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Fazokas Adalbert OP pappá szentelésének 70. évfordulója. 70th Anniversary of priestly ordination of Fr Adalbert Fazokas OP.
Fazokas Adalbert OP pappá szentelésének 70. évfordulója 70th Anniversary of priestly ordination of Fr Adalbert Fazokas OP
Született/born: 1920. április 20-ánKisszőllősön, MagyarországonSzülei:FazokasGéza, Kisszőllős, MÁV vasútialkalmazott, rómaikatolikus, HorvátEleonóra, Kisszőllős, rómaikatolikus
Beöltözött 1938. augusztus 28-án a premontrei szerzetesrendben He received thehabit of the PremonstratensianOrder on the 28th of August 1938.
Ünnepélyes fogadalmat tett: 1943. szeptember 8-án He professed his solemn vows on the 8th September 1943
Pappá szentelése: Kassa, 1944. április 11.His ordination was in Kassa/Kosice, on the 11thApril 1944
Fazokas Adalbert atyaújmisés mondata: „Mert abban, amiben Ő maga szenvedett és megkísértetett, meg tudja segíteni azokat is, akik kísértést szenvednek.” (Zsid 2,18)
His motto on the prayer card issued for his first Mass:„Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.” (Hebrews 2,18)
Kassai Szent Erzsébet SzékesegyházSt Elizabeth of Hungary Cathedral in Kassa
He joined the Dominican Order in 1945 and was professed on 21 st September 1946
Papként tanult Rómában az Angelicumon. Father Adalbertus FAZOKAS, was enrolled in the Faculty of THEOLOGY at our University of Angelicum in Romefor the academic year 1947-1948 and 1948-1949.He duly fulfilled all the academic requirements, and in June, 1952 hepublicly defended his doctoral Thesis entitled :De definitioneBaptismielaborata a S.Thomausu "AuctoritatisDionysii", and obtained the grade CUM LAUDE =WITH HONOURS.P.s.: Father Fazokaswas a classmate of Karol Wojtyla.Fr. Glenn Morris, O.P.Secretary General
His own doctoral thesis (Rome, 1952) represented in itself a clear advance in Thomisticresearch regarding the theology of the grace of baptism in relation to entry and membership of the Church. A section of the thesis was published in the journal "Angelicum" in 1954.
A particularly notable feature of that thesis was his analysis of St Thomas' use of the definition of baptism discerned by Ps. Dionysius, the Eastern, Neo-Platonic "mystical" Church Father, to show the physicality in the sacrament of baptism, and therefore of the whole Christian life.
He came to Australia in 1954 and was assigned to lecture in Philosophy at the Dominican Studium in Melbourne.
He continued to lecture in Philosophy at Camberwell until the Studiummoved to Canberra in 1967 and after lectured in Canberra until the late 1960s.
He was an expert in the philosophical writings of St Thomas Aquinasand lectured in many branches of philosophy in the Dominican House of Studies from 1954 to the early 1970s and a brief return later in the 1970s for one term. He also taught much dogmatic theology in courses based on St Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae.
Fr Adalbert also taught theology both in the House of Studies, in the Marist Fathers' Seminary at Hunters Hill Sydney, in the Aquinas Academy run by the Marist Fathers in Sydney, and less formally, to Hungarian groups in Geelong VIC and in Sydney.
In the second part of his life he worked as a chaplain to the Hungarian communities, mainly in Sydney, but also in Canberra and Melbourne. One highlight of his life was the visit of Cardinal Mindszenty to Australia in 1974, when the 83-year-old man was invited by the Hungarians of Australia. The long trip was too much for him, and upon his return to Vienna, he died on May 6, 1975. Fr Adalbertproudly had a photo of himself taken with the Cardinal.
Fr Adalbert Fazokas and Cardinal Mindszenty at the airport of Sydney
He retired in the early 2000s and took up residence in St Elizabeth’s Home, Dean Park NSW
We praise God for his work in the life of Fr Adalbert. We give thanks that he is with us today and welcome all of our guests at his anniversary.