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Advanced Graphics Course

Advanced Graphics Course. Credits: 3 Convener: James Gain Semester: First Structure: 1 introductory lecture 11 weekly double period reading group sessions (10 min introduction, 40 min presentation by 2-3 participants, 40 min group discussion) Course material:

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Advanced Graphics Course

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  1. Advanced Graphics Course • Credits: 3 Convener: James Gain Semester: First • Structure: • 1 introductory lecture • 11 weekly double period reading group sessions (10 min introduction, 40 min presentation by 2-3 participants, 40 min group discussion) • Course material: • Key algorithms and concepts as they originally appeared. • The rendering equation, marching cubes, subdivision surfaces, progressive meshes, free-form deformation, BSP trees, evolutionary animation, winged-edge polygon-mesh and more • Purpose: • Enhance critical reading, writing, presentation and discussion skills. • Survey advanced aspects of computer graphics.

  2. Advanced Graphics Practical • Fly: Use genetic algorithms and computer animation to evolve flying creatures. • Reference: Karl Sims, “Evolving Virtual Creatures”, SIGGRAPH ’94 • Practicals will be evaluated by how far your creatures can fly towards a goal and their aesthetic appeal (enhanced by modelling and texturing). Walk Swim

  3. Project #1: A Virtual Sculpting Interface • Premise: A traditional clay sculpting metaphor could work for computer-based shape design. • Goals: • Develop sculpting tools (on top of an existing pick and drag spatial deformation library) which mimic real world sculpting devices, such as throwing wheels, smoothing spatulas or a sculptor's hands. • Create an effective VR interface using stereoscopic glasses and position tracking. • Evaluate the usability of the resulting system. • Computer Science Content: Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, HCI

  4. Project #2: Geometric Compression • Premise: the size of models is growing faster than storage. Need to compress mesh connectivity information. • Goals: • Develop a new form of geometric compression which groups vertices into convex sets. Connectivity info for these sets can be reconstructed using a convex hull algorithm (provided). • Code the compression scheme. • Evaluate the scheme and compare its results against other methods. • Computer Science Content: Computer Graphics, Compression

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