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UNIT 12. LEARNING STYLES AND DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION. Analyse the influences of recent studies regarding issues such as “ intelligences ” and “ differentiated instruction ”. Apply these researches to CLIL lessons. AIMS OF THE SESSION. Listening Debate Teacher’s speech on topic

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  2. Analysetheinfluences of recentstudiesregardingissuessuch as “intelligences” and “differentiatedinstruction”. Applytheseresearchesto CLIL lessons. JSP 2011-2012 AIMS OF THE SESSION

  3. Listening Debate Teacher’sspeechontopic Writing JSP 2011-2012 CONTENTS OF ThE SESSION

  4. Listen tothis clip aboutLearningstyles. Classroom Secrets Learning about Learning Styles.wmv Take notes JSP 2011-2012 LISTENING

  5. Whichisyourlearningstyle? Do youteachthewayyoulearn? Whatconsequencesmayitimplyforyourstudents? Do allthestudentslearnthesameway? JSP 2011-2012 DEBATE

  6. Alfred Binet: differentiate “uneducable” studentsfromtheotherstudents. Intelligence test Whatisintelligence? JSP 2011-2012 INTELLIGENCE

  7. Twoschools of thought: • One general intelligence: thereisone factor fromwhichallintelligenceisderived. • Multipleintelligences: there are differentkinds of intelligence. • General consensus: “Individualsdifferfromoneanother in theirabilitytounderstandcomplex ideas, toadapteffectivelytotheenvironment, tolearnfromexperience, toengage in variousforms of reasoning, toovercomeobstaclesbytakingthought” (Neisser et al., 1996) JSP 2011-2012 INTELLIGENCE

  8. Onelessonistaughttotheentireclasswhilemeetingthe individual needs of eachchild. “Educators can meetall individual studentneeds and helpeverystudentmeet and exceedestablishedstandards” (Levy, 2008) Key: findouthowourstudentslearn JSP 2011-2012 DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION THEORY

  9. Factorsaffectingstudents: • Abilities • Experiences • Needs • Learningstyle • Languageproficiency • Backgroundknowledge • Readinesstolearn • Teachersneed “sufficientappropriateknowledge of thepupils plus theabilityto plan and deliversuitablelessonseffectively, so as tohelpallpupilsindividuallytomaximizetheirlearning, whatevertheir individual situation” (K. Bigo) JSP 2011-2012 DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION THEORY

  10. Studentslearnbestwhentheymakeconnectionsbetweenthecurriculum and theirdiverseinterests and experiences. Thegreatestlearningoccurswhenstudents are pushedslightlybeyondthepointwherethey can workwithoutassistance. “Ensuringthatwhat a studentlearns, how he/shelearns, and how he/shedemonstrateswhat he/she has learnedis a match forthatstudent’sreadinesslevel, interests and preferredmode of learning” JSP 2011-2012 DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION THEORY

  11. Vigotsky: individualslearnbest in accordancewiththeirreadinessto do so. Bruner: wheninterestistapped, learningis more likelytoberewarding and thestudentbecomes more autonomous. Gardner: schoolsshouldoffer individual-centerededucation. JSP 2011-2012 INFLUENCES

  12. “Studentspossessdifferentkinds of minds and thereforelearn, remember, perform and understand in differentways” “Weknowtheworldthroughlanguage, logical-mathematicalanalysis, spatialrepresentation, musical thinking, the use of thebodytosolveproblemsortomakethings, anunderstanding of otherindividuals, and anunderstanding of ourselves” JSP 2011-2012 GARDNER’S MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES THEORY

  13. Educationalsystem: eneryone can learnthesamematerials in thesameway. Instruction and assessmentbiasedtowardlinguisticmodes and towardslogical-quantitativemodes. ContrastbetweenGardner’stheory and educationalsystem. JSP 2011-2012 GARDNER’S MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES THEORY

  14. JSP 2011-2012

  15. Constructivistlearningtheories Learningstyles Braindevelopment Learnerreadiness Motivation Engagement Academicgrowth JSP 2011-2012 DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION THEORY

  16. Teachershaveto: • tailortheirinstructions and adjustthecurriculumtostudents’ needs. • providestudentswithdifferentavenuestoacquiringcontent. • developteachingmaterialstolearneffectively. • Provideappropriatelevels of challengeforallstudents (lagbehind, advanced, middle) • Teachersdon’t: • Develop a separatelesson plan foreachstudent in theclassroom • Waterdownthecurriculumforsomestudents JSP 2011-2012 DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION THEORY AND TEACHERS

  17. Gettoknowyourstudents: level, learningstyles, and interests. Identifyareas of yourcurriculumthatcouldbeadapted Examine your role as teacher: diversifyinstructionalmethods, facilitate time, space and materials, identifydifferentmethods of assessment. JSP 2011-2012 DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION THEORY AND TEACHERS

  18. Basedon Content • Utilizepre-tests to assesswhere individual studentsneed to beginstudy of a given topic or unit. • Encouragethinking at variouslevels of Bloom'staxonomy. • Use a variety of instructionaldeliverymethods to address differentlearningstyles. • Break assignments intosmaller, moremanageable parts thatincludestructureddirections for each part. • Choosebroadinstructionalconcepts and skillsthatlendthemselves to understanding at variouslevels of complexity. JSP 2011-2012 Strategiesfor DifferentiatingInstruction

  19. Based on Process • Provideaccess to a variety of materials whichtargetdifferentlearningpreferences and readingabilities. • Developactivitiesthattargetauditory, visual, and kinestheticlearners. • Establishstations for inquiry-based, independent learningactivities. • Createactivitiesthatvary in level of complexity and degree of abstractthinkingrequired. • Use flexible grouping to group and regroupstudentsbased on factors including content, ability, and assessmentresults. JSP 2011-2012 Strategiesfor DifferentiatingInstruction

  20. Basedon Product • Use a variety of assessmentstrategies, includingperformance-based and open-endedassessment. • Balanceteacher-assigned and student-selectedprojects. • Offerstudents a choice of projectsthatreflect a variety of learningstyles and interests. • Makeassessmentanongoing, interactiveprocess. JSP 2011-2012 Strategies for DifferentiatingInstruction

  21. Learner-responsive Teacher-facilitated Variety of assessmentstrategies Balancedteacher-assigned and student-selectedprojects Variety of learningstyles Interactiveassessment JSP 2011-2012 DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION THEORY IN THE CLASSROOM

  22. Definiteaimforallstudents Variety of teachertechniques Considersstudentlearningstyles Involvesallstudents Somestudentsmayneedadjustedexpectations Diversity in assessmentmethods Differentmethods are of equalvalue Studentsevaluationbasedon individual differences JSP 2011-2012 DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION LESSON

  23. Differentiatedinstruction: • Encouragesinclusion of allstudents • Addressesdifferentlearningstyles • Allowsteacherstoreachall of thestudentssome of the time • Allowsfordiversityamongstudents • Fosters social relations and self-steem • Meets social, emotional and academicneeds. JSP 2011-2012 CONCLUSIONS

  24. www.surrey.ac.uk/Skills/pack/iolp.html www.engr.ncsu.edu/learningstyles/ilsweb.html www.glencoe.com/sec/teachingtoday/subject/di_meeting.phtml www.ualberta.ca/~jpdasddc/incl/difinst.htm JSP 2011-2012 WEBSITES

  25. Mathematics Social Studies Science JSP 2011-2012 DIFFERENTIATED THEORY IN THE CLASS

  26. Reflectonthewayyouteach and learn. JSP 2011-2012 writing

  27. JSP 2011-2012 THANK YOU SEE YOU

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