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Giardino delle Rose Blu Foundation: Serving Vulnerable Ones

Founded in 2008 in Rome, the foundation supports the needy globally. Offering shelter, love, and care to the vulnerable, it promotes values like solidarity and integration. Volunteers commit to helping minors and those in need. With various projects focused on cooperation, solidarity, and culture, the foundation aims to make a positive impact, especially in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Through initiatives such as summer camps, medical care, and food aid, they strive to create a better world for those in distress.

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Giardino delle Rose Blu Foundation: Serving Vulnerable Ones

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  1. Cometo me … all, anyofYou: … I will welcome You and giveYoushelter ------------------------------------------------- Venite a me … tutti:… vi accoglierò e vi darò rifugio

  2. History • On June 26, 2008, in Rome, The Fondazione Internazionale Il Giardino delle Rose Blu O.N.L.U.S.wasincorporated, to unify and synergizevariousinitiativescreated by Don Ermanno D’Onofrio, operating in the area of Frosinone (Italy) and elsewhere.

  3. The “Blu Roses” The “Blu Roses”* in ourname are the smallones, the poor, the suffering, the starvingones: like the Blu Roses, they are rare, most fragile and theydemandattention, respect, care, affection … Love, in a single word!*suggestedby the late Bishopof Frosinone, Mons. Salvatore Boccaccio.

  4. History - 2 SinceApril 12, 2013, the Fondazione isrecognizedalso in Croatia, and listed in the Representative Office ofForeignFoundations. Itscommitmentistopromoteitsvalues, educate and trainnewVolunteers. The same procedure wasstarted in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

  5. Mission / 1 • The Fondazione acknowledges the human and spiritual value of thosewho live a condition of pain, committingitself to serve and support the small ones and thosewho are vulnerable and helpless.

  6. Mission / 2 • Servicing, Sharing, Sheltering, Hospitality, Gratuity, Liberty, Integration and Solidarity are the pillars of the Fondazione’s Mission. Itscommitment in the social environmentis the support to minors and thosewho are in need.

  7. The Organization The mainoperatingTasks and Objectivesof the Fondazione are veryambitious, divided in fourAreas:

  8. 1. International development Area The volunteers in this Area look mainlyafter the promotion of the Voluntaristiccommitmentsabroad, throughtheirownexperience and Training. The promotion of ourfoundingvaluestends to approaching new Volunteers in emergingCountries, likeCroatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, whereitallbegan in 1993.

  9. 2. Cooperation and Solidarity Area The Projectspromoted in this Area are aimed at helping people who live in conditions of need, discomfort, poverty and sickness. Itis a core Area. Itdealswith the basicvaluesof the Mission and itskarismathroughVoluntaryexperience, enhancing the humanitarianaspectsto face conditionsofdiscomfort and poverty. The initiatives are realized in connection with the other Operating Areas, in the originatingCountries or abroad.

  10. 3. Promotion and Training Area The objectives of this Area are: PromotingourValues and Mission, approaching, training and motivating new volunteers. Testimonials, events, meetings, conventions and seminars, are itsoperatingtools. Training sessions, encounters and meetings are alsousedfor training newVolunteers. A vital task for this Area is the collection of Funds which, in addition to membershipfees, are used to sustainournecessities, callingnewcomers to become part of the Family “Il Giardino delle Rose Blu”.

  11. 4. Culture and Spirituality Area • Werespect the Liberty and the religiousbeliefofourVolunteersbutthosewho operate in this Area are committedtotestifying the Christian evangelicalvalues, the spiritual pillarsof the Fondazione. We operate via testimonials and the knowledge and promotion of the figure ofGod’s Servant Daniela Zanetta and her life. Specialattentionispaidto the Family, the basic community where living and growing, evenspiritually. In this Area the Volunteers of anyreligiousbelief are integrated and can freely express theirownpoint of view.

  12. The Projects The information and realization of allprojects in each Country is made possible by the presence of Project Managers, by the variousReferents, locatedcapillarily in eachItalianRegion, by affiliatedAssociations and Organizations and by Donorswho share the Fondazione’s objectives and itsMission.

  13. Permanent Camp Ourcorecommitmentis in Gornja Bistra, Croatia, through the Permanent Camp, whichprovides the constantpresence of volunteers at the localPediatric Hospital. The volunteers, sinceJanuary 2, 2002, ensuretheircooperation in the assistance to the patientsthrough the “BRosGaMe”, educational and rehabilitationalmethodologystudied by Don Ermanno D’Onofrio and otherprofessionalvolunteers. As of today, wehaverecorded the presence of more than9,000Volunteers .

  14. SummerCamp – Tendopoli - 1

  15. SummerCamp – Tendopoli - 2

  16. The Bridge of Smiles - Thisproject «The Bridge of Smiles», particularlyrelevant, concerns the support to manypoor and helpless families in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, through the aidprovided by generousDonors.

  17. A.M.I. - Medical care in Italy • Within the framework of thisproject, wehavebeenable to activatemanyhumanitarianactionswhichhavehelpedmanydifficultsituations by guaranteeingassistance and specializedmedical care in Italianstructures.

  18. Let’sFeed the Solidarity - This project providesfood and otheraid and support to numerousneedy families who are facingconditions of poverty and discomfort. The project «Albatros» providessupport to minors by after-schooltuition, occupational training and Summer educational vacations.

  19. House of Roses / 1 Thisprojectisunderwaysinceweneed to offerourVolunteers an adequatefacilitywhere to stay duringtheirpermanence in Gornja Bistra for the Permanent Camp. The small pre-fabricatedstructureuseduntilnowis no more safe and secure to accomodate themduringtheir service period in support of the hospitalizedpatients. To satisfythisneed the Fondazione hasconvenientlyacquired, on February 11, 2016, a house, requiringimportantrestoration, situated at 300 m from the hospital entrance.

  20. House of Roses / 2 The project ismeant to be twofold: notonly a place to accomodate the Volunteers, butalso to be the seat for the ResidentialEuropean Educational Center for International VolunteerswhereCroatian and Bosnian-Herzegovinianvolunteers, butalsootherscoming from the rest of Europe, will be trained and willhave the seat for theiractivities.

  21. House of Roses: the project

  22. The Rose Petals The initiative“Rose Petals” hasbeenlaunchedtocollect the fundsrequiredtorealize the structure: the Petals are the bricksnecessarytobuild the House. In ordertoremember the solidarity and the generosityof the Donorswhowillcontributeto the project, weoffer a brick on which the nameof the Donor (or any relative or friend ofhischoice), willbecarved. The Brickswillbeusedtomake the walkingpathto the House and/or soma of the innerwallsof the House ofRoses.

  23. House of Roses

  24. Family and MarriageConsulting

  25. Educational Division - CISPeF

  26. Wedeeplythankyou for Your sensibility and generosity in helpinguspromote the project, informing and approaching new Donors, thuscontributing to realizeourprojects in favour of the Blu Roseseverywhere.

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