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Evolution from 2G to 3G Mobile Communication Systems

Explore the development of mobile communication systems from 2G to 3G, including the evolution of wireless networks, core networks, and services. Learn about the characteristics of each generation and the direction of mobile data services.

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Evolution from 2G to 3G Mobile Communication Systems

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  1. 第二代移动通信系统向第三代移动通信系统 演进 徐国鑫 Xuguoxin@bupt.edu.cn 北京邮电大学无线通信新技术研究室

  2. 1。 移动通信的发展 2。无线网络的演进 3。核心网的演进 4。业务的演进

  3. 移动通信各代典型系统特点

  4. TV Conference Interactive TV 3G Web 高速数据 GPRS Video streaming Video Mail Music WAP Mobile Office Schedule Management Work flow Management Electronic Conference File Sharing Radio Multi-player Games m-banking m-cash 低速数据 m-stock trading Picture Mail Information Services Chat Room SMS E-Mail Route planning 01 Q4 99 Q1 99 Q4 00 Q4 移动数据业务发展方向

  5. 频率因素比较—频率适用性

  6. TDD FDD (上行) 卫星 TDD 空 FDD (下行) 15 MHz 15 MHz 30MHz 20 MHz 85 MHz 60 MHz 60 MHz 1885 1900 1920 1980 2010 2025 2110 2170 双工间隔 190 MHz 中国频率资源分配: 空中接口 模式 频段 射频带宽 可用性 1.6 MHz TD-SCDMA TDD 20 + 15 MHz 现在 5 MHz W-CDMA FDD 现在 60 + 60 MHz 1.6 MHz ? TD-SCDMA TDD 15 + 85 MHz 现在

  7. Power Time Time Power FDMA Frequency Power Time CDMA Frequency FDMA/TDMA Frequency 多址方式

  8. 第二代 系统空中接口-GSM • 微蜂窝小区结构 • 工作频段 :800/1900或900M/1800M • 数字化技术---语音信号数字化 • 新的调制方式---GMSK、QPSK等 • FDMA/TDMA • 频谱利用率高,系统容量大 • 便于实现通信安全保密 • 信道宽度:200khz • 每个载波的用户数 8个

  9. 第二代系统空中接口-CDMA • 用户的接入方式采用码分多址(CDMA) • 软容量、软切换,系统容量大 • 抗多径衰落 • 可运用话音激活、分集接收等先进技术 • 频率800/1900 • 信号带宽 1.25MHz • 每个信道的用户数 约为20个 • 频道划分方式:FDMA+CDMA

  10. 第三代数字蜂窝移动通信系统 • 3G的主要特点: • 支持移动多媒体业务 • 宽带CDMA技术 • 高频谱效率 • FDMA/TDMA/CDMA • 从电路交换到分组交换 • 从媒体(media) 到 多媒体(Multi-media) • 高保密性 • 全球范围无缝漫游系统 • 微蜂窝结构 3G 主流技术: • WCDMA • cdma2000 • TD-SCDMA

  11. Mobile Network’s Key Component Core Network (This presentation part) Wireless Network Mobile Network Mobile Subscriber

  12. Network Requirements • To Guarantee Services in Transit • For High Speed Data Traffic • For Mass Subscribers • For Lower Rate Accounting • HIGH THROUGHPUT Next slide • FLEXIBLY • RELIABILITY • EFFICIENT TRANSMISSION • LOW COST NETWORK

  13. Service Requirements • Smooth Migration From 2G to 3G • Highlighting Benefits of 3G Networks • AREA SUPPLEMENTATION DURING 3G INTRODUCTION PERIOD • PROVISION OF 2G KEY SERVICES Next slide • HIGH SPEED AND MULTIMEDIA TRANSMISSION

  14. For migration from 2G to 3G Network Architecture for Both 2G and 3G Services • Overlay 3G network on 2G (PDC) network • User profile is shared by both networks 2G(PDC) RAN 2G (PDC) Core Network PDC Mobile Subscriber HLR (User Profile) 3G RAN 3G Core Network (3GPP R99) 3G User Equipment PDC: Personal Digital Cellular

  15. For migration from 2G to 3G Dual Network Service • Supplement 3G areas during introduction period with existing 2G(PDC) • Users must activate a network from which they wish to receive Network services. • HLR manages activation state and terminates incoming calls to an activated network. HLR Case:B Activation State → PDC ACTIVE IMT INACTIVE Case:A Activation State → IMT ACTIVE PDC INACTIVE IMT ACTIVE (3) Interrogation of ACTIVATION STATE PDC ACTIVE (2) Incoming Call GMSC (4) Call termination to IMT (Case: A) (4)’Call termination to PDC (Case: B) MSC/VLR MSC PDC Service Activation (1) IMT Service Activation (1)’PDC Service Activation PDC IMT IMT Service Activation Call terminating MSISDN: 090-1234-5678 CASE A CASE B IMT-2000 PDC

  16. Provision of 2G key services Reverse Charging • Reverse charging service enables users to access specified access points at no charge. • According to registration of free HTTP addresses beforehand by contents providers, billing filter checks the HTTP address of packet data. http://www.docomo1.co.jp FREE http://www.docomo2.co.jp FREE http://www.foma1.co.jp FREE … HTTP CHECK TCP http://www.google.co.jp IP … http://www.yahoo.co.jp http://www.google.co.jp http://www.yahoo.co.jp NORMAL RATE Billing Filter Contents Provider RNC SGSN GGSN FREE Subscriber A http://www.docomo1.co.jp http://www.docomo1.co.jp

  17. Lucent NetworkCare Professional Services (Lucent NPS) is a provider of communications consulting, intelligent maintenance, and management solutions for next generation networks Seminar objectives Describe the current state of wireless data networking Provide insight into the future direction for wireless data networking Provide specific techniques to aid in planning and implementing wireless data networks Background

  18. Technology Disrupters … A Whole New Game Bandwidth Barons Adding Bandwidth SP Differentiation & Service Expectations Technology Avalanche WAP, 802.11b, OFDM, Bluetooth, Micro Fuel Cells, MPEG-4 UWB, SDR, Smart Antennas, Micro Hard Drives, Operating Systems, Spectrum Management Optical Breakthroughs Data Mobility TDM Voice Carriers Adding IP Packet Data Carriers Adding QoS

  19. Sociological Trends • Communications globalization • Increasing use of the Internet and email • Telecommuting/work-at-home Technology Trends Market Trends • Integrated voice and data • Bandwidth-hungry media • Internet based services • New value added applications • Competition for subscriber ownership • Open standards and interoperability • Better frequency utilization • Greater system capacity • Smaller, lighter, cheaper • Convergence • Internet performance Mobile Applications Easy-to-use, affordable serviceson Intelligent Devices Market Drivers

  20. An Industry in Change • Today: Separate Vertical Industries Telephony Wireless Computers Content Software Providers Musicians Hardware Providers Wide Area Networks Global Authors Reporters National Distribution Channels Networking Local Network Distribution Channels Distribution Channels Hardware and Software Packages CDs Books CPE ETSI Newspapers Information Content • Future: Information Industry • Service Providers • Intense Competition • New Opportunities Information Servers Information Networks Information Appliances

  21. intelligent sub mgmt unified message central security central billing network admin messaging security messaging security billing billing sub mgmt sub mgmt network admin network admin Internet / packet network (ATM / IP) wireless wired data wireline network Internet wireline access data access Transformation to Seamless Services Today’s Business Environment Next Generation Communications Networks messaging security billing sub mgmt network admin wireless network wireless access • Content-driven environments • Seamless, integrated service • Access distinctions minimized • wireless and wireline • voice and data • Replication of services • Network-specific content

  22. Cellular/PCS Wireless Evolution 1G Analog technology Circuit-switched 2G Digital technology Circuit-switched 2.5G Digital technology Supports packet- based services 3G Digital radio interface Supports IMT-2000

  23. Maintaining profit margins Existing wireless operators have to look beyond traditional voice services in order to maintain and grow margins More 2G spectrum Falling barriers & market dereg Aggressive competition Upcoming 3G spectrum Improving Cellular Technology More 2G Players Innovative service offerings New 3G players Increasing capacity International Competition Maintaining profit margins Voice: A commodity service Emerging Challenges for the Operator • Loss of voice premiums • New sources of revenue essential to build a business case for the development of new technology

  24. Market Progression Toward Wireless Traditional Data Frame relay ATM TCP/IP Ethernet (wired) Wireless 3G Cellular/PCS evolving to UMTS Fixed wireless (LMDS/MMDS) Wireless LAN (802.11) Traditional PSTN POTS ISDN xDSL Traditional Wireless Voice TDMA CDMA GSM IS-41/GSM-MAP

  25. Vertical Business Mobile Office Personal Finance Entertainment Information & Travel Shopping Friends & Family Route Planning Wireless Applications

  26. 3G Wireless Terminal • Multimedia in one device • Knows: • Where you are • What you like • Always on • Business or Personal

  27. High Speed • Packet & Circuit Data 144 kbps vehicular 384 kbps pedestrian 2 Mbps indoor Asymmetric & Symmetric Transmission Enhanced Voice High Spectral Efficiency Multi-Media Applications Global Roaming 3G  3G 2G  3G Third Generation (ITU) Requirements Communications Entertainment E-Commerce Information Transaction Travel • Multi-Environment • Operation Vehicular,Outdoor to Indoor, Indoor Office,Satellite

  28. Applications Rollout 3G Visual, High Speed Video Java Web cam GPRS Intranet WAP launch Video clips TV Conference Web access Music Mobile Office Schedule Management Work flow Management Electronic Conference File Sharing Interactive TV Radio Multi-player Games Portal Link m-banking m-cash m-stock trading Chat Room Picture clips Information Services email SMS Route planning 4Q1999 4Q2000 1Q1999 4Q2001

  29. Types of Wireless (CDMA-2000) 3G (UMTS)

  30. Wireless Technologies Map

  31. Unlicensed Technologies Using ISM

  32. Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless Example

  33. Operational 3G Network

  34. Audio/visual T erminals The UMTS Vision Internetwork Roaming Seamless end-to-end Service Global Satellite Suburban Urban In- Building Micro-Cell Home-Cell Macro-Cell Pico-Cell Source:ITU

  35. Hybrid Approach to Broadband Data within UMTS 3 - 5 km radius Macrocell UMTS Advanced Picocell Steerable Beam Base Station (Macrocell) Integrated Directional Backhaul Antenna • Omni UMTS NIU • Full 2Mb/s Packet Data • Standard UMTS services UMTS NodeB and RF Unit • Wireless Backhaul via Pencil Beams • 10 Mbit beam supports ~10Mb/s • Ultra low-cost wireless access • Cell Site Backhaul or RF head remoting • Role of BLAST in this scheme? 200m radius Picocell Interworking Module • Fixed Broadband NIU • Residence and SoHo option • 10MB peak Packet Data rate to subscr. • Supports high QoS voice services UMTS Access, Network with Common Operations and Infrastructure • Fixed Broadband NIU • Small & Medium Business option • Up to 20MB+ peak Packet Data rate • Broad range of Business Voice Services

  36. Air Interface Evolution to 3G IMT-2000 Capable Systems Existing Spectrum New Spectrum PDC UMTS / W-CDMA GSM+ w/GPRS (Rate 1&2) GSM GSM++ / IS136 HS EDGE/GPRS (Rate 3&4) TDMA (IS-136) TDMA IS-136+ cdma2000 (5MHz) CDMA (IS95) CDMA (ANSI-95-B) cdma2000 (1.25MHz)

  37. Air Interface Evolution (Based on GSM Infrastructure)

  38. 2G vs. 3G Wireless Migration

  39. cdma2000 Sprint Bell Atlantic IDO / DDI TDMAUWC-136HS/EDGE AT&T Wireless 3G Trials UMTS NTT DoCoMo Vodafone-Air Touch Omnitel

  40. Post-paid Billing Telephone SMS CB USSD CSD Packet GGSN/SGSN MSC Internet Applications & Content LAN/Intranet Applications & Content Wireless Applications Environment External Databases Voice & Fax Mail server Personal Portal Pages Pre-paid Billing Email Server Customer care VPN Service Applications AnyPath Unified Messaging Voice Browser Internet Message Management Network Management E-commerce SMS-C WAP Gateway CBC USSD Server Location Database IP/ATM Core Network SDH/Optical Mobile Access Micro browser

  41. Packet Core Network 3G Packet RAN Voice & Data PSTN Circuit RAN Voice PSTN Packet Core Network Packet RAN Data Circuit RAN Voice & Data PSTN Packet Network Roadmap All IP Network Feature Server Packet Core/ Hybrid Packet? PSTN Gateway • Wireless Multimedia: • Integrated Multimedia via 3G Packet RAN • Common Feature Servers for Wireless • and Wireline • Common Core Network for TDMA & UMTS • Common VoP Network for TDMA, cdma2000 & UMTS PSTN Gateway Circuit Core • Wireless Packet Data: • Add EDGE/GPRS Data Services (TDMA) • Add cdma2000/M-IP Data Services (CDMA) • Bypass PSTN with Packet IP/ATM Core Network (Voice Tandem) RAN - Radio Access Network Wireless Circuit Voice and Low Speed Circuit Data

  42. IP Extensions to Support Cellular Attributes Passive Connectivity Mobility Management Handoff Mechanisms Quality of Service Billing Mechanisms Ubiquitous Scalability IP is Evolving to Meet the Need

  43. Plan Business Consulting Vendor/Technology Selection Design Network Design and Engineering Application Development (Functional Specification) Implement Wireless Master Integrator (Wireless Apps, DCN, IN, NMC) Wireless CyberCarrier Services (ASP Hosting Platforms) Operate Network Provisioning and Expansion Planning Network Optimization Systems Audits and Performance Evaluation Technical Organization Build/Knowledge Transfer Lucent NPS Wireless Data Networking Professional Services

  44. Introduction for 3G Mobile Communication System 1) Why 3G? 2) 2G to 3G Evolution 3) Comparison between 2G , 2.5G & 3G. 4) Standardizing Committee for 3G. 5) Two major proposals for 3G mobile communication. 6) Comparison between W-CDMA & cdma2000. 7) Harmonization efforts for global systems.

  45. Computer data Telecommunication Audio-Video content • Computer Data • E-mail • Real time image • transfer • Multimedia • Mobile Computing • Mobility • Video conferencing • Video telephony • Wide band data • services • Video on demand • Interactive video • services • Electronic newspaper • Teleshopping • Value added internet • services • TV & Radio contributions 1) Why 3G? 1-1) Market is asking for more advanced services than what is available now( voice calls & low data rate services). Market requirements are classified in three different sections UMTS

  46. 1-2) 2G are very successful world wide in providing services to users but the customer base is increasing much faster than initially expected. GSM is the mobile radio standard with today’s highest penetration world wide. The 2G are limited in the maximum data rates, on the other hand the % of mobile multimedia users will increase by the year 2005

  47. Mbps 10 1.0 Wire Line Terminal 3G uniting FDD & TDD services 2G TDD: e.g. BHS 0.1 2G FDD: e.g. GSM, IS-95 CDMA Office or room Building Stationary WLL Pedestrian vehicular 0.01 Indoor Outdoor Technical requirements and radio environment High data rate requirements are up to at least 144Kbps in vehicular, up to at least 384Kbps in outdoor to indoor & up to 2Mbps indoor picocell environment

  48. GSM association Association T1 ETSI UWCC TIA CDG 2G GSM TDMA IS-136 IS-95 2.5G GPRS/EDGE 1XRTT HDR 3G W-CDMA UWC-136 Cdma2000 3G harmonization group UWCC 3GPP 3GPP2 2) 2G to 3G evolution

  49. 3) Comparison between 2G , 2.5G & 3G

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