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Grading. Classroom Rules 1. Treat everyone with respect. 2. Be responsible. 3. No purses, bags or backpacks on the tables. 4. In order to pass you must ask to leave the room in Spanish.
Grading Classroom Rules 1. Treat everyone with respect. 2. Be responsible. 3. No purses, bags or backpacks on the tables. 4. In order to pass you must ask to leave the room in Spanish. We will be using the¡Avancemos! II textbook (yellow). We will also occasionally use the corresponding website, classzone.com. I will grade assignments in one of two ways – either for correctness or completion. Also, I will not grade every assignment. It will be up to my discretion to choose which ones to grade – it is your responsibility to make sure you have everything turned in. Policies Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating, you will receive a zero. If you willingly allow another student to copy off your work, you will also receive a zero. These points cannot be made up. I do follow the school cell phone policy. The first time I see you phone, I’ll ask you to put it away. The second time it’s mine until the end of the hour. The third time I keep until the end of the day. The fourth time it goes to the office. I will give extra credit for two things – if you attend Foreign Language Club meetings, and if you keep a verb notebook. Supply List • notebook (for notes and assignments) • verb notebook • pen or pencil • computer EspañolII Sra.Punzo Tory.Punzo@sjsd.k12.mo.us About the Class This is a yearlong class in which you will learn vocabulary, grammar, and culture. In class you can expect to speak, write, read and listen to Spanish. Make Up Work & Late Work Assignments If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get your missing work made up as soon as possible. I will enter it as a zero until you turn the assignment in to me. Missing work may not be made up once the quarter is over. Any work turned in late will be reduced to half credit for each day that it is late. In order to learn a foreign language, you must practice it. Be prepared to practice each day. Most assignments will be in class, however you may occasionally have homework.
Algebra I Course Guide 2013-2014 I have read and understand the course guide. _________________________________ Student Name _________________________________ Student Signature _____________ Date _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________ Date