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Session 8 Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation

Chair : José Miguel Jiménez Scientific Secretary : Jean-Philippe Tock. Session 8 Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Session breakdown Chair: José Miguel Jiménez; Scientific secretary: Jean-Philippe Tock. Scope of the LS2 (making best use of the period 2015-2018)

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Session 8 Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation

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  1. Chair: José Miguel JiménezScientific Secretary: Jean-Philippe Tock Session 8Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation

  2. Session breakdown Chair: José Miguel Jiménez; Scientific secretary: Jean-Philippe Tock • Scope of the LS2 (making best use of the period 2015-2018) • José Miguel Jiménez • What has been learnt from LS1 • Katy Foraz • Safety & Radiation Aspects • Doris Forkel-Wirth • LIU Planned Activities • Julie Coupard • HL-LHC Planned Activities - Accelerator • Isabel Bejar Alonso • LHC Experiments Upgrade and Maintenance • Werner Riegler • LHC @ LS2 • Marzia Bernardini

  3. Scope of the LS2 (making best use of the period 2015-2018)José Miguel Jiménez LS1PostMortem LS2Day LS2Day LS2Day ConsolidatedList of tasksto DirectorA&T 1st stepfinalvalidation Finalvalidation PLANis madeavailable The project scope covers all activities carried out and resources needed in the context of Long Shutdown 2 over the whole CERN accelerator facilities. The preparation, coordination and follow-up till completion of all LS2 activities in the frame of the LIU, HL-LHC Projects and other CERN approvedprojects. The flexibility to use the end-of-year technical stops before and after the LS2 to decrease the load of the LS2 is left at the discretion of the LS2 coordinator and is also part of the scope of the project.

  4. What has been learnt from LS1Katy Foraz + + + ~ ~ ~ Collection and prioritization of activities: • Plan.cern.ch • Unique repository to ease information exchange between groups Groups had a clearest picture of the support to be given to other groups • Attenuate bad surprises • Ease the prioritization process for LS1 team, focusing only on discordance points But • Should have come earlier… • Not all activities were announced… • Redundancy of resources details between APT and PLAN… In the future ? • Use again PLAN tool to collect future activities • Give enough time to groups to fill data • Improve the PLAN tool to better fit with needs: redundancy with other tools, granularity between items

  5. What has been learnt from LS1Katy Foraz “Organize, don't agonize.” Nancy Pelosi • Coordination • Helps to keep a very good follow-up on fields • Enhances team spirit & eases information flow • Scheduling • Will keep a member of coordination team (scheduler) within projects • Improves availability of internal production and acceptance tests schedules • Optimizes the start of an activity w.r.t. cooling period • Documentation • Will continue presenting ECRs in (LSC), LMC, IEFC on regular basis • Will insist to have ECRs edited in due time • Daily management • Will help to keep working with the same Stakeholders… • Information exchange • Will improve information flow down to the worksites • Rationalized project’ information • 1 web page indicating hyperlink to projects ? • Implement and maintain a repository of services’ unavailability.

  6. Safety & Radiation AspectsDoris Forkel-Wirth • Regulatory Landscape is introducing new constraints… • Impact will be evaluated in the coming months… • Training preparation and communication will get high priority. • Radioactive storage (surface & handling) and waste management (volume & weight) is a major issue • Group’s projections need to be more accurate… • Injectors will dominate personnel dose rates even though situation in LHC will not improve… • CERN individual dose objective of 3 mSv over 12 consecutive months will be more challenging… • Even though ALARA has became an essential and natural part of CERN culture. • Roadmap towards LS2 is identified, thanks to the lessons learnt from LS1.

  7. LIU Planned Activities Julie Coupard • Main outcomes • LIU activities fit in the LS2 time window defined for the injectors but the schedules are very tight with not much marginand already assuming shift activities. • Consolidation prioritization needs to be coherent with LIU activities… • Additional studies required: • To evaluate the cabling work load as early as possible in order to estimate the EN/EL workload and integration. • For the levelling of the resources of the support/client groups, for example: EN/MME, EN/HE, EN/CV, EN/EL, EN/MEF-SU, GS/CE, TE/VSC. • With integration studies which need to be completed: 3D models of infrastructures and general services. • To finalize the needs for design and production of manufacturing drawings. • To define works that can be anticipated in YETS and EYETS.

  8. LIU Planned Activities – Room for optimization… Julie Coupard

  9. HL-LHC Planned Activities - AcceleratorIsabel Bejar Alonso • Main outcomes • Identify and prepare work that can be done in LS2 on the time frame allocated for which the technology/solution is mature and can not bring any risk to the run 3 start date. • Integrate as early as possible HL-LHC work planning in LS2.

  10. LHC Experiments Upgrade and MaintenanceWerner Riegler

  11. LHC Experiments Upgrade and MaintenanceWerner Riegler

  12. LHC Experiments Upgrade and MaintenanceWerner Riegler

  13. LHC Experiments Upgrade and MaintenanceWerner Riegler

  14. LHC Experiments Upgrade and MaintenanceWerner Riegler

  15. LHC @ LS2Marzia Bernardini • Key messages • LS2 needs to be prepared NOW! • LS2 is mainly dedicated to Injectors and LHC Detectors… • ...but in the LHC, Maintenance and Consolidations are important. • LS2 is an opportunity, for the LHC, to prepare LS3: • Anticipating as much as possible HL-LHC activities from LS3. • Focusing on RP Issues and ALARA procedures stay a priority. • Support activities will be on the critical path and coordination will be challenged… • LS2 activities should not compromise LS3 preparation. • Resources optimisation across the Accelerators and Experiments will be THEkey point!

  16. LHC @ LS2Marzia Bernardini Skeleton of LS2 Master Schedule (indicative) WARM UP and TESTS CRYO Maintenance ELECTRICAL Maintenance & Consolidation Magnets replacement Other activities… HL activities @ P2, P4 and TZ76 Lift replacement HL activities @ LSS7 Radiation Cool Down @ P7 COOL DOWN, TESTS and HWC Depending on the cool down and warm up sequence Windows available for activities  Between 9 and 13 Months

  17. Closing remarks • Priority of LS2 Coordination towards: • Safety & Radiation readiness: rules, training, communication, temporary storage, waste management… • Classification levels and dose rates will be of primary criticality • Estimation of temporary storages and waste’s volume and weight is urgently required. • Injectors (LIU) and LHC Experiments (allow them matching the “compressed” schedule). • Have already a “skeleton” of LS2 master schedule • LIU & Maintenance well defined (LS1 experience) • HL-LHC & Consolidations to be reviewed • Prioritisation of Consolidations will need to be assessed in the frame of the available LS2 resources, impact on other groups and coherence with LIU project. • Collection and prioritization of activities will rely on “PLAN” tool • Unique repository, useful for information exchange between groups • Groups had a clearest picture of the support to be given to other groups • Mitigates probability of bad surprises… • Ease the prioritization process and allows focusing only on discordances.

  18. Safety & Radiation AspectsDoris Forkel-Wirth Critical changesexpected…

  19. Cryoplant IP 1,5 P I C BIS Cryo line IR+MS CB Warm compressor and other surface eq. Magnet system MQXFA MQXFB, MBXF, MBRD, MQYY, Q5 1.9, Q6 1.9 MCBXFB, MCBXFA, MQSXF, MCTXF, MCTSXF, MCDXF, MCDSXF, MCOXF, MCOSXF, MCSXF,MCSSXF, MCBRD, MCBYY Alignment IP 1,5 DS Collimation pp (TBC RUN II) QPS2 Interaction Region and MS DS Collimation for ion DS Collimation pp (TBC RUN II) IP 1,5 IP 2 IP 7 IP 1,5 IP 7 SC link/powering SC link/ Powering arc EE DF(X-M) + SC Link DSH (X-M) DFH(X-M) + Power converters TAXS, TAXN Collimation (TCTPM, TCL, TCLM, TCTP) Rad-hard electronics for BLM and BPM Beam vacuum Beam diagnostic BPMSQW, BMPSQ, BPMSQT, BMLC RF system Loads, circulators, RF power, LLRF, HVPS, central LLRR Crab Cavity cryomodules CC diagnostic and protection Cryo-bypass+TCLD Cryo-bypass+TCLD Cryo-bypass+TCLD H.F. dipoles H.F. dipoles H.F. dipoles DFHA + Power converters DFA+ SC Link DSHA In orange Works during LS2 Hor. SC Link DSH + DFA Power converters

  20. Collimation upgrade P I C BIS Secondary TCSPM IP 6 IP 6 Dump (TBC) Q5 at point 6 Primary TCP TCPP TCSG, TCLA, TCAP 8 IP 2 Injection protection Beam diagnostic Mini-TAN IP 4 IP 8 TDI (TBC) TCSP IP 6 TCLIA, TCLIB (TBC) TCDD TCDDM (TBC) TCDS (TBC) TCLIM (TBC) MKB, TDE (TBC) MKI (TBC) High rad warm magnets (TBC) IP 7 Cryoplant IP 4 Cryo line for RF CB Warm compressor and other surface eq. In orange Works during LS2 IP 3 IP 3 IP 3 7 7 7 Fast wire scanners BWSF New light extraction line BSRT Beam gas vertex detector BGV

  21. LHC @ LS2Marzia Bernardini Maintenance Consolidation

  22. LHC Experiments Upgrade and MaintenanceWerner Riegler • ATLAS Support Needs • Beampipes, Vacuum, Collimators • Detector Cooling • CMS Support Needs • Beampipes, Vacuum, Collimators • Cooling, Electricity & other services • Magnet • Cranes, Elevators • Complete opening of detector • ALICE Support Needs • Extension of the computing farm • Beampipes, Vacuum, Collimators • Fibers • Detector Cooling • Change of elevator • PbPb Luminosity • LHCb Support Needs • New computing farm (2MW) • Beampipes , Vacuum, Collimators (EN, TE) • Fibers • Services and Integration: • Detector Cooling • Change of elevator, crane ? But not during LS2

  23. ATLAS Support Needs • Beampipes, Vacuum, Collimators • ATLAS has performed the consolidation of the beampipes and vacuum equipment already during LS1. Only maintenance foreseen in LS2. • Detector Cooling • Cooling system consolidation was performed during LS1. • Mainly maintenance during LS2

  24. CMS Support Needs • Beampipes, Vacuum, Collimators • Central pipe was changed in LS1, Change Beampipes(EC HF CT2 FWD) to Al 2219 in LS2 (TE-VSC). Possible change in pipe geometry (decision 2015) – re-design from scratch. • Cooling, Electricity & other services • 4 (+1) x500kVA UPS --> 7 (+1) x 500kVA and upgrade ofelectricalinfrastructure (EN-EL) • possiblere-sitingofbatterybanks • Revise & extendcontrolroom, moving UPS out. • Increaseofchilledwaterproduction (+1.5MW) (EN-CV) for Phase 2 detectors • Dry gas (air/N2) system (EN-CV) upgrade for Phase 2 detectors • Multi-purposeextensionofsurfaceassembly hall (1000m2), EN-CV, EN-EL needs • Magnet • Refurbishmentofmagnetcontrolandsafetysystem (PH-DT, TE) • Implement freewheel thyristorfor immunity from power converter glitches(TE) • Cranes, Elevators • Installation of a second UXC cranewithsuspendedcageforpersonnelaccess (EN-HE) • Replace Elevator (EN-HE) • Completeopeningofdetector • Upgrades + detectormaintenance on same scaleas LS1 + newbeampipes • --> transport, rigging, survey & FSU support on same scale as LS1

  25. ALICE Support Needs • Extension of the computing farm • To be studied whether available space and infrastructure are sufficient (EN-EL, EN-CV) • Beampipes, Vacuum, Collimators • New central beampipe + mobile bakeout equipment (TE-VSC) • Modification of Miniframebeampipe, displacement of gauge, ion pump in Aluminum (TE-VSC) • LSS vacuum consolidation to minimize vacuum pressure (TE-VSC) • New TDI to limit high vacuum pressure from outgassing (EN-STI) • Collimators in dispersion suppressor region to allow maximum PbPb Luminosity (...) • Fibers • Possibly already during EYETS 2016/2017 • Detector Cooling • New detector cooling plant for upgraded Inner Tracking System (EN-CV) • Possible upgrade of ITS dry air ventilation system (EN-CV) • Change of elevator • PbPb Luminosity • Infrastructure for increase of PbPb luminosity to >6x1027

  26. LHCb Support Needs • New computing farm (2MW) • Housed in new surface building or container (GS) • Strategy for operational temperature and cooling (EN-CV) • Possible needs for UPS (EN-EL) • Beampipes , Vacuum, Collimators (EN, TE) • All beampipes in the cavern must be removed and then reinstalled during LS2, no new beampipes are planned. • Probably a TAS will have to be installed around LHCb • TDI in TI8 injection line to be changed (LS2 ?) • Fibers • Possibly already during EYETS 2016/2017. (EN-EL ?, other companies ?) make sure CERN frame contracts are adapted. • Services and Integration: • For integration of cables, cable trays, cooling lines, access platforms as well as supervision of the service installation activities LHCb relies on EN-MEF • Detector Cooling • New Fiber Tracker (SciFi) cooling plant (-40C monophase Freon for SiPMs) (EN-CV) & adapt OT/PS/SPD cooling plant for SciFi electronics • Possible adaption of TT cooling plant to Fiber Tracker electronics cooling (EN-CV) • (Velo and UT CO2 cooling is done throughP H-DT), but primary cooling with support from EN-CV. • Change of elevator, crane ? But not during LS2

  27. LHC @ LS2Marzia Bernardini • Outcomes • Maintenance vs Consolidation need to be reworked in the coming months • No official baseline for consolidation project • Retuning will be required after decision are taken by PL of Consolidation project • Replacement of all lifts: 3 months unavailability at least for material transport • “Optimised” schedule, assuming ALARA lefts only 9 months for HL-LHC in LSS7! • Resources levelling will be needed • Temporary storage areas will be installed at the surface max 6 months before and 6 months after LS2 • Existing buffer zones are probably not sufficient • Performance optimisation of He exchanger in triplets in 1&5 • Reassess needs to consolidate them in triplet +&% and 2&8 (ALARA)

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