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IFIC-Valencia Tier3 XI Reunión Presencial del TIER-2 ATLAS España Barcelona, 21-22 Junio 2011

IFIC-Valencia Tier3 XI Reunión Presencial del TIER-2 ATLAS España Barcelona, 21-22 Junio 2011. Santiago González de la Hoz Javier Sánchez Alejandro Lamas. IFIC Tier3. Site contact name(s) and e-mail details:  R: Javier Sanchez, Alejandro Lamas, Santiago Gonzalez and Miguel Villaplana

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IFIC-Valencia Tier3 XI Reunión Presencial del TIER-2 ATLAS España Barcelona, 21-22 Junio 2011

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  1. IFIC-Valencia Tier3XI Reunión Presencial del TIER-2 ATLAS EspañaBarcelona, 21-22 Junio 2011 Santiago González de la Hoz Javier Sánchez Alejandro Lamas

  2. IFIC Tier3 • Site contact name(s) and e-mail details:  R: Javier Sanchez, Alejandro Lamas, Santiago Gonzalez and Miguel Villaplana Javier.SanchezATific.uv.es; Alejandro.LamasATific.uv.es; Santiago.GonzalezATific.uv.es; Miguel.VillaplanaATific.uv.es • Size of Site (cores and storage capacity) 19 nodes / 152 cores 100 TB, 60 TB ATLASLOCALGROUPDISK 40 TB in Lustre but not in a space token • For Sites with grid components CE - name(s) SE - name(s) (This Storage Element can be as simple as a gridftp server) ce03.ific.uv.es ce05.ific.uv.es srmv2.ific.uv.es R: Storm+Lustre+posix + srm/gridftp • Santiago González de la Hoz, Barcelona 21-22 de Junio 2011

  3. IFIC Tier3 • which grid your site is a member of. RE: ES CLOUD, EGI, glite • For Sites in ATLAS ToA (DDM) - entry names RE: IFIC-LCG2 • For Sites with Panda queues - Queue names RE: ANALY_IFIC • For Sites with Batch systems or Proof farms, Details about your batch system/Proof setup RE: torque/maui, Proof setup, 4 machines, 16 cores • If you site is co-located with a Tier 1 or Tier 2 site please indicate this also RE: IFIC T3 is co-allocated to IFIC T2 • Santiago González de la Hoz, Barcelona 21-22 de Junio 2011

  4. cvmfs at IFIC • We are setting up cvmfs at IFIC to gain experience in its use and to be ready to put it in production at Tier2 when required. • Now we have: cvmfs2 20480000 2015 20477986 1% /cvmfs/atlas-condb.cern.ch cvmfs2 20480000 146634 20333367 1% /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch • Ejemplo: Connection to ui06.ific.uv.es. tier3p07:~ sgonzale$ ssh sgonzale@ui06 -bash-3.2$ ls /opt atlas c-ares d-cache fpconst globus lcg root root-v5-26-00 ZSI atlas-condb classads edg glite gpt openmpi root-v5-22-00a Storm -bash-3.2$ cd /opt/atlas/repo/sw/software -bash-3.2$ ls 15.6.10 15.6.12 15.6.14 15.6.9 16.0.3 16.2.1 16.5.0 16.6.1 16.6.3 16.6.5 16.7.0 17.0.1 x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt 15.6.11 15.6.13 15.6.3 16.0.2 16.1.2 16.2.2 16.6.0 16.6.2 16.6.4 • Santiago González de la Hoz, Barcelona 21-22 de Junio 2011

  5. cvmfs at IFIC • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/Atlas/CernVMFS • Install rpms. • Steps: • Run 'service cvmfs stop’ • Remove or rename /etc/cvmfs/config.d/atlas.cern.ch.conf. This step makes sure that the /opt/atlas symlink is not created any more. • Remove or rename /etc/cvmfs/config.d/atlas-condb.cern.ch.conf. if it exists • Create or edit /etc/cvmfs/config.d/atlas.cern.ch.local and set CVMFS_SERVER_URL=http://cvmfs-stratum-one.cern.ch/opt/atlas-newns • In file /etc/cvmfs/default.local ensure CVMFS_REPOSITORIES contains the entries for atlas.cern.ch,atlas-condb.cern.ch • Run 'service cvmfs start' • Santiago González de la Hoz, Barcelona 21-22 de Junio 2011

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