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UK Roadmap for delivery of Internet-based Taxonomy

UK Roadmap for delivery of Internet-based Taxonomy. Frank Bisby (convenor) Centre for Plant Diversity & Systematics School of Biological Sciences University of Reading, UK. The UK Roadmap Panel:. BBSRC has set up a small panel UK participants include: MacLeod, Miles, Read, Scoble & Bisby

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UK Roadmap for delivery of Internet-based Taxonomy

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  1. UK Roadmap for delivery of Internet-based Taxonomy Frank Bisby (convenor) Centre for Plant Diversity & SystematicsSchool of Biological SciencesUniversity of Reading, UK

  2. The UK Roadmap Panel: • BBSRC has set up a small panel • UK participants include: MacLeod, Miles, Read, Scoble & Bisby • International participants include Berendsohn, Costello & Orrell • Need to consult widely at international fora • Linked informally with the e-Biosphere09 Roadmap Planning Session in June • Now seeking inputs from TDWG and other communities • Open discussion meeting at the Linnean Society of London in February 2010.

  3. Taxon Database Taxon Databases needed for coverage of all groups of organisms

  4. Internet-based Taxonomy 5 years on? • All known species on earth effectively available and treated in Taxon Databases • ..and thus available through aggregative and synthetic systems such as CoL, WoRMS, FADA etc. • All names exposed through the Global Names Architecture • Monographic output into Taxon Databases doubled? • Taxon Databases on a sustainable basis?

  5. Next problem, and solution • How know what species name applies to? • Need online identification guide to every species • A key to life • How? • Extraction description ‘data’ and re-aggregate in open-access online resources e.g. http://Plazi.org • Authors submit publications in standard formats that facilitate automated creation of identification guides • Closer linking between WoRMS and journals e.g. ZooTaxa

  6. Internet-based Taxonomy 10 years on • Automated or semi-automated identification systems for a significant number of the Taxon Databases? • Significant progress, using enhanced techniques, with discovery and cataloguing of the next 2 million species?

  7. 1st Question we need help with • Would it be possible for several national funding agencies to agree collaborative arrangements, thus - permitting international networks to gain funding, - and for the costs and the work to be shared between nations? • Are there any examples of this happening – in taxonomy or in other disciplines?

  8. 2nd Question we need help with • Internet-based taxonomy requires research and the establishment of ongoing scientific service infrastructures to be combined • In the UK the research councils fund research but not usually infrastructures. • Are there countries where research and infrastructure can be combined on a standard basis in funding proposals to research councils?

  9. So – thank you for your attention • And do please let us know .. • ….of international collaborations between funding agencies • ….of agencies that fund research with infrastructures • f.a.bisby@reading.ac.uk

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