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Complexity metrics. measure certain aspects of the software (lines of code, # of if-statements, depth of nesting, …) use these numbers as a criterion to assess a design, or to guide the design interpretation: higher value higher complexity more effort required (= worse design) two kinds:
Complexity metrics • measure certain aspects of the software (lines of code, # of if-statements, depth of nesting, …) • use these numbers as a criterion to assess a design, or to guide the design • interpretation: higher value higher complexity more effort required (= worse design) • two kinds: • intra-modular: inside one module • inter-modular: between modules
Sized-based complexity measures • counting lines of code (intra-modular) • differences in scale for different programming languages • Halstead’s metrics: counting operators and operands
Halstead’s metrics: • n1: number of unique operators • n2: number of unique operands • N1: total number of operators • N2: total number of operands
Example program public static void sort(int x[]) { for (int i=0; i < x.length-1; i++) { for (int j=i+1; j < x.length; j++) { if (x[i] > x[j]) { int save=x[i]; x[i]=x[j]; x[j]=save } } } } operator, 1 occurrence operator, 2 occurrences
public sort() int [] {} for {;;} if () = < … n1 = 17 1 1 4 7 4 2 1 5 2 … N1 = 39 operator # of occurrences
Example program public static void sort(int x[]) { for (int i=0; i < x.length-1; i++) { for (int j=i+1; j < x.length; j++) { if (x[i] > x[j]) { int save=x[i]; x[i]=x[j]; x[j]=save } } } } operand, 2 occurrences operand, 2 occurrences
x length i j save 0 1 n2 = 7 9 2 7 6 2 1 2 N2 = 29 operand # of occurrences
Metrics: • size of vocabulary: n = n1 + n2 • program length: N = N1 + N2 • volume: V = N log2n • level of abstraction: L = V*/ V, V*=volume of fct prototype. For sort(x), V* = 2 log 2. For main(), L is high. • approximation: L’ = (2/n1)(n2/N2) • programming effort: E = V/L • estimated programming time: T ’ = E/18 • estimate of N: N ’ = n1log2n1 + n2log2n2 • for this example: N = 68, N ’ = 89, L = .015, L’ = .028
Remember… • Metrics are only estimates, give some idea on complexity • critique: • different definitions of “operand” and “operator” • explanations are not convincing (empirical, may not apply to other projects) • Source code must exist
Other metrics (structure-based) • use • control structures • data structures • or both • example complexity measure based on data structures: average number of instructions between successive references to a variable • best known measure is based on the control structure: McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity
Example program 1 2 3 public static void sort(int x[]) { for (int i=0; i < x.length-1; i++) { for (int j=i+1; j < x.length; j++) { if (x[i] > x[j]) { int save=x[i]; x[i]=x[j]; x[j]=save } } } } 4 5 11 6 7 8 9 10
Cyclomatic complexity 1 2 3 e = number of edges (13) n = number of nodes (11) p = number of connected components (1) CV = e - n + p + 1 (4) 4 5 11 6 7 8 9 10
Intra-modular complexity measures, summary • for small programs, the various measures correlate well with programming time • however, a simple length measure such as LOC does equally well • complexity measures are not very context sensitive • complexity measures take into account few aspects • it might help to look at the complexity density instead
System structure: inter-module complexity • measures dependencies between modules: draw graph: • modules =nodes • edges connecting modules may denote several relations, most often: A uses B (ex: procedure calls)
The uses relation • the call-graph • chaos (general directed graph) • hierarchy (acyclic graph) • strict hierarchy (layers) • tree
In a picture: hierarchy chaos strict hierarchy tree
Measurements } size # nodes # edges width height
Deviation from a tree hierarchy strict hierarchy tree
Tree impurity metric • complete graph with n nodes has e = n(n-1)/2 edges • a tree with n nodes has e = (n-1) edges • tree impurity for a graph with n nodes and e edges: • m(G) = 2(e-n+1)/(n-1)(n-2) • (0 for tree, 1 for complete graph)
Any tree impurity metric: • m(G) = 0 if and only if G is a tree • m(G1) > m(G2) if G1 = G2 + an extra edge • if G1 and G2 have the same # of “extra” edges wrt their spanning tree, and G1 has more nodes than G2, then m(G1) < m(G2) • m(G) m(Kn) = 1, where G has n nodes, and Kn is the (undirected) complete graph with n nodes
Information flow metric • tree impurity metrics only consider the number of edges, not their “thickness” • Shepperd’s metric: • there is a local flow from A to B if: • A invokes B and passes it a parameter • B invokes A and A returns a value • there is a global flow from A to B if A updates some global structure and B reads that structure
Shepperd’s metric • fan-in(M) = # (local and global) flows whose sink is M • fan-out(M) = # (local and global) flows whose source is M • complexity(M) = (fan-in(M) * fan-out(M))2
Point to ponder:What does this program do? procedure X(A: array [1..n]of int); var i, k, small: int; begin for i:= 1 to n do small:= A[i]; for k:= i to n-1 do if small <= A[k] then swap (A[k], A[k+1]) end end end end
Object-oriented metrics • WMC: Weighted Methods per Class • DIT: Depth of Inheritance Tree • NOC: Number Of Children • CBO: Coupling Between Object Classes • RFC: Response For a Class • LCOM: Lack of COhesion of a Method
Weighted Methods per Class • measure for size of class • WMC = c(i), i = 1, …, n (number of methods) • c(i) = complexity of method i • mostly, c(i) = 1
Depth of Class in Inheritance Tree • DIT = distance of class to root of its inheritance tree • Good: forest of classes of medium height
Number Of Children • NOC: counts immediate descendants in inheritance tree • higher values NOC are considered bad: • possibly improper abstraction of the parent class • also suggests that class is to be used in a variety of settings
Coupling Between Object Classes • two classes are coupled if a method of one class uses a method or state variable of another class • CBO = count of all classes a given class is coupled with • high values: something is wrong • all couplings are counted alike; refinements are possible
Response For a Class • RFC = size of the “response set” of a class • response set = {set of methods: M} {set methods called by M1: R1} {R2} … R1 M2 M1 M3
Lack of Cohesion of a Method • cohesion = glue that keeps the module (class) together, eg. all methods use the same set of state variables • if some methods use a subset of the state variables, and others use another subset, the class lacks cohesion • LCOM = number of disjoint sets of methods in a class • two methods in the same set share at least one state variable
OO metrics • WMC, CBO, RFC, LCOM most useful • Predict fault proneness during design • Strong relationship to maintenance effort • Many OO metrics correlate strongly with size