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SAFIRA III. “ SAFIRA 3 ” PROJECT Duration: 12 months Project description “Safira” project, developed by Provincia di Crotone, deals with the issue of exploitation and trafficking in migrant women .
“SAFIRA 3” PROJECT • Duration:12 months • Project description • “Safira” project, developed by Provincia di Crotone, deals with the issue of exploitation and trafficking in migrant women . • This problem largely affects our territory even if our knowledge of concrete cases is scanty as the victims often ignore the means of protection offered by Italian legislation. • Priority Action:: listening, supporting victims through treatment and social reinstatement programmes.
Project’s strenghts • FIRST ACTION: • Training programme for social workers in order to give them appropriate skills to recognize the signs of exploitation and trafficking and face them through actual means; • Establishment of an Observatory in order to expand or improve staff knowledge base. • SECOND ACTION: • Opening a desk dealing with the following tasks: • · - Toll free number • · - Education, guidelines and information about how to use local services • · - Counselling and help relation • · - Professional communication • · - Collecting information techniques • · - Improvement of individual communication style • - Skill to conduct an interview • THIRD ACTION: • Meeting the demand for abandoning prostitution and avoiding violence / exploitation through ensuring accommodation in reception centres and supporting social and working inclusion in the local community.
Project Description Local contest The area of Provincia di Crotone is the destination of a remarkable number of immigrants who land along the coast of the Ionian Sea. It becomes more and more difficult to satisfy the immigrants’ raising demand for help since structures and services are insufficient. It seems necessary to develop innovating measures and actions for interventions which involve citizens provided by reasons of social protection of a permit of stay. The main problems are linked to everlasting landings and probable illegal activities.
Capacity to be connected to a network that carries out programs of social protection There is a need for common local policies on immigration. This requires close cooperation between public authorities and no profit organisations. Practices of partnership in planning should be encouraged while ensuring immigrants (third country nationals) integration into our society and better services. Capacity to fill gaps of local services in order to fulfil the same purposes The establishment of an information desk fully dedicated to third country nationals turns out to be a network between private and public organisations. The Observatory on Social Policies reports the presence in the area of several voluntary organisations that take care of immigrant. Services provided are, however, discontinuous and not homogeneous. Practicability Victims of trafficking have a chance to get out of illegality
Project contribution to solving the problems The project aims to offer immigrant women who were victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking the chance to redeem themselves. Provincia di Crotone renews its efforts to supply reception and protection to those who choose to abandon the road and aim to reach a progressive autonomy. During the last two years a program of social and working reinstatement has been undertaken through Safira project. Evidence of effectiveness of the proposal Researches- local actions Specific studies: Report of research by Osservatorio delle Politiche Sociali
Objectives • Training and working opportunities; • Social inclusion opportunities; • Right to equal opportunities; • Reception service to give information, guidance, support; • Vocational guidance.
Plan of general activity: description Type of activity The project aims at the guidelines of programs of social integration and assistance. Actions supporting beneficiaries are: - Involvement of beneficiaries in individual project of autonomy; access to health care and other social services; provision of psychological support; - Assistance in filling a complaint, access to legal services, vocational guidance. - Teaching of Italian language, recreational activities . Target groups Migrant women, who were victims of trafficking , holding a legal permit of stay for reasons of protection; migrants who will apply to the service. Partners: Police, Provincia, Prefettura, local Organisations.
Expected outputs: • Quality results • Increase of social security and enhancement of victims’ quality of life through an integrated system of actions and services that ensure quality of life, equal opportunities, non-discrimination, rights of citizenship, social inclusion. • Methodology and tools • Bottom –up approach: model based on the knowledge and the comprehension of the local background and the actual needs of the beneficiaries, developing innovative practices which involve beneficiaries as well as public and private organizations.
Plan of specific activities: description FIRST ACTION Training of social workers who work at the reception centre. Training topics concern Italian legislation for immigration, available services in the area , communication, relationship with migrants, strategy to organize and manage the reception, basic knowledge of computers. SECOND ACTION (by ANFE) Schooling and teaching of Italian language. Training migrant women , who are lodged at the reception centre, for a job. THIRD ACTION (by Co.pro.s.s.) Vocational guidance
Nature, features and experiences of the applicant • Provincia di Crotone, since it was born, has been carrying out different relevant actions both to raise public opinion awareness of immigrant conditions and provide support for immigrants: • Conferences and seminaries on immigration/migration; • First session of the 5th Assembly of the People’s UN • Research on immigrant children • Annual survey on the rate of immigrants living in the area • Reception of immigrant children • Development of a project against poverty in order to lodge homeless people • Partnership with the Associazione Nazionale “Oltre le frontiere” that provides services for immigrants • Partnership with the Associazione ANFE (Cirò Marina) • Establishment of a desk, named “SAKAN”, for immigrants • Establishment in Carfizzi of a reception centre for migrants who were victims of violence
Report outlining the type and the nature of the action • Trafficking in women is easily visible when it takes place on the road. Migrant prostitution is , however, becoming more and more a hidden phenomenon as it moved indoor ( flats, night-clubs). • This change, as well, as the following reasons, made the assistance and social integration program more difficult to perform: • Confinement and psychological condition of annihilation women are submitted to; • Lack of self confidence and mistrust in society; • Short knowledge of the host country language, culture, society; • Low level of schooling • Feeling of confusion, prejudice and rejection by local community or when looking for a job • Need of money for themselves and their families.
Safira project aimed to improve the network of services in order to solve the different aspects of the problem. Women have been helped to get out exploitation by means of information and guidance service, following a program of social reintegration and progressive autonomy. First aid was carried out through accommodation in a protected home, guidance in filling a complaint, medical and legal assistance, professional training. Social reintegration and progressive autonomy were carried out through a specific vocational training. Project fulfilled a good performance.