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Course Matters

Explore the challenges and solutions in implementing application-level multicast networks, covering topics such as overlay networks, end-system multicast, mesh construction, optimization, and tree building. Delve into protocols, maintenance, scaling issues, and resource management.

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Course Matters

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Course Matters

  2. Deadlines • 11 Oct: Survey Paper Due • 18 Oct: Paper Reviews Due

  3. Reminder • No lecture next week • Make-up lecture • 23rd October 2004, Saturday • 1-3pm

  4. Previously, on CS5248..

  5. New Model: IP Multicast sender receivers

  6. Multicast S G A Router B Router Router Router C

  7. Multicast S A Router G B Router Router Router G C

  8. Multicast S G A Router B Router Router G Router C

  9. So, why can’t we multicast? • Who assign multicast address? • Who pay for multicast traffic? • How to inter-operate between protocols? • How can we prevent DoS?

  10. Application-Level Multicast

  11. You are Here Encoder Decoder Middlebox Receiver Sender Network

  12. Application-Level Multicast S A A Router B Router Router Router C

  13. Application-Level Multicast S B C A Router B Router Router Router C

  14. Overlay Network S A B C

  15. Penalty: Delay S A Router B Router Router Router C

  16. Penalty: Network Resource S A Router B Router Router Router C

  17. Link Stress S A Router B Router Router Router C

  18. Questions • How to construct overlay multicast tree? • How to maintain overlay multicast tree?

  19. A Case for End-System Multicast Y. Chu, S. Rao, S. Seshan, H. Zhang JSAC 2002

  20. Narada’s Idea • Build a mesh, then build a tree S S A A B C B C

  21. Why Build Mesh?

  22. Desirable Property of Mesh • Path between any two nodes must be “good” • Cannot be too sparse or too dense

  23. How to build Mesh? • Node join • Randomly choose some existing members as neighbour S A B C

  24. How to maintain Mesh? • Everybody knows everybody • Each node maintains a table

  25. How to update table? • Refresh messages • Exchange of tables

  26. How to maintain Mesh? • Node failure • Probes if no refresh messages for a while S A B C

  27. How to maintain Mesh? • Mesh Partition • Probes if no refresh messages for a while, add random edges if alive S A B C

  28. How to Optimize Mesh? • Mesh needs to periodically updated because: • nodes join and leave • network condition changes • partition repair add unneeded edges • initial constructions are random

  29. Adding a Link • Node i periodically probe randomly selected members j • Ask “what if I add (i,j)?”

  30. Adding a Link S S A A B C B C

  31. Removing a Link • Harder to ask “what if I remove link (i,j)?” • compute cost(i,j) instead: number of nodes for which i uses j as next hop

  32. cost(i,j) cost(S,A) = 2 S A B C

  33. cost(i,j) cost(S,A) = 3 cost(A,S) = 1 E S A D B C

  34. Removing a link • if max(cost(i,j), cost(j,i)) < Threshold drop (i,j) (Threshold should depends on group size)

  35. Narada’s Idea • Build a mesh, then build a tree S S A A B C B C

  36. How to build tree? • Modify DVMRP • Cost definition • Pick widest path • Break ties by latency

  37. Evaluation: Bandwidth

  38. Evaluation: RTT

  39. Evaluation: Link Stress

  40. Evaluation: Resource Usage

  41. Scalable Application Layer Multicast S. Banerjee, B. Bhattacharjee, and C. Kommareddy SIGCOMM 2002

  42. Problem • Narada does not scale • State maintenance • Message overhead

  43. NICE • NICE is scalable • State maintenance • Message overhead

  44. Members

  45. Clusters

  46. Leader

  47. Layer

  48. Nodes per Cluster [k, 3k-1]

  49. Control Topology

  50. Multicast Tree

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