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Maximizing Processor Efficiency with Superscalar and VLIW Architectures

Explore the capabilities and challenges of superscalar processors and Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors in computer systems and architecture. Compare hardware and software scheduling, benefits, and limitations of superscalar and VLIW architectures in enhancing computational performance.

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Maximizing Processor Efficiency with Superscalar and VLIW Architectures

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  1. CENG 450Computer Systems and ArchitectureLecture 12 Amirali Baniasadi amirali@ece.uvic.ca

  2. Multiple Issue • Multiple Issue is the ability of the processor to start more than one instruction in a given cycle. • Superscalar processors • Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors

  3. 1990’s: Superscalar Processors • Bottleneck: CPI >= 1 • Limit on scalar performance (single instruction issue) • Hazards • Superpipelining? Diminishing returns (hazards + overhead) • How can we make the CPI = 0.5? • Multiple instructions in every pipeline stage (super-scalar) • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • Inst0 IF ID EX MEM WB • Inst1 IF ID EX MEM WB • Inst2 IF ID EX MEM WB • Inst3 IF ID EX MEM WB • Inst4 IF ID EX MEM WB • Inst5 IF ID EX MEM WB

  4. Superscalar Vs. VLIW • Religious debate, similar to RISC vs. CISC • Wisconsin + Michigan (Super scalar) Vs. Illinois (VLIW) • Q. Who can schedule code better, hardware or software?

  5. Hardware Scheduling • High branch prediction accuracy • Dynamic information on latencies (cache misses) • Dynamic information on memory dependences • Easy to speculate (& recover from mis-speculation) • Works for generic, non-loop, irregular code • Ex: databases, desktop applications, compilers • Limited reorder buffer size limits “lookahead” • High cost/complexity • Slow clock

  6. Software Scheduling • Large scheduling scope (full program), large “lookahead” • Can handle very long latencies • Simple hardware with fast clock • Only works well for “regular” codes (scientific, FORTRAN) • Low branch prediction accuracy • Can improve by profiling • No information on latencies like cache misses • Can improve by profiling • Pain to speculate and recover from mis-speculation • Can improve with hardware support

  7. Superscalar Processors • Pioneer: IBM (America => RIOS, RS/6000, Power-1) • Superscalar instruction combinations • 1 ALU or memory or branch + 1 FP (RS/6000) • Any 1 + 1 ALU (Pentium) • Any 1 ALU or FP+ 1 ALU + 1 load + 1 store + 1 branch (Pentium II) • Impact of superscalar • More opportunity for hazards (why?) • More performance loss due to hazards (why?)

  8. Superscalar Processors • Issues varying number of instructions per clock • Scheduling: Static (by the compiler) or dynamic(by the hardware) • Superscalar has a varying number of instructions/cycle (1 to 8), scheduled by compiler or by HW (Tomasulo). • IBM PowerPC, Sun UltraSparc, DEC Alpha, HP 8000

  9. Elements of Advanced Superscalars • High performance instruction fetching • Good dynamic branch and jump prediction • Multiple instructions per cycle, multiple branches per cycle? • Scheduling and hazard elimination • Dynamic scheduling • Not necessarily: Alpha 21064 & Pentium were statically scheduled • Register renaming to eliminate WAR and WAW • Parallel functional units, paths/buses/multiple register ports • High performance memory systems • Speculative execution

  10. SS + DS + Speculation • Superscalar + Dynamic scheduling + Speculation Three great tastes that taste great together • CPI >= 1? • Overcome with superscalar • Superscalar increases hazards • Overcome with dynamic scheduling • RAW dependences still a problem? • Overcome with a large window • Branches a problem for filling large window? • Overcome with speculation

  11. The Big Picture issue Static program Fetch & branch predict execution & Reorder & commit

  12. Superscalar Microarchitecture Floating point register file Functional units Memory interface Floating point inst. buffer Inst. Cache Pre-decode Inst. buffer Decode rename dispatch Functional units and data cache Integer address inst buffer Integer register file Reorder and commit

  13. Register renaming methods • First Method: • Physical register file vs. logical (architectural) register file. • Mapping table used to associate physical reg w/ current value of log. Reg • use a free list of physical registers • Physical register file bigger than log register file • Second Method: • physical register file same size as logical • Also, use a buffer w/ one entry per inst. Reorder buffer.

  14. Register renaming: first method r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 R8 r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 R8 R7 R7 R5 R5 R1 R2 R9 R9 R2 R6 R13 R6 R13 Mapping table Mapping table Add r3,r3,4 Free List Free List

  15. More Realistic HW: Register Impact FP: 11 - 45 • Effect of limiting the number of renaming registers Integer: 5 - 15 IPC

  16. Reorder Buffer • Place data in entry when execution finished Reserve entry at tail when dispatched Remove from head when complete Bypass to other instructions when needed

  17. register renaming:reorder buffer R8 R7 R5 rob6 R9 Before add r3,r3,4 Add r3, rob6, 4 add rob8,rob6,4 r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 R8 R7 R5 rob8 R9 8 7 6 0 7 6 0 R3 0 R3 …. r3 …..….. Reorder buffer Reorder buffer

  18. Instruction Buffers Floating point register file Functional units Memory interface Floating point inst. buffer Inst. Cache Pre-decode Inst. buffer Decode rename dispatch Functional units and data cache Integer address inst buffer Integer register file Reorder and commit

  19. Issue Buffer Organization • a) Single, shared queue b)Multiple queue; one per inst. type No out-of-order No Renaming No out-of-order inside queues Queues issue out of order

  20. Issue Buffer Organization • c) Multiple reservation stations; (one per instruction type or big pool) • NO FIFO ordering • Ready operands, hardware available execution starts • Proposed by Tomasulo From Instruction Dispatch

  21. Typical reservation station Operation source 1 data 1 valid 1 source 2 data 2 valid 2 destination

  22. Memory Hazard Detection Logic Load address buffer loads Instruction issue To memory Address add & translation Address compare Hazard Control stores Store address buffer

  23. Example • MIPS R10000, Alpha 21264, AMD k5 : self study • READ THE PAPER.

  24. VLIW • VLIW: Very long instruction word • In-order pipe, but each “instruction” is N instructions (VLIW) • Typically “slotted” (I.e., 1st must be ALU, 2nd must be load,etc., ) • VLIW travels down pipe as a unit • Compiler packs independent instructions into VLIW IF ID ALU WB ALU WB Ad MEM WB FP FP WB

  25. Very Long Instruction Word • VLIW - issues a fixed number of instructions formatted either as one very large instruction or as a fixed packet of smaller instructions • Fixed number of instructions (4-16) scheduled by the compiler; put operators into wide templates • Started with microcode (“horizontal microcode”) • Joint HP/Intel agreement in 1999/2000 • Intel Architecture-64 (IA-64) 64-bit address /Itanium • Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computer (EPIC) • Transmeta: translates X86 to VLIW • Many embedded controllers (TI, Motorola) are VLIW

  26. Pure VLIW: What Does VLIW Mean? • All latencies fixed • All instructions in VLIW issue at once • No hardware interlocks at all • Compiler responsible for scheduling entire pipeline • Includes stall cycles • Possible if you know structure of pipeline and latencies exactly

  27. Problems with Pure VLIW • Latencies are not fixed (e.g., caches) • Option I: don’t use caches (forget it) • Option II: stall whole pipeline on a miss? • Option III: stall instructions waiting for memory? (need out-of-order) • Different implementations • Different pipe depths, different latencies • New pipeline may produce wrong results (code stalls in wrong place) • Recompile for new implementations? • Code compatibility is very important, made Intel what it is

  28. Key: Static Scheduling • VLIW relies on the fact that software can schedule code well • Loop unrolling (we have seen this one already) • Code growth • Poor scheduling along unrolled copies

  29. Limits to Multi-Issue Machines • Inherent limitations of ILP • 1 branch in 5 instructions => how to keep a 5-way VLIW busy? • Latencies of units => many operations must be scheduled • Need about Pipeline Depth x No. Functional Units of independent operations to keep machines busy. • Difficulties in building HW • Duplicate Functional Units to get parallel execution • Increase ports to Register File • Increase ports to memory • Decoding Superscalar and impact on clock rate, pipeline depth: • Complexity-effective designs

  30. Limits to Multi-Issue Machines • Limitations specific to either Superscalar or VLIW implementation • Decode issue in Superscalar • VLIW code size: unroll loops + wasted fields in VLIW • VLIW lock step => 1 hazard & all instructions stall • VLIW & binary compatibility

  31. Multiple Issue Challenges • While Integer/FP split is simple for the HW, get CPI of 0.5 only for programs with: • Exactly 50% FP operations • No hazards • If more instructions issue at same time, greater difficulty of decode and issue • Even 2-scalar => examine 2 opcodes, 6 register specifiers, & decide if 1 or 2 instructions can issue • VLIW: tradeoff instruction space for simple decoding • The long instruction word has room for many operations • By definition, all the operations the compiler puts in the long instruction word are independent => execute in parallel • E.g., 2 integer operations, 2 FP ops, 2 Memory refs, 1 branch • 16 to 24 bits per field => 7*16 or 112 bits to 7*24 or 168 bits wide • Need compiling technique that schedules across several branches

  32. HW Support for More ILP • How is this used in practice? • Rather than predicting the direction of a branch, execute the instructions on both side!! • We early on know the target of a branch, long before we know it if will be taken or not. • So begin fetching/executing at that new Target PC. • But also continue fetching/executing as if the branch NOT taken.

  33. Studies of ILP • Conflicting studies of amount of improvement available • Benchmarks (vectorized FP Fortran vs. integer C programs) • Hardware sophistication • Compiler sophistication • How much ILP is available using existing mechanisms with increasing HW budgets? • Do we need to invent new HW/SW mechanisms to keep on processor performance curve?

  34. Summary • Static ILP • Simple, advanced loads, predication hardware (fast clock), complex compilers • VLIW

  35. Summary • Dynamic ILP • Instruction buffer • Split ID into two stages one for in-order and other for out-of-order issue • Socreboard • out-of-order, doesn’t deal with WAR/WAW hazards • Tomasulo’s algorithm • Uses register renaming to eliminate WAR/WAW hazards • Dynamic scheduling + speculation • Superscalar

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