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A calendar showcasing the common festivals celebrated in Spain, Turkey, Austria, and Romania, highlighting the importance of working together and promoting cultural exchange. This project is funded by the European Commission.
Let's Eurobrate Calendar 2014 Common result of working together Spain, Turkey, Austria, Romania
January 1st Spain- Año Nuevo, New Year Turkey- Yeni Yıl, New Year Austria- Neujahr, New Year Romania- Anul Nou, New Year; Sfântul Vasile, St Basil 24th Romania- Unirea Principatelor Moldova și Ţara Româneascǎ, The Union of Moldavia and Muntenia (1859) 6th Spain- Los Reyes Magos, Epiphany Austria- Epiphany Romania- Boboteaza, The Baptism Day
February 24th Romania- Dragobete’s Day 28th Spain- Día de Andalucía
March 1st Romania- Mǎrțișor’s Day 2nd Spain- Carnaval 19th Spain- Las Fallas 4th Austria- Carnival Time 8th Romania- Ziua Femeii, Women’s Day
April 13th Romania- Duminica Floriilor, Palm Sunday 17th Spain, Semana Santa, Holy Week 23rd Spain- Día del libro, Day of the book Turkey- April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children’s Day Romania- Sfântul Gheorghe, St George’s Day 21st Austria- Ostermontag, Easter Monday 20th Austria- Ostern, Easter Sunday Romania- Duminica Paștelui, The Easter Sunday
May 1st Spain- Día del Trabajo Austria- Tag der Arbeit Romania- Ziua Muncii, The Worker’s Day 5th Turkey- Hıdırellez, Spring Day 29th Spain- Romería San Isidro, San Isidro’s Pilgrimage Austria- Christ Ascension Day Romania- Inǎlțarea Domnului, Ascension Day; Heroes Day 19th Turkey- Youth and Sports Day 6th Turkey- Hıdırellez, Spring Day 11th Austria- Muttertag Mother’s Day 9th Romania- Ziua Independenței, Independence Day (1877)
June 3rd Spain- Corpus Christi 8th Austria- Pfingsten, Pentecoast Romania- Rusalii 27th Austria- End of School Year 9th Spain- Romería del Rocío Whitsun
July 20th Romania- Sfântul Ilie, St. Elijah 25th Spain- Santiago, Patron Saint 30th Turkey-Ramazan Bayramı, Feast of Ramadan 29th Turkey-Ramazan Bayramı, Feast of Ramadan Romania-The National Anthem Of Romania 28th Turkey- Ramazan Bayramı, Feast of Ramadan
August 15th Spain- Asunción de la Virgen Most summer “ferias” Austria- Mary Ascension Romania- St Mary, Mother of Christ; Navy Day 30th Turkey- Victory Day
September 1st Austria- Beginning of School Year
October 4th Turkey- Kurban Bayramı, Feast of Sacrifice Austria- World Animal Day 5th Spain- Feria de Cartaya Turkey-Kurban Bayramı, Feast of Sacrifice Romania- The Education Day, Teacher’s Day 29th Turkey- Republic Day 6th Turkey-Kurban Bayramı, Feast of Sacrifice 26th Austria- Austrian National Day 7th Turkey-Kurban Bayramı, Feast of Sacrifice 12th Spain- El Pilar Día de la Hispanidad
November 1st Spain-Todos los Santos Austria- Allerheiligen, All Saints Day 30th Austria- Beginning of Advent Romania- Sfântul Andrei, St Andrew the Patron of Romania 11th Austria- Saint Martin Patron Day
December 1st Romania- The National Day of Romania, the union of all the Romanian Principalities (1918) 31st Spain- Nochevieja Austria- New Year’s Eve Romania- New Year’s Eve 8th Spain- La Inmaculada Austria- Maria Empfängnis, Mary’s Immaculate Conception 24th Spain- Nochebuena Austria- Heiliger Abend Romania- Christmas Eve 25th Spain- Navidad Ausria- Weihnachten Romania- Christmas Day 6th Austria- Saint Nicholas Day Spain- Day of the Constitution Romania-Sfântul Nicolae, St Nicolas
Thanks to the willingness and cooperation of teachers and students a whole project on festivities has been carried out giving as a result this calendar, which will keep us all connected despite distance and time. This is not only a calendar but the result of working together, joining efforts and enthusiasm, work and love, cutting down distances and differences to find a common point. Thanks to all who made it become true This project has been funded by the European Commission through Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.