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WEEK 1. Abhorrent Ab-. ROOT WORD. ADJ. Causing repugnance, detesting something. Word Def. Eggplant is abhorrent to me, because it tastes nasty. Sent. . Ab—away or from. Root Def. . Absent, abdomen, abnormal, absolute. Other Words. Amiable Ami/Amo. ROOT WORD. ADJ.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WEEK 1

  2. AbhorrentAb- ROOT WORD ADJ Causing repugnance, detesting something Word Def. Eggplant is abhorrent to me, because it tastes nasty. Sent. Ab—away or from Root Def. Absent, abdomen, abnormal, absolute Other Words

  3. AmiableAmi/Amo ROOT WORD ADJ Having good-natured qualities; friendly and agreeable Word Def. My friend Megan is amiable because she is funny.. Sent. Root Def. Ami-love Amigo Amie Amor(e) Other Words

  4. Whimsical TONE WORD ADJ Playful, fanciful, slightly off and light-hearted Word Def. Dr. Seuss’ books are whimsical because they have unreal characters and are very playful. Sent.

  5. Vindictive TONE WORD ADJ Wanting to get revenge on someone else Word Def. When my brother tripped me, I felt vindictive and wanted to get him back. Sent.

  6. Urgent TONE WORD ADJ Insistent and anxious—something needs to be done immediately Word Def. The coaches were urgent because the cheerleader was bleeding. Sent.

  7. WEEK 2

  8. AdaptAd-, An-, At- VERB ROOT WORD To fit into Word Def. She easily adapted to her environment. Sent. To or toward Root Def. Adapt, Adhere, Annex, Attract Other Words

  9. AntisocialAnti- ROOT WORD ADJ Refers to someone who is not social; doesn’t talk Word Def. This class is definitely not antisocial! Sent. against Root Def. Antifreeze, antidote, antichrist, antobiotic Other Words

  10. BiannualBi- ROOT WORD ADJ Twice each year Word Def. I have biannual appointments with the dentist. Sent. two Root Def. Bicycle, biped Other Words

  11. CircumnavigateCircum-, Cir VERB ROOT WORD To sail around Word Def. I circumnavigated the world in my sail boat. Sent. around Root Def. Circumscribe, circle, circumference, circumcise Other Words

  12. Accusatory VERB TONE WORD Blaming other people Word Def. Her tone was accusatory when blaming me for the theft. Sent.

  13. WEEK 3

  14. CollateCom-, Con-, Col- VERB ROOT WORD To sort together Word Def. I collated the handouts for class. Sent. With, together Root Def. Combine, contact, collect Other Words

  15. DeportDe- VERB ROOT WORD To send away from a country Word Def. The illegal immigrants were deported. Sent. Away from, down, the opposite of Root Def. Depart, decline Other Words

  16. DisintegrateDis-, Dif-, Di- VERB ROOT WORD To fall apart Word Def. The tablet disintegrated in the glass of water. Sent. apart Root Def. Dislike, dishonest, distant Other Words

  17. EpilogueEpi- NOUN ROOT WORD An addition to the end of a book Word Def. I enjoyed the epilogue at the end of the book. Sent. Root Def. Upon, on top of Epigram, epidermis, Epiphany Other Words

  18. Ambivalent VERB TONE WORD Not caring one way or the other Word Def. She was ambivalent about passing her classes in school. Sent.

  19. WEEK 4

  20. EquitableEqu-, Equi- ADJ ROOT WORD Fair, equal Word Def. The way the teacher graded the work was equitable. Sent. Root Def. equal Equality, Equate, Equator, Equilateral Other Words

  21. ExemptEx-, E-, Ef- VERB ROOT WORD Freed from an obligation, excused Word Def. The freshmen were not exempt from their exams. Sent. Root Def. Out, from Extract, Exalt, Effect, Efficiency Other Words

  22. Irrigate In-, Il-, Ir-, Im-, En- VERB ROOT WORD to supply dry land with water Word Def. The fields in California need to be irrigated. Sent. Root Def. In, into Illustrate, Inject, Impose Other Words

  23. Ignoble In-, Il-, Ir-, Im-, Ig- ADJ ROOT WORD Not noble Word Def. Not holding the door for the woman was an ignoble action from the boy. Sent. Root Def. not Inactive, Irreversible, Irritate Other Words

  24. Amused VERB TONE WORD Entertainment, thinking something is funny Word Def. The teacher was not amused by the behavior of her students. Sent.

  25. WEEK 5

  26. InterposeInter- VERB ROOT WORD To put between Word Def. She interposed her opinion into the conversation. Sent. Root Def. Between, among International, interject, interjection, interlace Other Words

  27. MalpracticeMal-, Male- NOUN ROOT WORD Bad practice Word Def. The doctor was sued for malpractice. Sent. Root Def. Bad, ill, wrong Malfunction, Malevolent, Malice Other Words

  28. MisadventureMis- NOUN ROOT WORD An instance of misfortune, a mishap Word Def. The field trip was a misadventure when the student was arrested. Sent. Root Def. Wrong, badly Misfortune, Mishap, Misbehave Other Words

  29. MonosyllableMono- NOUN ROOT WORD One syllable Word Def. The student only spoke in monosyllables when asked questions. Sent. Root Def. One, alone, single Monopoly, Monotone, Monologue Other Words

  30. Macabre ADJ TONE WORD About death Word Def. The macabre poem described a teenage suicide. Sent.

  31. WEEK 6

  32. NonprofitNon- ADJ ROOT WORD Not for profit Word Def. Sent. Root Def. Not, the reverse of Nonsense, nonprofit Other Words

  33. ObstinateOb- ADJ ROOT WORD Stubbornly sticking to an opinion Word Def. Sent. Root Def. In front, against, in front of, in the way of Obstacle, obvious, obviate Other Words

  34. OmnipresentOmni- ADJ ROOT WORD Present everywhere Word Def. Sent. Root Def. Everywhere, all Omnipotent, omnidirectional Other Words

  35. PermeatePer- VERB ROOT WORD To spread throughout Word Def. Sent. Root Def. through Pervade, Perceive Other Words

  36. Didactic ADJ TONE WORD Trying to teach something Word Def. Sent.

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