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Join the adventure as the boy excites with actions, enters new realms, and jumps endlessly; encompassing moments in a lively ride. The story unfolds with adverbs guiding the characters through the narrative, bringing a fresh perspective to the tale.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Picto PowerPoint Chapter 8 David Fischer

  2. Adverb Iam Now, already

  3. Command • (edition.cnn.com) Age! / Agite! Come on! [ab agendo, act, action, activate, activation, activity, actor, actress, actual, actuate, agency, agenda, agent, agile, Agilisaurus, agility, agitant, agitate, agitatrix, agitographia, agitolalia,ambiguous, circumagitation, coagulate, cogent, cogitate, corrigible, counteract, cutireaction, deactivate, ecoactivist, enact, exact, exagitate, exigency, exiguous, fumigate, hyperactive, inaction, inactive, incorrigible, interaction, intransigence, intransigent, litigation, litigious, mitigate, objurgate, paragitate, photoactive, proactive, prodigal, prodigious, psychoactive, radioactive, ramifactive, react, retroactive, squatter, subagitation, transaction, variegated]

  4. Pronoun • (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/108/269123451_f7349b62b1.jpg?v=0) vōs, vestrī, vōbīs, vōs, vōbīs you [pl], y’all

  5. Pronoun • (http://images.conchology.be/multiLingual/aboutUs/img/conchfamily-2006.jpg) nōs, nostrī, nōbīs, nōs, nōbīs we; us

  6. Verb • (http://www.cartoonstock.com/lowres/shr0975l.jpg) excitō, excitāre, excitāvī, excitātus/a/um to rouse, wake[someone] up Derivatives: exciting, incite, incitement, recital, recite

  7. Verb • (http://discolab.rutgers.edu/img/doorApp/entering.jpg) intrō, intrāre, intrāvī, intrātus/a/um to enter Derivatives: introduce, introflection, introjection, intromission, introrse, introvert, introverted, introspective

  8. Noun • (http://www.sinclairinnbb.com/images/Room1-lg.jpg) cubiculum, cubiculī room, bedroom Derivatives: cubicle, cubit, decubitus, genucubital, hora decubitus; hor. decub., incubate, incubator, incubus, incumbency

  9. Noun • (http://www.wristdreams.com/images/Tonneau-Tourbillon-Style%20Automatic-Wristwatch.jpg) tempus, temporis Neuter time Derivatives: contemporaneous, contemporary, contemporize, contretemps, equitemporaneous, extemporaneous, extempore

  10. Adverb • The Boy ran for a while, _____ slept. deinde then, next

  11. Adverb • Come _____, so the girl ran to her dad. celeriter quickly Derivatives: accelerant, accelerate, acceleration, accelerator, accelerogram, accelerograph, accelerometer, cardioaccelerator, celeripedean, celerity, decelerate, decelerometer

  12. Verb • The boy _______ his shirt. induō, induere, induī, indūtus/a/um = to put on

  13. Adverb • The girl jump again and _____ till she couldn’t jump anymore. iterum = again, a second time Derivative: [reiterate, iterative]

  14. Pronoun • All of these presents are all _______. Mihi=for me ego, meī, mihi, mē, mē = I, of me, to/for me, me, with/by/from me (respectively) Derivatives: ego, egotist, alter ego

  15. Missing words • nam = for, indeed; because • paterfamilias, paterfamiliaeM= male head of the household • familia, familiae F. = family – including slaves, married and unmarried children • dominus, dominī M. = master [domain, domestic, dominance, dominant, dominate, dominatrix, domineering, dominion, dungeon, predominance, predominant, predominate] • manus, manūs F = hand; band [amanuensis, bimanous, emancipate, emancipation, manacle, manage, maneuver, manicure, manifest, manifesto, maniloquism, manipulate, manual, manufacture, manumission, manumotor, manure, manuscript, pedimanous, quadrumanous ] • patria potestas = a father’s power over his children; he may even legally kill them if he feels that it is necessary • potestās, potestātisF = power [armipotent, astripotence, auripotence, bellipotent, biopotency, compossible, cunctipotent, deipotent, divinipotence, equi-omnipotent, equipotent, funipotent, granulopotent, idempotent, ignipotent, immunopotence, impossible, impotence, linguipotence, magnipotent, multipotential, nilpotency, noctipotence, omnipotence, omnipotent, parvipotent, pennipotent, plenipotence, plenipotentiary, pluripotent, Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, possess, possession, possible, possibility, potency, potent, potential, potentate, potestate, prepossess, prepossession, prepotent, salsipotent, sapientipotence, solipotent, subpotent, superpotent, totipotence, unipotence, ventripotent, viripotency]

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