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SLC Clubs: BC OPTIONS. CONTEXT: 70 K Registered Seniors Liberal 42 Electoral Riding’s 70% Reside in Greater Vancouver & Lower Mainland 18 Liberal MP’s : 17 From Lower Mainland( largest ever) Demography: Van /Lower Mainland /Okanagan/Victoria.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SLC Clubs: BC OPTIONS • CONTEXT: • 70 K Registered Seniors Liberal • 42 Electoral Riding’s • 70% Reside in Greater Vancouver & Lower Mainland • 18 Liberal MP’s : 17 From Lower Mainland(largest ever) • Demography: • Van /Lower Mainland /Okanagan/Victoria. • Multi-Ethnic & Most Diverse

  2. Our Mandate • Seniors Liberals :Registered…Committed Seniors • Engage / Network • Organize Seniors Functioning Orgs: • Clubs… Elders Groups….. • Seniors …. • Partnership /Teams: EDA s • LPCBC • Riding MPs

  3. Organize Clubs….. • Commission Reps: Comm. Leader • EDA Recommends • 22 operational /to Date • Clubs Foundations : 4 (2015-16) Tri-city; • Victoria, W. & North Van • Kelwona • Optimism abound…... ………..!!...???? • Outcome: Head winds……….to Doldrums • Prognosis: Hit the Wall ………

  4. Challenges & Options • Challenges: Club Legacy & Culture ….memories too fresh. • Resistance • Compatibility : Multicultural environ.. & Clubs ..? • Un sustainable : Bureaucracy …papers …reports.? • Funding.. Top down ?? • Duplication: Team with EDA ? • Go alone…? • Choices: Inclusive: Big Tent • Top down VS Community grass roots Flexible ….. Organic … • Result oriented, • What’s in a Name. Club Comfort??? • Evolve ……Adapt …Work smart

  5. Options • BC Model: Comm. Rep. EDA Partnership • Organize Seniors: • Focusing on Issues • Town Halls • Round Tables • Forums • Symposiums • Network : Seniors Service agencies, Academics, Media

  6. Outcome • 5 Events: Averaging 100 – 200 • Major Issues: Housing, Pharmacare, Health Service Improvement, • Income Support /Pension Security, Care Giver • Engaging MPs , BC caucus • Twin Tracking Policy Resolutions & successful outcome • Visibility, Recognition and awareness • More community level engagements.

  7. Plan For 2018-19 & Election Readiness • Work Plan Platform: Build on strength • Partnerships/EDA • Network-Engage • Learn- share • Goal: Increase MP visibility • Outreach • Recruit seniors volunteers • Section Support: Train /coordinate /advise • Organize/publish reports • Maximize use /Web pages • Working Model: Learning from Feedback

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