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Succession Planning

Learn about the importance of succession planning and explore alternative strategies such as redistributing responsibilities, outsourcing, and combining approaches. Discover how to design a plan, assess current staff capabilities, and close the skills gap through training and program development.

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Succession Planning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Succession Planning Joe Zublena Associate Director and Director County Operations NC State Univ.

  2. Alternatives to Succession Planning • Reevaluate need for position. Is it needed? • Can responsibilities be redistributed to a team or other parts of the organization? • Can responsibilities be outsourced? • Combined approaches?

  3. Passing the Torch

  4. Why is Succession Planning Important?

  5. Why is Succession Planning Important?

  6. “The Time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining” – John F. Kennedy

  7. What is Succession Planning? • A deliberate and systematic effort by an organization to ensure leadership continuity in key positions and to encourage individual advancement

  8. Ensuring that you have the right people in the right places at the right times

  9. How?

  10. Designing A Plan Basics What do we need? What do we have? How do we get there ?

  11. What do you need? • Managers /Administrators with defined and predictable outcomes. • Traditional Leaders • Adaptive and Opportunistic Leaders • Other

  12. What do you have? • Administrative Commitment • Is it a part of the Organizational Strategic Plan • Current Staff capabilities • Training to prepare future candidates

  13. How do you get there? • Administrative Commitment • Critical for success • Emphasize importance of development and opportunity for advancement • Communicates a positive future and forward vision • Commits existing and/or new resources • Sets the climate for leaders to develop, thrive and grow

  14. Is it a part of the Organizational Strategic Plan? • If it’s not why not? • Written plans and commitments have much greater success rates • Communicate clear expectations and value • Leaving the future to chance by hoping qualified candidate can be found is not a sustainable strategy

  15. Current Staff capabilities • 75 % of all management positions in Us are filled internally • Why? • Know organization’s history, philosophies, personalities, skills needed for success and weaknesses • Weaknesses • Tend to reinforce current culture • Not all good people make good organizational leaders

  16. Current Staff capabilities • What is your current “bench-strength”? • Ability to fill within • ready to assume duties of position with 80% mastery and some progress toward remaining

  17. Training to prepare future candidates (Closing the Gap) • What are the key work skills needed for the future? • What skills do current training's emphasize? Is this adequate for future leaders? • Is there a comprehensive training curriculum? • How are an individual’s proficiency of these skills assessed?

  18. Program development What components should be included? • Cognitive – knowledge • Psychomotor – skills • Affective – attitudes, feelings, emotions • Behavior – job behavior • Program scope, activities and intended results • Program fit with org. strategic plan • Measurable and observable outcomes • Learners responsibilities and time commitments

  19. 7 Core Competencies • Knowledge of the Organization • Technical Expertise (Administration) • Programming • Professionalism • Communications • Human Relations • Leadership

  20. What is the current ruler for measurement? • Can it be used to predict future needs and expectations? • If not how would you modify it?

  21. Assessment of Proficiency • Critical for successful development • Formal • documentation • reduces liability • shows strengths • show areas to improve • Informal • coaching

  22. Employees Want to Know • Tell me what you want me to do • Tell me how well I have done it • Help me improve my performance • Reward me for doing well

  23. 6 – Dimensions • County Program Management • Leadership • Communications • Administrative Management • Programming and Customer Service

  24. Individual’s Commitment • Desire to learn • Commitment to high achievement • Accept responsibility for personal development

  25. Organization’s Commitment • Commitment to provide relevant training opportunities

  26. Alternatives to Traditional Training • Coaching • Cross-functional job rotation • Committee assignments • Special tasks • Job shadowing • interim assignments

  27. End Result A Cadre ofAdaptive Leaders

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