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Explore the human body's vital functions such as digestion, respiration, circulation, and excretion. Learn how the sensory system works and interacts with the environment to control and coordinate activities.
Thehumanbody and nutrition • Thedigestivesystembreaksdownthefoodweeatintosmallermoleculesthatourbody can absorb . Key words: esophagus, stomach, intestines. • Therespiratorysystemabsorbsoxygenintothebody and releasescarbondioxide. Key words: trachea, lungs. • Thecirculatorysystemtransportsbloodalloverthebody. keywords: heart, bloodvessels. • Theexcretorysystemeliminates de waste (deshecho) ourbody produces. keywords: kidney (riñones) and bladder (vegija)
Thehumanbody and theinteraction Theinteractionfunctionenables (permite) living thingsreceiveinformationeitherfromtheenvironment (medio) orfromtheirownbody and control and coordinatetheactivities. Howitworks (funciona)? • Identifythestimulus (sg). A stimulusisanyactionorchange. It can be: • Externalstimuli (pl) are changesthathappen in ourenvironmentoutside (fuera) thebody. Oursenses capture thestimuli. • Internalstimuli are changesthathappeninside (dentro) ourbodybythe receptor organs. • Thebrainreceives and processestheinformation and decides theorder. • Theorderbecomes(se convierte en) a response and ourbodyreacts. The responses can be: • Motor responses happenwhenthemusclesmove. • Glandular responses happenwhenorganscalledglands produce a substance. Forexample: sweat (sudor)
Theinteraction: thesensorysystem (5 senses) • Smell (olfato): olfatoryreceptors are in the nasal cavitynexttothepituitaryarea. • Taste (gusto): taste receptors, called taste buds, are onthetongue and helpustodifferenciatetheflavours (sabores). Picture of thetongue. • Touch (tacto): touchreceptors, located in theskin, can detecttemperature, pressure, pain and texture. • Sight (vista): theeyes are theorganthatletussee. Light enterstheeyesthroughthepupil, thelens and the retina, thatsendsthestimulithrooughtheopticnerve. Picture of theeye. • Hearing (oido): theouterearcollectsthesound, whichpassesthroughtheinnerearcannal, themiddleear and thethreesmallbones, reachesthecochlea and theauditorynerve. Picture of theear.