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Things To Know Before Applying For A Study Visa In Canada: Know some required tips when you are applying for a study visa. If any students are from Abu Dhabi, the how to apply for Canada visa from Abu Dhabi is the same as in other countries.
10ThingsYouNeedToKnowBeforeApplyingFor AStudyVisaInCanada Introduction - Internationalstudentswho wish to study in Canada must first get a studypermit from the Canadian immigration authorities. International students are only allowed to enroll in classes in Canada with a valid study permit. Aside from that, registering at Designated Learning Institutions is permitted for students who receive study permission. An educational establishment that has been given the go-ahead from a provincial or territorial government to host international students is known as a DesignatedLearning Institution(DLI). 10 Things BeforeApplyStudyVisa inCanada IfanystudentsarefromAbuDhabi,thehowtoapplyCanadavisafromAbuDhabiisthesame asinothercountries. ValidPassport- IfyouarefromabuDhabi,firstyoumustvisittostudyvisaconsultancyinAbuDhabi.If yoube eligibletoapplyforastudypermit,youmusthaveacurrentpassport.Accordingtothe
Canadian High Commission, it would help if you had a key whose validity extends beyond the desired period in Canada. For instance, if you intend to study in Canada for two years starting in September2022,yourpassport must be validthroughat least September2024. Acceptancedocumentationfromadesignatedlearning institution- Second, if you apply for a study visa to Canada, you will need a letter of acceptance from the college or institute you intend to attend. A university approved by the Immigration Department isknown as a Designated LearningInstitute. (A list isprovided here for your convenience.) If youwere tofile forQuebec,youwould requireaCAQthatwouldhavebeenadequately notified. Proofoffund- You must provide proofof funds when applyingfor your study permit forCanada visa from Abu Dhabi. Foreach year of their stay, Canadian Immigrationestimates that astudent will need at least CAD 10,000. In addition to the two requirements above, the student must also demonstrate that theyhave the money topay afairreturn. ImmigrationMedicalExamination(IME)- Indian students studying abroad in Canada must undergo an immigration medical examination thatcredentialedphysician’s mandate. The panel doctor will undertake a thorough physical examination on you and can recommend laboratory testing and chest x-rays. The doctor will send CIC the results of your review after it is finished. Exam resultsforEnglishlanguageproficiency- We strongly advise that you take the test and receive your English Language Proficiency Score before youbeginthevisaapplication process,evenifitisnot required atthetimeof application.Currently,toverifyyouradmissiontotheCanadianUniversity,youwouldhave
neededtosubmityourEnglishlanguagecompetencescore.ItisacceptabletotaketheTOEFL, IELTS,etc. 6.ThePurposeStatement- YoumustwriteanessayoutliningwhyyouaretravelingtoCanadaandwhyyouhavepicked the specific university while requesting a Canadian Study Permit. Although the checklist would invite youtosubmit this as anoptionaldocument,wehighlyadvise against it. 7.CreditCard- You will also need a credit card to pay the application cost if you submit your application online. Indian students must pay CAD 150 for their Canadian visa application. The system only accepts credit cards; debit cards are not supported. Furthermore, your credit card is not required to be used.You may alsoask ifyourparentshave givenyouexpresspermissiontouse theircards. 8.PassportSize Photographs- Twopassport-sizedphotos that meettherequirementsarerequiredif yousubmit your application offline. An online application must obtain a digital copy of the photo no larger than 4MB. The image's dimensions must be at least 35 mm by 45 mm. The picture should be current (a maximum of six months). Each photograph must bear your name and birthdate inscribed on thereverse. TwoOfficialLanguages are Usedin Canada- Canadahas two official languages: EnglishandFrench. AlthoughQuebecis hometomost French speakers in Canada, don't be shocked if you hear it elsewhere. You will likely need to learnFrenchandyourEnglishlanguage skillsifyouintendtoattendschoolinQuebec. AcceptanceLetter-
You must have gotten an email referred to as the acceptance letter. Make a print of it and keep it withyou.Alongwiththe applicationform,this shouldbepresented. Conclusion- Being an overseas student who moves to Canada is both thrilling and intimidating. Because of thedistinctivecultureinthisarea, therequirementslisted abovemustbefollowedwhile applyingfor a study visato Canada. SourceLink: https://www.problogs.in/applying-for-a-study-visa-in-canada/