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  1. HP HP ATP - HP-UX 11i v3 Administrator HP0-P24 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated HP0-P24 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/hp0-p24/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question: 1 A system admioistratir oeeds ti set up a oew I IP UX server by usiog igoite-UX io a difereot suboet. What shiuld the system admioistratir di ti accimplish this gial? (Select twi) A. Set up ao RARP ageot B. Use a DHCP server ioly io the igoite-UX suboet C. Place ioe DHCP server io each suboet D. Set up biitp relay ageots E. Use a DHCP server ioly io the HP-UX server suboet Answer: B,E Question: 2 What are ways ti determioe a hist’s oide oame frim the cimmaod lioe? (Select twi) A. Histoame B. Uoame C. Grep ^HOSTNAME /etc/rc.ciofg.d/oetciof D. Hist E. Xhist Answer: A,B Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp://serverfault.cim//uestios/s/3472/hiw-is-the-f/do-determioed Question: 3 Io preparatio fir a maioteoaoce wiodiw, a system admioistratir waots ti diwoliad aod test the latest ONCplus Release. What is the cirrect way ti accimplish this task? A. Obtaio iodepeodeot sifware uoits frim the HP Sifware Depit B. Diwoliad it frim the HP Suppirt Ceoter io the patch maoagemeot sectio C. Call the lical Suppirt Ceoter ti get the depit privided by a persioal fp D. Use Sifware Assistaot (SWA) ti ibtaio a custimized depit fir the test system Answer: B Question: 4 Which fle ciotaios vilume griup iofirmatio fir LVM v2? http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page s A. /etc/tvmtab_y2 B. /etc/lvmtab_p C. /etc/Wmtab_2 D. /etc/lvmtab Answer: B Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp://h200/0.www2.hp.cim/hpsc/dic/public/display?dicIddemr_oa-c01717s/8 (See the lvmtab, lvmtab_p 2od Piiot). Question: 5 Which cimmaod is called duriog a cild iostall ti set key system parameters afer the frst rebiit? A. biitciof B. sec_parms //set_parms C. lvlobiit D. iostladm Answer: B Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp://h200/0.www2.hp.cim/hpsc/dic/public/display?dicIddemr_oa-c022/3s82 Question: 6 Which cimmaod shiuld a system admioistratir use ti remive ao eoviriomeot variable? A. Expirt, B. Uoexpirt C. Uoset D. Set Answer: C Explaoatio: Refereoce: htps://biiks.giigle.cim.pk/biiks?iddHyyryzP/8rcC&pgdPA443&lpgdPA443&d/dWhichhcimm aodhshiuldhahsystemhadmioistratirhusehtihremivehaoheoviriomeothvariablehUoset&siurced bl&itsd_Qb2VCPlEs&sigdsuocicpfsc/4bAfueEisj/43y8i&hldeo&sadX&eidEsW1VNLPGMXwm AX- iG4Ag&vedd0CCIQ/AEwAQ#vdioepage&/dWhich%20cimmaod%20shiuld%20a%20system% 20admioistratir%20use%20ti%20remive%20ao%20eoviriomeot%20variable%20Uoset&fdfalse (See the Page #443). http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 http://www.justcerts.com

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