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Explore biblical lessons from Barabbas being released over Jesus, teaching fairness, ignorance, leadership scrutiny, mob mentality, and hypocrisy. Reflect on sin, redemption, and possible outcomes for Barabbas.
Background • Jesus is on trial before Pilate (Mt. 27:15-26; Mk. 15:6-15; Lk. 23:13-25; Jn. 18:39-40; Acts 3:14) • The guilty Barabbas is released and the innocent Jesus (2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 4:15) is crucified; this is the greatest inequity and travesty of justice the world has ever known • What lessons can we learn?
Lessons Learned Life Isn’t Always Fair (Jn. 18:39-40) • Sometimes the wicked win and the righteous lose (Eccl. 9:11, 13-18; 10:5-7) • But, notice how Jesus responded; humbly submitting to God’s will (Mt. 26:53; 1 Pet. 2:21-25)
Lessons Learned Ignorance Can Lead to Wrong-Doing (Acts 3:13-18) • What the Jews did, they did in ignorance; religion without knowledge is dangerous (Acts 3:14, 17) • They were ignorant of Jesus’ fulfillment of the OT prophecies concerning the Messiah (Acts 3:13, 18 see Isaiah 42:1; 52:13)
Lessons Learned Don’t Blindly Follow Religious Leaders (Mk. 15:6-15) • The Jewish crowd asked for Barabbas’ release because they were “stirred up” by the chief priests • Religious leaders are often wrong and many people follow them; the blind leading the blind (Mt. 15:14) • Follow the words of scripture, not your favorite pastor, Reverend, etc. Think for yourselves!
Lessons Learned Loud Voices Often Get Their Way (Lk. 23:13-25) • People will do something in a mob that they will not do alone; mob violence • Leaders often pacify a loud multitude – Mk. 15:15 (divorce, abortion, homosexuality, etc.) • Beware of mob psychology (Ex. 23:2; Prov. 1:10ff)
Lessons Learned Hypocrites are Blind to Their Hypocrisy (Mt. 27:15-26) • They charged Jesus with basically the same crime as Barabbas – rebellion and revolt (Lk. 23:1-5) • They said, “His blood be on us”, and then changed their words 50 days later (Acts 5:28)! • Hypocrites don’t recognize hypocrisy in themselves (Mt. 6-7; 15; 23)
Lessons Learned Barabbas Represents Every Sinner (Mt. 27:26; Mk. 15:15; Lk. 23:25; Jn. 18:39) • Like Barabbas, all have sinned, all are guilty (Rom. 3:23) • Like Barabbas, the guilty can be released because the innocent is punished (Isa. 53:4-6; Rom. 4:25; 5:6-8; Gal. 3:13; cf. this is not the classic Calvinistic Penal Substitution where Jesus becomes a sinner)
What Happened to Barabbas? • Maybe he stayed the same as criminals often do • Maybe he reformed and became a better man (without becoming a Christian) • Maybe he became a Christian and then fell away • Maybe he became a Christian and remained faithful