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Developing a Universal System of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports as Response to Intervention Day 2 March 13, 2009. Howard Muscott, Ed.D. , Director NH Center for Effective Behavioral Interventions and Supports www.nhcebis.seresc.net ; 206-6891; hmuscott@seresc.net.
Developing a Universal System of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports as Response to InterventionDay 2 March 13, 2009 Howard Muscott, Ed.D. , Director NH Center for Effective Behavioral Interventions and Supports www.nhcebis.seresc.net ; 206-6891; hmuscott@seresc.net
Support for NH RESPONDSis provided by the NH Bureau of Special Education, NH Department of Education under a grant from the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services
NH RESPONDS Lead Partners • NH Department of Education- Bureau of Special Education • NH Center for Effective Behavioral Interventions and Supports at SERESC • Expertise in Positive Behavior Supports • Expertise in integration of mental health and school supports • Institute on Disability at University of NH • Expertise in Literacy within an RtI model • Expertise in PBIS and Intensive Interventions (RENEW) for Secondary Transition and Dropout Prevention
Behavior Strand B Agenda • Welcome and Preview the Day • Quick Review of Features Discussed • Developing Behavioral Expectations in Context • Developing the Response to Problem Behaviors Features • Rollout • Teaching the Expectations in Context • Acknowledgement Systems
Outcomes for Today • To provide school teams with knowledge and skills to design proactive, positive, and predictable universal systems of discipline. • To provide time for each school team to engage in design activities regarding individual features. • To create a action plan that will move each school closer to the goal of implementing the Universal Tier of PBIS with fidelity.
New Hampshire’s System of Care and Education School-wide and General Education Classroom Systems for Preventative Instructional and Behavior Management Practices Systematic Screening Promote Positive Parent Contact Efficient Systematic Intervention for Students Who Do Not Respond to SW and Classroom Prevention and Response Systems Teacher Check, Connect Expect Array of Evidence-Based Group Interventions Addressing Prevalent Functions of Behavior Available for Students Who Don’t Respond to SW and Teacher Check, Connect Expect Mann & Muscott (2007) Function-Based Support Planning (Functional Assessment and Intervention Planning) Available for SW and Group non-responders School-based Intensive Supports Coordinator Intensive Behavior Support Plans and Crisis Intervention Linkages to Wrap-NH Facilitation School-based Intensive Supports Linkages to Community-based Supports Linkages to Case Centered Collaboratives
SYSTEMS 1. Universal Team and Processes 2. Communication with Staff and Families Primary Prevention: Universal Approaches 8. Systematic Screening 3. Schoolwide Expectations for All Locations DATA 9. Data-Based Decision Making 4. Classroom Management 7. Responding to Problem Behavior PRACTICES 5. Teach Expectations in Locations 6. Recognize Students for Exhibiting Expected Behaviors Muscott & Mann (2006)
Steps for Implementing Universal Systems in PBIS-NH 1. Create a representative, credible and influential universal leadership team which meets regularly and uses effective team processes. 2. Identify one or more internal behavior support coaches who take a lead role. 3. Identify desired outcomes and critical questions to address based on a review of existing (or additional) sources of data using data-based decision making processes.
Steps for Implementing Universal Systems in PBIS-NH • Complete and analyze baseline PBIS process assessments to determine current level of implementation and prioritize needs and use the information for action planning and decision-making. • Establish procedures for on-going communication and feedback on the developing features of the program with faculty, families, students (as appropriate) and administration.
Marlborough Dukes Leadership Team Mission Statement • The mission of the universal leadership team at Marlborough School is to design, facilitate and evaluate positive data-driven systems and practices that foster a climate of mutual respect, responsibility, safety and result in social, emotional and physical health and academic success for students. • The leadership team will accomplish this mission by supporting and engaging students, staff and families in activities that (a) create clear behavioral expectations, (b) teach and acknowledge pro-social behaviors, and (c) respond strategically to problem behaviors.
ConVal High School (1,200) Total Tardies For 2005-2006 7,982 Averaged nearly 800 per month Averaged 44 per day
Addressing Tardies Through2 Feet in the DoorConVal High School SCHOOL-WIDE EXPECTATIONS Respect, Responsibility, and Integrity Being on Time to Class By the time the bell stops ringing, your entire body must be across the classroom door’s threshold.
ConVal High School (1,154)179 Tardies (255 Total 26/month)September-March 2006-2007 26 per month
Tag Gone Bad!Thorntons Ferry Elementary School • SWIS data revealed highest levels of problem behavior was coming from 1st and 2nd graders on the playground at recess (214 ODRs August 03 through May 10, 2004) • Aggression/Fighting was the biggest problem behavior by far • Referrals are coming from many students rather than a few • Observation and reflection discerned it was primarily “tag gone bad” or lack of skills and appropriate games
Thorntons Ferry Elementary SchoolMerrimack NH • September 2004 vs. September 2003 SWIS Data adjusted for number of students • Physical Contact 11 per 100 reduced to 6 (46%) • Defiance/Disrespect/Noncompliance 18 per 100 reduced to 5 (73%)
Why the Improvement? • Focused on TEACHING and RE-TEACHING all playground expectations • Universal Team taught playground monitors active supervision • Universal Team developed and taught the monitors and children Rules and Games for the Playground • Classroom teachers pre-alerted students before recess • PRE-CORRECTION: The first grade teachers worked as a team giving students the same message and reminding all students of playground expectations before leaving their classrooms each day
Steps for Implementing Universal Systems in PBIS-NH 6. Establish a clear set of positively stated program or schoolwide behavioral expectations based on needs and culture.
Littleton High School ROCKS • Be Respectful • Take advantage of Opportunity • Be a good Citizen • Act with Kindness • Be Safe
Create Program (2-3) or Schoolwide (3-5) Expectations or Social Values • Social values that are true in any environment in the school. • Typically character traits or virtues (Respect, Responsibility, Appreciation of Diversity, Be Kind etc.) but could address other social expectations such (Safety, Achievement, Community, Engagement). • Expectations should be expressed positively. • Expectations should be derived from the culture of the school (Mission Statements or Time Honored Values). • Expectations can be derived from a response to problem behavior. • Reduce violence, bullying, disrespect
Steps for Implementing Universal Systems in PBIS-NH 7. Clearly define expected behaviors in the different settings by location (e.g., classroom, bus, bathroom, hallway, playground) or routine (e.g., arrival, lunch, circle time).
Translate Expectations into Specific Behaviors in Context • The behavior matrix is designed to translate global expectations across various locations or routines. • The program/school identifies the locations or routines to be considered. • The expectations and locations and transferred to the matrix. • At least two specific, positively stated behaviors are identified for each expectation in each location. • Think: What do I want in each location or routine? • Duplications of behaviors across traits is not recommended. • Expectations are posted in the various locations.
Behavior Matrix Activity • Who: Universal Team • What: (1) Identify one broad program or schoolwide expectations. (2) Pick one location and develop 1 or 2 behaviors for each program or schoolwide expectation. • Timeframe: 30 minutes • Report Out: None
Steps for Implementing Universal Systems in PBIS-NH 8. Align classroom management and management of nonclassroom settings to program or schoolwide system
Guiding PrinciplesSugai (2006) • Remember that good teaching one of our best behavior management tools • Active engagement • Positive reinforcement
Basic Classroom ManagementSugai (2006) • Instructional/Curricular Management • Environmental Management • Proactive Behavior Management
1. Be prepared for activity • Have filler activities • Know desired outcome • Have materials • Shift phases of learning • Acquisition, fluency, maintenance, generalization • Practice presentation fluency
2. Begin with clear explanations of outcome/objective • Provide advance organizer • Create focus or point of reference for assessment
3. Allocate most time to instruction • Fill day with instructional activities • Maximize teacher-led engagement
4. Engage students in active responding • Establish & expect behavioral indicator • Write, verbalize, manipulate materials • Enable immediate assessment of learning & instructional impact
5. Give each student multiple ways to actively respond • Vary response type • Individual v. choral responses • Written v. gestures • Use peer-based assistance
6. Regularly check for student understanding • Vary assessment type • Immediate v. delayed • Individual v. group • Review previously mastered content • Check for existing knowledge
7. End activity with specific feedback • Review performance on expected outcomes • Scheduled activities • Academic v. social • Individual v. group
8. Provide specific information about what happens next • Describe follow-up activities • Homework, review, new activity, choices • Immediate v. delayed • Following lesson • Describe features of next lesson
9. Know how many students met learning objective/outcome • Administer probe • Oral, written, gesture • Immediately graph/display performance
10. Provide extra time/assistance for unsuccessful students • Determine phase of learning • Acquisition -> re-teach • Fluency -> more practice • Maintenance -> reinforcement/feedback • Schedule time during/before next lesson
11. Plan activity for next time activity • Consider phase of learning • New outcome • Reteaching • Practice • Maintenance/generalization • Modify/select materials
12. Conduct smooth & efficient transitions between activities • Teach routine • Limit to time required for student to be ready • Engage students immediately • Teach & reinforce an attention signal (“stop/look/listen”)
Basic Classroom ManagementSugai (2006) • Instructional/Curricular Management • Environmental Management • Proactive Behavior Management
Physical Organization ofClassroomBenjamin (2004) • Students need highly structured environments to organize their attention • Ongoing organization increases efficiency of instructional time • Use specific areas for specific tasks • Math, reading, self care, group work time, 1:1 instruction and leisure
Physical Organization ofClassroomBenjamin (2004) • Materials should be clearly marked so that students know what is available. • Materials should be stored in the same or centralized locations. • Unnecessary materials and distracting items should be removed/reduced. • Furniture should be proper size for students
Physical Organization ofClassroomBenjamin (2004) • Instructional areas should be located in low traffic areas. • Instructional areas should have clear visual boundaries. • There should be a “low sensory/stress” area within the classroom • Students need time and physical place to regroup and recharge.
Classroom Schedule • Daily Schedule is posted and reviewed • Advanced Organizers • Review upcoming instructional activity's expectations (social & academic) • Review changes to schedule (“no art”) • Review major events (assembly) Continued reference to the class schedule facilitates student learning of organizational and time-management skills
Basic Classroom ManagementSugai (2006) • Instructional/Curricular Management • Environmental Management • Behavior Management
1. Increase ratio of positive to negative teacher to student interactions • Maintain at least 4 to 1 • Interact positively once every 5 minutes • Follow correction for rule violation with positive reinforcer for rule following
2. Use active supervisionat all times • Active supervision is a critical yet under-utilized skill by adults in nonclassroom settings • Involves 3 sub-skills: Scan, Move, Interact • Scan: Visually examine the entire environment frequently noticing both appropriate and problem behavior • Move: Physically move around the entire area in an unpredictable pattern while visiting the problem areas frequently • Interact: Elicit conversations with most of the students while providing precorrections and reminders as well as positive acknowledgements