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Discover observable genetic characteristics through a fun game of Traits Bingo. From cleft chins to earlobes, explore dominant and recessive traits. Test color vision, PTC tasting, hand clasping, and more on the Tree of Genetic Traits!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Click to Play

  2. Traits Bingo • Traits are observable characteristics determined by genes

  3. Traits Bingo Cleft chin = dominant Smooth chin = recessive

  4. Traits Bingo Freckles = dominant

  5. Traits Bingo Widow’s peak = dominant Straight hairline = recessive

  6. Traits Bingo Unattached/free earlobes = dominant Attached earlobes = recessive

  7. Traits Bingo Right handedness = dominant Left handedness = recessive

  8. Traits Bingo Dimples (even if just one side) = dominant

  9. Traits Bingo Tongue roller = dominant

  10. Traits Bingo Allergies = genetics + environment If one parent has allergies, 25% chance that the child will.

  11. Traits Bingo • Colorblindness = recessive • Take a test! • http://home.sc.rr.com/mikebennett/colorblind.html - Top • http://colorvisiontesting.com/online test.htm - demonstration%20card

  12. Traits Bingo • PTC Tasting • Taster = dominant • Non-taster = recessive • Hand Clasping • Cross left thumb over right = 55% • Cross right thumb over left = 45%

  13. Tree of Genetic Traits • Everyone needs a: • Leaf • Red = ELS • Orange = HCF • Blue = DEQ • Yellow = HSI • Green = EDO/HR/OIT • Purple = CFHS • PTC paper • Candy

  14. Attached or Free Earlobes?

  15. PTC Taster or Non-Taster?

  16. Tongue Roller?

  17. Tree of Genetic Traits • Located on the 1st floor • For each trait, follow the appropriate branch

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