ISO/TC 224 secretariat laurence.thomas@afnor.org WBI/InWEnt, Kampala, 24-27 July, 2007 - ISO Workshop

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