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Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO). Symposium on Global Change Research 23 March 2004 Howard Bamsey Chief Executive Australian Greenhouse Office. Welcome.
Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) Symposium on Global Change Research 23 March 2004 Howard Bamsey Chief Executive Australian Greenhouse Office
Welcome • As a regional forum bringing together policy makers and researchers on practical, policy-relevant research and capacity building, the APN is making an invaluable contribution to our ability to respond to global change • Australia is pleased to join with other countries in supporting this work
Australia’s Interests in Climate Change • Australia has significant vulnerable ecosystems • Australia faces a dual economic exposure • competitive advantage in industries that are currently high emitters of greenhouse gases • significant economic activity linked to vulnerable ecosystems • Australia will continue to strive for an effective global response to climate change
Australia’s Interests in Climate Change II • Many of the challenges faced by Australia are common to other countries in the region • we are subject to same climatic phenomena eg the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) • vulnerability and importance of coastal areas • possible impacts on coral reefs etc • Australia has significant expertise and infrastructure to contribute to regional research and capacity building
Australia’s Approach to Climate Change • Australia is pursuing a multi-pronged approach to climate change • active and constructive engagement in multilateral fora (UNFCCC, IPCC) • involvement in regional and other forums with a strong practical focus on eg APN, CSLF, IPHE bilateral partnerships • domestic polices and measures • Australia will not ratify the Kyoto Protocol at present because it is not in Australia’s national interest to do so, but remains committed to the emissions target we agreed at Kyoto
Australia’s Kyoto Protocol Target and Status • Australia within striking distance of 108% target • Emissions are projected to reach 110% in 2010 • Government to continue to develop and fund domestic programs to meet the target • The 108% target must be approached in the context of a longer-term strategy
Australia’s Climate Change Forward Strategy • Australia is developing a climate change forward strategy focusing on the longer term • will ensure that Australia can continue to cut greenhouse emissions, while maintaining a strong, competitive economy • domestic policy settings will balance flexibility and certainty, and emphasise cost-effectiveness • Australia will anticipate adaptation needs • This will build on existing programs totaling nearly $1 billion
Key program areas • Business engagement: Greenhouse Challenge and Greenhouse Friendly Programs • Renewable energy • Generator efficiency standards • Energy efficiency in the built environment • Local government and household initiatives • Research and systematic observation • Carbon accounting • Technology
The Australian Greenhouse Office • Established in 1998 to provide a whole of government approach to greenhouse matters • Reports to Environment and Industry Ministers • Coordinates domestic climate change policy • Delivers a range of programs worth nearly $1 billion • Provides a central point of contact for stakeholder groups