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Keep our card on file just in case you need some help in the future. Remember RCA Collections. Make us part of your plan. We work diligently to support our clients, to save them both time and money.
10STEPSTOBETTER COLLECTIONS STEP 01 A NA C C O U N TP R O P E R L Y O P E N E DI SA NA C C O U N T H A L F - C O L L E C T E D . Weencourageourclientstostep- uptheirrecordkeepingandkeep yourclientrecordsuptodate. STEP 02 E X P E C TC L I E N TP A Y M E N T S A TT H ET I M EO FS E R V I C E . Asurewaytoreducecollectionsis toextendaslittlecreditas possible. Seemslikeano-brainer, butcreatingnewpaymentpolicies willhelpyourbottomline. STEP 03 H A V EAC O L L E C T I O N P L A NA N DS T I C KT OI T . Ifyoudonotalreadyuseone, be suretohaveyourprospective customerfilloutandsignacredit applicationand/oracontractprior STEP 04 toservice. R E V I E WY O U RC O N T R A C T . Makesuretoincludelanguagein yourcontractthatallowsfor interest, attorneyfeesandcourt costsincaseoffuturelegal actions. STEP 05 I FI T ’ SN O TP O S T E DI TM A Y N O TB EL E G A LT OC H A R G E . Makesurethatyouarevisibly postingyourabilitytochargefor interestorlatechargesandthat thereisachargeforreturned dreamstime_m_25145504checks.
LET RCACOLLECTIONS WORRYABOUT COLLECTINGYOUR MONEY STEP 06 K N O WY O U RL I M I T A T I O N S ( C A L I F O R N I AS T A T U T EO F L I M I T A T I O N ST H A TI S ) Ifyouhaveasignedwritten contract, thestatuteisFOUR years. Thisstatueappliestothe timeperiodlegalactionmaybe takenagainsttheaccount. Itgets updatedwitheachpaymentthat STEP 07 U S I N GAC R E D I T R E P O R T I N GA G E N C Y E X T E N D SY O U R C O L L E C T I O NP R O S P E C T S . youreceive Oncecreditreported, anaccount staysonadebtorsCreditReport forSEVENyearsfromthedateof service. Whenthedebtor’scredit statusbecomesimportantto them, theyareoftenveryanxious topaytheirolddebt. STEP 08 C O N S I D E RM O V I N G C E R T A I NA C C O U N T ST O J U D G M E N T . SmallClaimssoundslikemore workthanitisandonceyouhave aJudgmentyounowhaveTEN yearstocollect. Thecourtsallow numerousmethodstoenforcea judgment, includingtheabilityto attachpropertyandlevybanks. STEP 09 D O N ’ TG I V EU P ! Ifyouhaveaccountsthatarein yourdrawerun-worked, think aboutthenextstep. Ifyouhave gonetothetroubleofgettinga judgmentonanaccount, donot justletitgatherdust. Remember thatyouhavetenyearstocollect. STEP 10 S E TY O U R S E L FU PT O S U C C E E D . Wehearmanyaprospectiveclient say,” Youwillnevercollectfrom thisperson, theyarealoser“ or “my debtorwillneverhavearealajob” toavoidthishopelessfeeling, pleasereread “Thingsto Remember #1.” Wecan’tsay enoughtimes, “Setyourselfupto succeed”.