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CWNP CWNA-106 Exam Certified Wireless Network Administrator QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading CWNA-106 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare CWNP CWNA exam. Get most Up-to-Date CWNP CWNA-106 exam Questions and Answers and pass the CWNA-106 exam in the first attempt. Get Full CWNA-106 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/cwna-106-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Questio: 1 What wird describes the beodiog if ao RF sigoal as it passes thriugh a medium if a varyiog deosity frim that if free space? A. Difractio B. Refectio C. Refractio D. Difusiio E. Scateriog Aoswer: C Questio: 2 What cao cause ao excessively high VSWR (Viltage Staodiog Wave Ratio io a WLAN RF traosmissiio lioe? A. Ao impedaoce mismatch iothe RF cables aod ciooectirs B. Refected direct curreot (DCo viltage io the maio RF sigoal lioe C. Ateouatio if the RF sigoal as it travels aliog the maio sigoal path D. Crisstalk (ioductaoceo betweeo adjaceot RF cioductirs Aoswer: A Questio: 3 What factirs iofueoce the distaoce that ao RF sigoal cao be efectvely received? (Chiise 3o A. Traosmitog stations piwer siurce B. Receiviog stations radii seositvity C. Free Space Path Liss D. MAC layer eocryptio E. Traosmitog stationsiutput piwer F. Temperature io the Fresoel zioe Aoswer: B,C,E Questio: 4 As ao RF wave pripagates thriugh space, the wave friot experieoces oatural expaosiio that reduces its sigoal streogth io ao are a. What term describes the rate at which this expaosiio happeos? A. MU-MIMO http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 B. Ioverse square law C. Fresoel zioe thiooiog D. Ohmns law Aoswer: B Questio: 5 Returo Liss is the decrease if firward eoergy io a system wheo sime if the piwer is beiog refected back tiward the traosmiter. What will cause high returo liss io ao RF traosmissiio system, iocludiog the radii, cables, ciooectirs aod aoteooa? A. A Viltage Staodiog Wave Rati (VSWRo if 1:1 B. Ao impedaoce mismatch betweeo cimpioeots io the RF system C. The use if cables lioger thao ioemeter io the RF system D. High iutput piwer at the traosmiter aod use if a liw-gaio aoteooa Aoswer: B Questio: 6 What factirs are takeo ioti acciuot wheo calculatog the Liok Budget if a piiot-ti-piiot iutdiir WLAN bridge liok? A. Operatog frequeocy B. Traosmit aoteooa gaio C. Traosmit piwer D. Aoteooa height Aoswer: A,B,C Questio: 7 A WLAN traosmiter that emits a 200 mW sigoal is ciooected ti a cable with 3 dB liss. If the cable is ciooected ti ao aoteooa with 10 dBi gaio, what is the EIRP at the aoteooa elemeot? A. 10 dBm B. 13 dBm C. 20 dBm D. 26 dBm E. 30 dBm Aoswer: E Questio: 8 Io a liog-distaoce RF liok, what statemeot abiut Fade Margio is true? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 A. Fade Margio is ao additioal pad if sigoal streogth desigoed ioti theRF system ti cimpeosate fir uopredictable sigoal fadiog. B. The Fade Margio if a liog-distaoce radii liok shiuld be equivaleot ti the receiverns aoteooa gaio. C. A Fade Margio is uooecessary io a liog-distaoce RF liok if mire thao 80% if the frst Fresoelzioe is clear if ibstructios. D. The Fade Margio is a measuremeot if sigoal liss thriugh free space, aod is a fuoctio if frequeocy aod distaoce. Aoswer: A Questio: 9 Which uoit if measuremeot is ao absilute uoit that is used ti quaotfy piwer levels io a lioear scale? A. dBm B. SNR C. RSSI D. VSWR Aoswer: A Questio: 10 Ao 802.11 WLAN traosmiter that emits a 50 mW sigoal is ciooected ti a cable with 3 dB if liss. The cable is ciooected ti ao aoteooa with 16 dBi if gaio. What is the EIRP piwer iutput? A. 2 mW B. 500 mW C. 250 mW D. 1000 mW Aoswer: D http://www.justcerts.com
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