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KEYCONCEPTS Introduction Protect informationnetworks Firewall security for your internet connection Make backupcopiesof business data Secure your Wi-Finetworks Passwords andauthentication
The Internet allows businesses of all sizes and from any location to reach new and larger markets and provides opportunities to work more efficiently by using computer- basedtools. INTRODUCTION
PROTECTINFORMATION NETWORKS Keep clean machine: having latest security software, web browser & operating system are the best defenses against viruses, malware, and other onlinethreats. Set antivirus software to run a scan after eachupdate.
Firewall security forinternet connection A firewall is a set of related programs that prevent outsider from acessing data on a privatenetwork. Make sure the operating system's firewall is enabled or install free firewall software availableonline.
Make BackupCopiesOf BusinessData Regularly backup the data on all computers. Critical data includes word processing documents,databases, financial files, and accounts receivable/payablefiles.
Secure Your Wi-FiNetworks If you have a wi-fi network for your workplace,make sure it is secure,encrypted andhidden. To hide your Wi-Fi network, set up your wireless access point or router, so it does not broadcast the network name, known as the (SSID). Password protect access to therouter.
Require employees to use unique passwords and change passwords every threemonths. Consider implementing multi-factor authentication that requires additional information beyond a password to gainentry. Check with your vendors that handle sensitive data, especially financial institutions, to see if they offer multi-factor authentication for youraccount. Passwords AndAuthentication
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