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Empowering Former Residents of Educational Institutions: Adult Education Guidance in Dublin Inner City

Explore the history, challenges, and observations of guiding former residents of designated educational institutions in Dublin Inner City with a holistic approach. Navigate funding processes, education plans, and boundaries while prioritizing client understanding and self-care.

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Empowering Former Residents of Educational Institutions: Adult Education Guidance in Dublin Inner City

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  1. PROVIDING GUIDANCE TO FORMER RESIDENTS OF DESIGNATED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSMary Stokes, Adult Education Guidance Service, Dublin Inner City. • Introduction • History and background to DIC AEGS association with this client group.

  2. SOME OBSERVATIONS REGARDING THE CONCERNS / CHALLENGES TO GUIDANCE PROCESS WORKING WITH FORMER RESIDENTS OF DEI • For this client group, consideration of education linked to the FUNDING process • Clients looking at education as a way to address loss/denial of opportunity • Many former residents dealing with combination of issues

  3. INFORMATION OFFICERS ROLE • First contact: Former residents’ sensitivity • Need to refer directly to Guidance Counsellor • Research dedicated services to which clients may be referred

  4. MAINTAINING A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO GUIDANCE • Potential focus from the client on the importance of USING the funding • Guidance role to facilitate the development of an EDUCATION PLAN • Integrating use of funding into Education plan • Use of funding as asset: Considered,Timely,Creative, Constructive • Use of funding to support development of social/personal skills along with academic options.

  5. CLIENT UNDERSTANDING OF GUIDANCE AND BOUNDARIES • Guidance process may be very unfamiliar • Former Residents of DEI – Potential to see guidance process as ‘a challenge’ to their funding application and/or see guidance counsellor as someone who may ‘get in the way’ of their use of funding • Confidence in role-focus on EDUCATION GUIDANCE • Clarity of process & procedure, contracts, rules governing guidance meetings etc. • Information about and Referrals to other dedicated services where appropriate

  6. SELF CARE • Ensuring your own supports (supervision/ other AEGI etc) • Keeping records, documenting and monitoring time, process and progress / developments with the client • Developing clear referral procedures with referring agencies with ‘Readiness for guidance’ part of the understanding

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