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Chapter 16 Sections 7 & 8

Kevin Robson and Vincent Nguyen. Chapter 16 Sections 7 & 8. Chapter 16 Section 7:. Life Under The Lash. Conditions varied greatly from place to place. Slavery meant hard work, ignorance, and oppression. Slaves were forced to work entire days in the fields under the supervision of overseers.

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Chapter 16 Sections 7 & 8

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  1. Kevin Robson and Vincent Nguyen Chapter 16 Sections 7 & 8

  2. Chapter 16 Section 7: Life Under The Lash

  3. Conditions varied greatly from place to place. Slavery meant hard work, ignorance, and oppression. Slaves were forced to work entire days in the fields under the supervision of overseers. They had minimal civil rights, such as arbitrary protection from murder. Information

  4. Floggings, or severe whippings, were commonly used on slave plantations. This was meant to demonstrate the plantation owner’s mastery. Beatings created sullen laborers and hurt resale value, therefore, most plantation owners did not beat their slaves bloody on a daily basis. Severe treatment

  5. Slave getting lashed

  6. Some examples that slaves had no political or civil rights are: Slaves marriages were rarely recognized. Slaves were not allowed to testify in court. Slaves were not allowed to vote. Additional information

  7. Chapter 16 Section 8 Burdens of Bondage

  8. Slaves were denied education and simple freedom and independence. Many slaves attempted to runaway from their plantations to escape the bonds of slavery. Some slaves rebelled though none were successful. Slaves often did the bare minimum of work, just enough to avoid a beating. Information

  9. Bonded slaves

  10. Almost all slave rebellions met the same bitter fate. In 1800, a slave rebellion in Richmond, Virginia was foiled by informers. In 1822, another slave rebellion led by Denmark Vesey, was also thwarted by informers. Vesey and at least 20 others were hung from the gallows. Additional Information

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