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Join our initiative led by Dr. Nick Gill to address challenges facing asylum support organizations and explore best practices, with interactive research findings and collaboration opportunities. Get involved today!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Asylum-Network Dr Nick Gill (n.m.gill@exeter.ac.uk) with Drs Imogen Tyler (Lancaster), Ceri Oeppen (Exeter and London) and Deirdre Conlon (Boston, US).

  2. Who We Are Aims of the group Research Web presence: asylum-network.com

  3. Structure of Presentation Interim research findings What the research offers to asylum support organisations Ways you can support the research Ways we might work together

  4. Interim Findings: Challenges Facing Asylum Support Organisations: • Challenging economic and funding climate • ‘Churning’ of asylum seeker populations • Legal matters: aid and the variability of judgements • Emotional implications of working with asylum seekers • Connections with other activist groups • Making the most of new communications technologies • Managing priorities • Managing when to get involved • Dealing with public perceptions and media attitudes

  5. What the research offers to asylum support organisations Sharing ideas and best practice Taster of the interview schedule Exposure on the website and in final report Formal dissemination channels Potential for workshops Part of network of like-minded organisations

  6. Ways you can Support the Research Use the website (asylum-network.com), Twitter and blog Fill in the online survey http://asylum-network.com/survey/ Have an interview with us Contact me to discuss ideas: n.m.gill@exeter.ac.uk

  7. Ways we might work together Idea #1: ‘Research Matching’ Idea #2: ‘Disparities in Asylum Appeal Success’

  8. Percentage Allowed Cases at Different Hearing Centres in the UK Chart based on Freedom of Information Request received 21st Feb 2011, showing figures for 01 June 2008 – 01 June 2010

  9. Ways we might work together CASE awards for ideas of your own http://www.esrc.ac.uk/funding-and-guidance/guidance/postgraduates/CR-studentships.aspx

  10. Conclusion Get in touch and get involved – use the research community and the networks we have!

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