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Learning About Children

Explore child-centered society, individual life cycle stages, factors influencing growth, brain development, and differences in growth rates to promote healthy child development.

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Learning About Children

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  1. 1 Learning About Children

  2. Key Terms child-centered society socialize culture character development child development individual life cycle heredity environment genes genetics neurons wiring axons dendrites continued

  3. Key Terms synapse pruning window of opportunity plasticity developmental acceleration developmental delay principles of growth and development sequenced steps teachable moment developmental tasks direct observation indirect observation

  4. Objective • List reasons for learning about children.

  5. Why Study Children? Understand yourself Be a responsible parent Protect children’s rights Work with children

  6. Children Need Safe Environments Homes and schools that promote health and well-being A child-centered society sees children as important cares about their well-being works to meet their needs

  7. To Be a Responsible Parent • Physical needs • food, clothing, shelter • physical protection • proper health and medical care • Intellectual needs • positive learning experiences continued

  8. To Be a Responsible Parent • Social needs • socialize children • teach children about their culture • help children develop character • Trust needs • Love and guidance needs

  9. Children’s Rights An identity A family Express themselves and have access to information A safe, healthy life Special protection in times of war An education Special care for the disabled Protection from discrimination Protection from abuse Protection from harmful work Special treatment if arrested

  10. Objective Define the term child development.

  11. What Is Child Development? • Developmentis the gradual process through which babies become adults • Child development is the scientific study of children from conception to adolescence • The individual life cycleis a description of the stages of change people experience throughout life

  12. Objective Summarize the six stages of the individual life cycle that involve children.

  13. Individual Life Cycle— Childhood Stages Prenatal stage: conception to birth Neonatal stage: birth through the second week Infancy stage: two weeks through the first birthday Toddler stage: 12–36 months Preschool stage: 3–6 years School-age stage: 6–12 years

  14. Objective Describe three factors that promote growth and development.

  15. Factors That Influence Growth and Development

  16. Heredity • Heredityincludes traits passed to a child from blood relatives • Genes are sections of the DNA molecule • found in cells • determine traits • Genetics is the study of heredity continued

  17. Heredity • The genes’ instructions are lifelong • Genes affect some parts of growth and development more than others • Some genes determine whether a person will have a trait • Other genes affect the range of a trait

  18. Environment • Physical conditions are part of the environment • food, rest • Environments shape experiences • Relationships with others are part of the environment • Environments affect physical, intellectual, and social-emotional traits

  19. Heredity and Environment Combined Genes and the environment work together

  20. Objective Explain how brain development occurs.

  21. Basic Wiring Neurons are brain cells that direct various tasks of the brain Wiring is a network of fibers that carry signals between neurons Axons are cables that transmit signals from a neuron to other neurons continued

  22. Basic Wiring • Dendrites are cables that allow each neuron to receive signals sent by other neurons • Synapse is a gap between neurons across which electrical impulses can be transmitted

  23. Heredity and Environment Interact Heredity and environment work together to develop the brain Rich sensory experiences enhance brain development create new dendrites Pruning is the process in which the brain weeds out unused pathways

  24. Windows of Opportunity Genes control the order and timetable of brain development Each region of the brain has a specific function develop at various rates Windows of opportunity occur prime period for developing a specific skill may overlap

  25. Brain Plasticity Plasticity lessens with age early years are crucial Plasticity can have positive and negative effects on brain development continued

  26. Brain Plasticity Interaction with loving adults engaged in daily tasks and family-type activities Choices in what and how to learn Time to practice and master skills continued

  27. Brain Plasticity The infant and toddler years are times of great brain activity and learning Some children need early professional intervention to overcome obstacles to healthy brain development Good early environments provide the best foundation for development and promote resiliency

  28. What Do You Think? Do you think most families know what best supports brain development in young children? Why or why not? Do academic exercises, such as computer programs for infant learning, support brain development in young children? Why or why not?

  29. Objective Identify differences in the rate of growth and development.

  30. Differences in the Rate of Growth and Development Growth and development occurs in expected sequences stages Children enter and leave stages at different rates developmental acceleration developmental delay continued

  31. Differences in the Rate of Growth and Development Children do not advance in all areas at the same rate Children may be accelerated or delayed in one or more areas Children may be accelerated in one area and delayed in another

  32. Objective Explain and give examples of some major principles and theories of growth and development.

  33. Principles of Growth and Development Principles of growth and development do not fit every person exactly Key principles constant gradual and continuous sequenced steps different rates interrelated

  34. Growth and DevelopmentAre Constant Many aspects of growth and development are unchanging constancy Traits controlled by heredity do not change People often live in the same environment for many years

  35. Growth and Development Are Gradual and Continuous • Changes happen in little, unbroken steps • Positive aspects • development does not reverse overnight • if development is delayed, may occur later in life continued

  36. Growth and Development Are Gradual and Continuous • Negative aspects • poor growth and development are not easily reversed • a delay because of environmental issues may need intervention

  37. Growth and Development Happen in Sequenced Steps Change must build on what children have already learned Steps in growth and development follow one another in sequenced steps continued

  38. Growth and Development Happen in Sequenced Steps A teachable moment occurs when the body and mind are physically ready caregivers offer encouragement the child feels a strong desire to learn Children feel stressed if pushed to learn before the teachable moment Waiting too long after a teachable moment may cause problems

  39. Growth and Development Happen at Different Rates Both fast and slow periods of growth and development occur intense growth in infancy, slower in middle school Rates of growth and development vary from one child to another sequence is similar differ due to heredity, environment, and motivation continued

  40. Growth and Development Happen at Different Rates Heredity determines different growth rates Children need a good environment to grow at the best rate lags may occur if environment is lacking hurrying a child may cause stress Some children are more motivated to grow and achieve than others

  41. Growth and DevelopmentAre Interrelated All aspects of growth and development interact in complex ways

  42. Theories of Growth and Development • Erik Erikson (1902–1994) • Jean Piaget (1896–1980) • Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934) • Robert J. Havighurst (1900–1991) • Abraham Maslow (1908–1970)

  43. Havighurst’s Theory of Developmental Tasks Mastery of skills and activities that fit level of growth and development Failure to achieve developmental tasks leads to unhappiness and problems with later tasks continued

  44. Havighurst’s Theory of Developmental Tasks Developmental tasks come from three sources physical growth social pressures inner pressures

  45. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs Development is a result of meeting personal needs People work to fulfill basic needs and higher-level needs Lower-level needs must be met before higher-level needs can be pursued continued

  46. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs Physical needs air, water, food, clothing, shelter Security need to feel safe in surroundings Love and acceptance need for support, assurance, praise, acceptance Esteem need to be liked and accepted continued

  47. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs Self-actualization all needs have been fulfilled to some degree

  48. Objective Develop observation skills.

  49. Observing Children • Observation is the oldest, most common, and best way to learn about human behavior • Observing adults who work with children provide a model • Many observational skills are learned

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